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Soloing M5-1

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  • #31
    orz...Apple Pie is like Jei in a Taru's Body...and jei was uber...
    RDM75| DRG75


    • #32
      Haha, the Ark Angel EV video is hilarious. I love it at about 5:00 into the video when it looks like they're about to win and then... whoops.
      There will be cake.


      • #33
        Hm......I'm going to try this tonight. I think I'm might use the hornetneedle and see how that goes, any thoughts? I'm not worried about the adds, I will have my LS members take care of adds, only the Archlich is my concern.


        • #34
          orz...Apple Pie is like Jei in a Taru's Body...and jei was uber...
          Huh yea, like a reincarnation o.0
          You a RDM Taru got from today i'm gonna pry to you.

          Oh great Apple bring me luck in today ZM5 run and don't let Ifrit's Cauldron scare anyone m(._.)m
          ~~ Tarutaru~~


          • #35
            Hornet Needle won't work because daggers do reduced damage to Skeletons(like spears/arrows), and Hornet Needle Damage is too low to begin with.

            I was able to solo this as a RDM/BLM a month or so ago, if I find a place to host the video I will. ('~')/ I did try to use a dagger over the sword at first, assuming that the AoE WS damage, en-fire damage, and def-down effects(acid basilard) would make up for the low damage, but the damage was WAY TOO LOW, and I ended up sticking to the sword.

            One good thing I found with the dagger, is I'd use the opo-neclace and sleep potions to charge up 300% TP, then use Cyclone at the beginning before switching to sword.


            • #36
              Argh. This fight is tough to solo. I'm trying to follow Apple Pie's example but keep getting killed due to some small mistake or another. So far 3 failed attempts and I don't think I've survived 5 minutes yet. ^^ I think I can beat it though. Just have to get past the two sorcerers and get into a rhythm with the archlich and his warrior cronies.

              Will let ya know whether I succeed or not ^^ definitely some bragging rights for any RDM who can solo this mission. It's difficult and very expensive ><

              P.S. I miss Apple Pie ;_;
              Ashn - Tarutaru - Midgard
              Windurst Rank 10. Sandy Rank 5.
              ZM14, PM2-5.


              • #37
                Apple 5-1 Video

                I've been clicking around these forums for a bit, but never posted. Just wanted to let people know that I found an active link to the 5-1 Apple Pie solo video that seems to be working on :

                Search for "Apple" in the page.

                It looks like it's been (re?)encoded using some free program so there's an annoying "unregiestered version" thing that pops up every few seconds, but you can still see what's going on pretty ok and get a good feel of how things went down.

                Also a bunch of other nifty sounding vids to browse.


                • #38
                  I've had the M5-1 vid saved on my hard drive since he originally posted it. It was what I considered a "must have." Priceless.

                  To this day, no one believes me when I tell them I know of someone who soloed it. They are like, "you cant solo it, you are capped at 50". LOL
                  FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                  FFXI: Shiva Server


                  • #39
                    Agreed A fine and excellent showpiece of rdm excellency - Apple Pie.

                    The file name also indicates a 4th try so the persistent and determination from Apple Pie is also well demonstrated.


                    • #40
                      I missed that vid when i was away anyway you can host it Gman? I also lost Apple pie's wyvern solo vids if you can help.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #41
                        Yeah. Not many people can manage to beat it solo. Even as a RDM it's extremely difficult. I "sort of" beat it on my last attempt, Tuesday. I ran out of time when the archlich had a sliver of health left. Another Fire II somewhere during the fight and I would have won. Was very disappointing. The medicine costs almost 300k though, total. I couldn't afford to do it again. Still, I came super close. I'll probably do it again in a few months just to make it official. ^^
                        Ashn - Tarutaru - Midgard
                        Windurst Rank 10. Sandy Rank 5.
                        ZM14, PM2-5.


                        • #42
                          Dude, what job/subjob did Apple Pie have? I tried doing this mission like a week ago with a bunch of friends and got wasted halfway through by complete pwnage. Do you guys know this info? :dead:
                          Windurst: Rank 5

                          RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17 | RDM 14 | BRD 9 | BLM 6 | SMN 4 | DRG 6 | DRK 3 | WHM 3 | SAM 4 | BST 2 | PLD 1


                          • #43
                            Jei, you can try this link off the page Erelwaul posted

                            Moridin, Grendal-san posted his strat on the first page.

