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Soloing M5-1

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  • Soloing M5-1

    As far as I know, there were only two red mages that were able to solo M5-1. Although this may sound funny, they subbed DRG. RDM/DRG is, we all know, useless in XP PT but it is one of the best combos here. The reason?

    - Attack Bonus I (/DRG10)
    - Jump (/DRG10) --- This is something like DA
    - Wyvern Earring (Haste +5% with /DRG)

    Due to Phalanx, it isn't hard for us to stay alive for 15 minutes but it is very hard for us to beat the biggest bone (HP: 11,000) in 15 minutes. Therefore, we really have to concentrate on how we increase our firepower. There are some ways doing this.

    1) Have as much atk. and STR as possible
    2) Use the best weapon
    3) Always have Haste, Enfire, and Blazespike up
    4) Dia or DiaII (-5% or -10% def.)

    OK, here's how I did.

    I learned this way from those great RDM/DRGs. Great thanks to them. Unfortunately, I haven't leveled DRG yet, nor do I have any plan to do. I subbed DRK, instead. In my opinion, either DRK, DRG, or WAR sub should work.

    What is important is to make the best use of auto-target so that we keep fighting and kill the smallest skeltons as soon as they are in our sight. They only have 60 HP but their physical attack is strongest among all. If we're surrounded by 5 or more of them, we can easily get killed even with Phalanx.

    Finally made it after I failed 3 times... I can solo the Shadow Lord next and possibly Genkai 2 NMs when I reach LV70.

    P.S. The attached is my equipments. I removed M2-3 clip because of the luck of server space ;_;
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Now this is impressive. Not many, very few select of people managed to pull of this fight alone. I would say beating 5-1 is much harder than beating shadow lord himself. Or even the 2-3 dragon.
    Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
    Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


    • #3
      Some statistics here.

      Battle Time: 14 minutes and 55 seconds (only 5 seconds left T_T)

      Against Archlich Taber'quoan.

      Physical Attack Damage: 5,729
      - 4,997 by normal hits (84 hits out of 88 swings, 59.5 average)
      - 732 by critical hits (8 hits, 91.5 average)

      WS Damage: 1,730
      - Fast Blade (10 times, 173 average)

      Spell Damage: 2,280
      - Enfire: 1,285 (85 hits, 15.1 average)
      - Blazespike: 603 (57 hits, 10.6 average)
      - FireII: 364 (2 hits, 182 average)
      - DiaII: 28 (4 hits, 7 average) --- Not including slip damage

      Total: 9,739 damage out of 11,000 HP

      Well, it seems to me that both DiaII and PoisonII (especially PoisonII) are important. Their slip damage at least took 1,261 HP away.


      • #4
        jesus christ apple....


        • #5
          hey apple, to give us an idea on what 5% haste does for us, how much increase does the spell Haste give us? 10? 5? because if the original haste spell is 5%, another 5% is HUGE.

          do you or anyone else know?


          • #6
            Originally posted by bonovoxpsu
            jesus christ apple....


            Apple you have got to be one of the best gamers i have ever seen.

            Charm Gear -->

            Attack Gear -->


            • #7

              "You have emerged as a hero to the people of Jeuno. Just the sound of your name strikes courage into their hearts. As a representative of its citizens, I humbly ask you to continue your efforts for the good of the duchy."


              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                how much increase does the spell Haste give us? 10? 5?
                12.5% on both melee, recasting spells, and some JA (like SA & TA).


                • #9
                  you would find haste that worthwhile?

                  gah, i just don't get subbing dragoon. subbing dark or nin or even war would seem so much better. you get, what, +10 attack and +10 acc and jump? with a haste? i guess i don't see the benefits.

                  are they that good, apple?


                  • #10
                    Let's think of how many times we can hit them for 10 minutes.

                    Suppose we have Temple Knights Army Sword (Delay: 240).

                    No Haste
                    [60(fps) * 60(secs) * 10(mins)] / 240 = 150
                    - 150 times

                    With Haste
                    [60(fps) * 60(secs) * 10(mins) * 12.5%] / 240 = 168
                    - 168 times

                    With Haste and Wyvern Earring
                    [60(fps) * 60(secs) * 10(mins) * 17.5%] / 240 = 176.25
                    - 176 times

                    Do you still see no benefit?

                    As for job traits, /DRG and /DRK is exactly the same in that both of them only have Attack Bonus I. Well, /DRK is able to make use of Killer Earring that gives us +5 Atk without sacrificing our evasion unlike Beatle Earring (Attack +2, Evasion -2).

                    Then, +10 attack makes a huge difference in 15 minutes. I see +2 to +3 increase of avg. damage (means 200 - 300 increase of total damage). As I said, it is very hard to defeat the boss in 15 minutes and we really have to have as much attack as possible.

                    By the way, Jump ignores weapon delay. That's why I said, "it's like DA." They can jump 7 - 9 times during the battle. This means they are able to hit them 7 - 9 more times.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        cool. thanks for the info.


                        • #13
                          That was absolutely incredible. Nice display of strategy ^^v

                          A few questions, if I may:

                          As an Elvaan, I sacricife much magical power for strength. Both are useful in this fight, it seems, but I noticed you, as a TaruTaru, went from full to empty, then again after convert.

                          Do you think my STR enhancement from my race could balance out this problem? Or should I stock more Ethers? It seems that the only times this would be a problem is when battle commences and convert is used, but even then, I lose a large amount of MP comparatively.

                          Also, I noticed you went to critical HP a few times. Would a Fencer's Ring be a better choice than a STR+ ring in this case?

                          Edit: Never Mind, I just noticed it when you swapped >.<

                          Thanks for your time You're awesome.

                          Edit 2: You've got great taste in music too


                          • #14
                            Applepie gives pride to all us Taru's who were always told we'd never be able to solo.

                            I eagerly await the next ridiculous feat you accomplish
                            For The Horde!!
                            Current Gil total spent on gear:
                            Current Gil Value of gear:
                            Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                            • #15
                              I am sure 12 more STR over tarutaru enhances your melee. +12 STR will not give you +12 more dmg on the average but this is a 15 minute battle. Even a few more avg. damage is considered to be important.

                              Anyway, make sure you wipe those two sorceror skeltons out while Chainspell is working. If you cannot defeat them in 45 seconds, you may lose the entire game. I understand Elvaans have less raw MP than tarutaru but you have RSEs and bunch of other MP+ gears. You may need some more medicines than I but pls DO NOT EAT pies or other MP+ foods. Only food you can eat is atk+ ones (e.g., Meat Mithkabob).

                              As for the Fencer Ring, it is much better than STR+ rings. Although you have HQ STR+ ring, it only gives you +3 STR. However, +STR doesn't promise you +3 more dmg. Fencer Ring, on the other hand, always gives you +5 more dmg when you have less than 75% HP and 100% TP.

