Its day 3 that I have been camping this coffer with no luck. I spent the first 2 days behind gate #3. I am curentaly checking the points behind gate #2. I'm getting the info on the spawn points from
Yesterday, after I checked the 3 points behind gate #3 for the 342434890th time I got some people from my ls to help me relocate behind gate #2. When I got there there were still no coffers. Unless someone opened one up in the 30 min that it took me to relocate then there should have been one there. From what I know a coffer pops and stays there untill it is opened.
Any other tips? I was trying to get this coffer and Castle O. coffer before CoP comes out but at this rate it may be a week till I can get this one.
Yesterday, after I checked the 3 points behind gate #3 for the 342434890th time I got some people from my ls to help me relocate behind gate #2. When I got there there were still no coffers. Unless someone opened one up in the 30 min that it took me to relocate then there should have been one there. From what I know a coffer pops and stays there untill it is opened.
Any other tips? I was trying to get this coffer and Castle O. coffer before CoP comes out but at this rate it may be a week till I can get this one.