i have been playing off and on for a month now. finally got the subquest done. Now i am wondering what i should use as a subjob. I know the usual whm or blm but what about a thf or a war? Any suggestions will be grately appriciated! thanks ^_^
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What is a good sub for rdm?
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Well, I rather have a question for you. What do you want to do with THF or WAR sub in your XP PT?
I think WAR sub isn't that bad around Dunes if there aren't enough vokers in your PT. THF sub is only needed for your gil-farming.
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for exp party, sub WHM and BLM (you should level up both)
for soloing, you can sub NIN
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I always used white mage as a sub till 75, due to the fact I was always being stuck as the primary healer in JP groups. Didnt see a NA group until I slacked and a large chunk caugh up with me around level 72 =/.
But yeah, actually I think BLM is the more "preferred" of the 2 subjobs. RDM/BLM gets more specialty debuffs and can also drain and aspir which is nice.
CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1
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I prefer to use BLM sub for the Elemental Debuffs, Drain, Aspir, and the Utility Spells. (Warp, Tractor, Escape etc). I prefer not to be the main healer in a party, but if called upon to do so, I can.
To sub WHM or BLM isn't really a question of efficiency, but one of personal preference. I haven't lvled WHM past lvl 15 because of preference. If I don't get a pty because I'm RDM/BLM instead of RDM/WHM....too bad for me. As far as WAR goes, please don't in XP parties. I don't know about your server, but vokers are not in shortage on Fairy pre-lvl 30. THF is a must-have sub for farming. If you MUST use a melee sub for an xp party, use DRK.61-RDM 33-BLM 32-DRK 15-THF 16-WHM 8-SMN 11-BST 5-PLD 24-RNG 10-NIN 1-SAM 13-WAR 6/6AF 4/4 RSE RANK 8 San'Doria
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I have seen some rdms sub drk before. It offers around the same attack bonus as warrior if i remember right, plus a small mp boost, small int boost, and you get access to dark magic skills like drain and aspir earlier.
Its kinda funny seeing a rdm use soul eater though...but no matter what you do, youre never gonna be dishing out a bunch of dmg. Sword is your most proficient weapon and its kinda sad that rdms dont get access to more of the nicer WS's. The best swd WS rdms get (aside from the quest WS) is spirits within. In which case, neither attack power, accuracy, str, or any melee stats are gonna matter. That ws relies only on HP and TP for its dmg multiplier.
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rdm/drk hehe one of my friends used to sub that. Then he came to his senses. There is only one use outside of farming to sub DRK. Thats for chainspell Stun. Or just access to stun in general.
CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1
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Sub WHM is useful if you like playing the main healer. You get bar-ra spells, curaga, divine seal (very useful for the post-convert cure) and status cures. Your nukes will be weak, probably only using black magic for magic bursts, but if you enjoy healing then go this route. I've also found it useful if there's no BRD in the party; you can provide just a little extra support that a BRD/WHM also could.
Sub BLM for a more power-oriented game. Your nukes will be a little better, drain and aspir are a huge help, you get the elemental debuffs (shock, choke, rasp, etc) to add to your regular debuff line-up, and warp/escape for difficult situations. It's a little harder to play the main healer, but you'll get a little more mp from blm sub to counter that out. If you prefer to do some damage rather than be a wholly supporting job, go for this.
SMN sub is less common; I haven't seen a RDM seeking/actively playing with it in my range for a few weeks now. You get an MP boost and an extra 1mp per tick on refresh, but no additional spells. Very useful higher up when you can use garuda blink and titan stoneskin for full party support, but earlier on in the game I'd steer clear.
RDM/NIN is good for farming and soloing; you can use ninjutsu and dual-wield either wands for extra stat boosts or swords for extra damage.
RDM/WAR, like someone said before, can get you through the dunes but no further. Trust me, I tried and it was horrible.
I've seen high level (70+) RDMs using DRK as their sub, I guess it's mainly for farming though. You get vorpal blade, which is nice I guess, but in the early stages of the game subbing DRK won't help you or the party.
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SMN sub is less common; I haven't seen a RDM seeking/actively playing with it in my range for a few weeks now. You get an MP boost and an extra 1mp per tick on refresh, but no additional spells. Very useful higher up when you can use garuda blink and titan stoneskin for full party support, but earlier on in the game I'd steer clear.
CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1
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/dkn isn't bad between the lvls of 40, and 50 getting aspir a full 10 lvls before /blm can be nice depending on where your gonna be leveling, (ie mainly when u could use aspir efficently not to boost your gimp melee damage)
also later in the game /dkn can come back into power in specifc situations, some nm's may require use of chainspell+stun or just stun in general /dkn is very limited, but there are usesMarch 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
Use search, or deal with assholes like me
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I've tried BLM sub, and it gives you a pretty big MP boost . .an being an Elvaan that was good to have.
But then I tried WHM. . i like it much more than BLM sub
And like someone above said
Refresh - Convert - Divine Seal - Cure IV . . .
just be careful doing that in a battle, you'd probably wanna subtract the divine seal in battles. . or get a good distance away .. to give tank(s) time to provoke. Also should have a Convert macro with a warning for Tanks and WHM. . with /wait of atleast 1 or 2 seconds.
BLM and WHM are both really good subs, but i find WHM to fit me better
RDM/NIN is great solo, I use it in Ballista. Using two swords to give me higher damage, and with Haste the delay wont be as high.
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Well from my experience.. dont expect to just debuff and melee with /whm sub, if its only cause you dont want to level BLM. /WHM = You will be invited to main heal..pretty much..always. When I did it, I picked RDM so I can be "Master of the Enfeeble" and subbing WHM just to be different(and help out "the" present WHM a bit more.) But...... lets just say.. I was in the back row many many times.Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired
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I grouped exclusivly with Japanease from 55-72 as a RDM/WHM, about 75%+ of the time I was the main healer in a Tank Melee Melee BLM BRD RDM PT~ I wouldnt have done it any other way I love healing, but I dont like the WHM class.
CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1
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Yes, I was usually invited as the healer..
but now i'm in a static party and we have a WHM, so i'm just on backup healing now. Being the main healer up to lvl 50 helped me with MP management, so now in battles as the back up healer, I really never have to rest. . just convert every few fights and keep Resfreshed
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The classic exp subs are whm and blm. They each have their uses, and are both very good. Smn can also be good, though I'd prefer whm or blm over it. Here's an odd one for you though: as I have bard lvled past 37, I have been asked probably about 5 times to sub bard in an exp parties. The main reason for this was Prelude(in 2 of those 5 parties we had 2 rngs), but also for madrigal and ballad. I wouldn't recommend this though because it may not be as good as whm and blm and is VERY intensive(you thought rdm was hard enough, try being rdm and singing as well ^^).
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