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2nd / 3rd AF set dilemma

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  • 2nd / 3rd AF set dilemma

    hmm.. ok, don't flame the hell out of me. just wanting to know.

    here's my story. my blm is 66 now. i have also levelled rdm(45) and drk(51) on the side. well, i have been focusing alot on drk, but now i want to go back to rdm.

    i was bored so i figured i would solo my rdm af1, but i can't get the quest. it isn't offered to me. Someone said it's because i haven't completed my drk af set (already have drk af1 and 2 and the coffer pieces but that shouldnt matter)?

    now i understand the importance of the body piece, but AF is no longer a trophy for me (as I already have one and a half sets in my MH), and honestly, i realistically can't see myself going back to not only complete DRK AF, but to do RDM AF as well.

    so what am i to do? will it really be THAT bad if i wore the shaman cloak or vermillion in place of the AF? i'm not going to debate the aesthetics of the AF, like i said it's just not as big of a trophy to me as much as my first set was. wanting to be in "pimp" gear is hardly enough to motivate me to go complete DRK AF then go do RDM AF (basically I figure, if I have to go so far as to complete DRK AF i might as well stay DRK).

    so i'm sure ill get a lot of people telling me, if you aren't dedicated enough to complete what is necessary to get your af, you have no business being a rdm. it's ok, i understand that. but im looking for poeple who will give me a bit more realistic answer. but hey, if you want to flame away, go right ahead :spin:


  • #2
    If I understood what you wrote correctly, I don't think you have to finish your DRK AF first before doing RDM.
    Definately get RDM AF body piece, its stats are great, the hands and feet aren't as neccessary, except for solo I think.
    But you must have the hat. ^_^


    • #3
      our AF is THAT good. especially tabard and hat. you should definitely figure out how to close the drk quest so you can do the rdm AF - it just rocks anyway

      i believe there's an NPC in lower jeuno (in the magic shop?) that lets you "reset" your AF. go as dark and see if you can do that...

      anyone else back me up on this?


      • #4
        I had no problem getting my RDM AF1 in the middle of my PLD AF's.

        Be like a Paladin.
        Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


        • #5
          Yeah, the Hat and the Body is important. Hat enhances your "Fast Cast" and Body givse you more skills in enfeebling magic ( I think ) along with other stuff as well. The rest is pretty optional but I like to wear my hands and feet while soloing.


          • #6
            Did you go as your rdm40+ when you talked to the elvaan in the south sandorian pub?
            Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
            RDM75 / PLD73


            • #7
              yes i went in as my rdm at 44 at the time to get the quest. he did not offer it to me.

              currently i have DRK AF3 quest accepted but not completed. i will try later tonight to get the quest reset in jeuno, i think i heard something of that before also.

              thanks for the replies. i guess i need to decide whether it's worth all that trouble. probably not, but better i know now than to get to 60 and realize it.


              • #8
                You should either finish the DRK quest or cancel it, if you need it to get the RDM AF quests.

                And yes, it's far more valuable to your RDM to have AF than it is for your DRK.^^

                RDM AF is one of the best AFs in the game... with the exception of the boots and gloves, it truly is some of the best armor a RDM can wear, period (and the same can't be said for DRK AF...).

                You would be doing yourself a disservice by not getting the Tabard and Chapeau. It should be clear from the stats that together, they are far superior for RDMs than Verm or Shaman's (though Shaman's is great at 57).
                There will be cake.


                • #9
                  ok well thanks for the replies. so basically i figure by what everyone's saying is that if i dont/cant get the rdm af (at the very least the body piece) then i shouldnt be a rdm. i suppose ill just keep on with drk and if i feel like doing some magy goodness ill go back to blm. i guess i find blowing stuff up is more fun than enfeebling and refreshing.



                  • #10
                    You shouldn't need to finish DRK AF to be able to get RDM AF; I have all of my SAM AF except the helm--and have done everything but the BCNM fight for the helm, so I'm in a similar position to where you are for DRK AF--and I was able to get all of my RDM AF quests without a problem.
                    RDM 75, SAM 63, WAR 55, WHM 37, THF 32, NIN 27, RNG 20
                    Cooking 95.1, Goldsmithing 26.7
                    Current Title: Total Loser