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #44
                              Apple Pie went as RDM/DRK.

                              The idea is that since you have to do 11000hp dmg to the Archlich in 15 minutes (along with killing the 2 sorcerers and all the warriors that run in) you need as much +attack as possible.

                              When I went in, I had +44 Attack, plus the +10 attack granted from DRK subjob.

                              Btw, I lost 3 times before I actually managed to make it clear through the fight. It takes some practice and a lot of preparation. I finally had to write out a list to remind myself of everything I had to do to prepare ^^ was too much to remember.

                              1. Refresh, Protect/Shell IV
                              2. Use Reraise Gorget & Chiefkabob
                              3. Rest to full
                              4. Stoneskin, Aquaveil, Blink
                              5. Poison Potion (incase I got slept at the start), Sneak
                              6. Haste, Enfire, Blaze Spikes
                              7. Baraero, Barsleep, Phalanx(most important spell in there)
                              8. Refresh, Regen, Enter BCNM
                              9. Equip Lv 50 gear as I run towards Archlich
                              10. Position then Chainspell, nuke Sorcerers to death and kill warriors.
                              11. Recast Phalanx, Haste, Spikes, Enfire
                              12. Debuff archlich.
                              13. Repeat 11 & 12 until dead ^^
                              Ashn - Tarutaru - Midgard
                              Windurst Rank 10. Sandy Rank 5.
                              ZM14, PM2-5.


                              • #45
                                Re: Soloing M5-1

                                Since Apple Pie's accomplishment a lot of new gear has come out. Thus, I present you with his gear list and my own updated version of it:

                                Originally posted by Apple Pie
                                In addition, here's my equipments for melee.

                                - Knight's Sword +1
                                - Strike Shield (Attack +6)
                                - Valkyrie's Mask (Attack +7)
                                - Tiger Stole (Attack +5)
                                - Tactical Magican Coat
                                - Taru RSE Gloves (STR +3 = Attack +1)
                                - Sword Belt +1 (Attack +12)
                                - Magic Cuisses
                                - Taru RSE Boots (STR+2 = Attack +1)
                                - Nomad's Mantle
                                - Killer Earring (Attack +5)
                                - Dodge Earring
                                - Fencer Ring
                                - Courage Ring (STR+2 = Attack +1)

                                Total Attack Bonus = 38 + 10 (DRK job trait) = +48

                                Core Ideal gear for rdm/drg:
                                Main: Knight's Sword +1
                                Shield: Viking Shield (Attack +12)
                                Ammo: Morion Tathlum
                                Head: Valkyrie's Mask (Attack +7)
                                Neck: Storm Gorget (Attack +6)
                                Ear1: Wyvern Earring
                                Ear2: Tortoise Earring (Attack +4)
                                Body: Cerise Doublet (Attack +3)
                                Hands: Combat Caster's Mitts +2 (Attack +5)
                                Ring1: Fencing Ring
                                Ring2: Kshama Ring No. 8 (Attack +3, Strength +3 = Attack +1 == Attack +4)
                                Back: Wyvern Mantle (Attack +6)
                                Waist: Sword Belt +1 (Attack +12)
                                Legs: War Hose (Attack +2)
                                Feet: Mountain Gaiters (STR+1)

                                Total Attack Bonus = 61 + 10 (DRG job trait) = +71

                                There are some other sets of gear that supersede this list, however:

                                Tarutaru - Feet: Wonder Clomps (STR+2 = Attack +1)
                                Mithra - Feet: Savage Gaiter (STR+3 = Attack +1)
                                Elvaan - Ammo: Attar/Olibanum Sachet (STR+2 = Attack+1)
                                Hume - Hands: Custom Gloves (STR+3 = Attack+1)
                                Ammo: Balm/Millefleur Sachet (STR+1)

                                also, when Fauregandi is under your nation's control these become viable or excellent gear options:
                                Hands: Federation Gloves (Attack +7)
                                Legs: Republic Cuisses (Attack +7)
                                Feet: Federation Gaiters (Attack+7)

                                Ecoomy equip:
                                Shield: Strike Shield (Attack +6)
                                Neck: Tiger Stole (Attack +5)
                                Ring2: Puissance Ring (STR+3 = Attack +1)
                                Feet: Windurstian Gaiters (Attack +5 if your nation controls Fauregandi)

