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Gartalage Cit Coffer Help

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  • Gartalage Cit Coffer Help

    Its day 3 that I have been camping this coffer with no luck. I spent the first 2 days behind gate #3. I am curentaly checking the points behind gate #2. I'm getting the info on the spawn points from

    Yesterday, after I checked the 3 points behind gate #3 for the 342434890th time I got some people from my ls to help me relocate behind gate #2. When I got there there were still no coffers. Unless someone opened one up in the 30 min that it took me to relocate then there should have been one there. From what I know a coffer pops and stays there untill it is opened.

    Any other tips? I was trying to get this coffer and Castle O. coffer before CoP comes out but at this rate it may be a week till I can get this one.

    No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
    Rest of my sig

  • #2
    Never mind.....10 min after I posted this I finaly found it :sweat:

    No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
    Rest of my sig


    • #3
      good job
      well...blow me down


      • #4
        This one is killing me :mad:


        • #5
          There's nothing you can really do except keep checking the spawn points. It helps if you have friends with you of course :spin:
          61-RDM 33-BLM 32-DRK 15-THF 16-WHM 8-SMN 11-BST 5-PLD 24-RNG 10-NIN 1-SAM 13-WAR 6/6AF 4/4 RSE RANK 8 San'Doria


          • #6
            How hard is it really to get the coffer and find the coffer chest? I am about to hit 56 and I wanna know if a 61 monk and another 55 rdm can get the key without a full group.
            People look at the world and think why, i look at the world and think why not.


            • #7
              you need 4 people to open the banishing gates, and for gates 2 and 3 it's preferable if they can sneak/invis themselves (or have items to do so) because all the switch rooms there have mobs in them (one has bombs, one has magic pots, the other two i think have skeletons).

              i still think camping behind gate #3 is safest, there are 3 spawns there and you can zone out to sauromugue and just come back 30-40mins later to see if one has spawned. another good thing is that you only need sneak behind gate #3, whereas you need invis as well behind gate #2 because there are chamber beetles there.

              took me 4 days of camping behind gate #3 to get my Gallant Coronet from a coffer, it can be demoralizing when you check for the umpteenth time and it's not there, but it will eventually spawn there.

              i would say eldieme is worse since you need anothe person there to help you check most the coffer spawns (by operating the switches).
              Genkai 5: Completed @ 66 in 8min17s (
              All Artifact Complete!

