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Gold Sword vs. Wise Wizard's anelace

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  • #46
    Gold Sword

    Out of 210 swings,
    199 Hits (94.8%)
    Min. Damage: 66, Max. Damage: 101, Ave. Damage: 84.1

    R.G. Fleuret

    Out of 218 swings,
    206 Hits (94.5%)
    Min. Damage: 58, Max Damage: 89, Ave. Damage: 73.6

    W.W. Anelace

    Out of 212 swings,
    205 Hits (96.7%)
    Min. Damage: 59, Max. Damage: 92, Ave. Damage: 74.8
    An interesting find. I'm especially drawn to the hits/swing for each sword. Interesting to note that RG Fleuret, while having a +6 accuracy bonus, still had more misses than the other 2. In fact it missed the target 12 times, where the gold and WWA only missed 11 and 7 times respectively. Guess accuracy bonus works the same way as attack bonus. Don't really notice a difference if the mobs evasion is too much lower than your accuracy ^^

    Either way, I'm sticking with the RG Fleuret. Against Crane Flies in Meritiphaud I can regular attack for 115 (no meat kabobs) and critical for 155, and Fast Blade for 250. When fighting harder stuff like in rolanberry, sauromunge and batallia, the damage obviously goes down, and Gobbues in Zi'tah only take about 30-40 dmg on average from me (with 14 en-damage)

    PS. To anyone who said they farmed with NIN sub for the dual weild, can I ask why? Wouldn't THF sub make much more sense when farming?
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server


    • #47
      Originally posted by Apple Pie

      Gold Sword (240): (60 * 60) / 240 = 15 swings / minute
      15 * 84.1 = 1261 damage / minute

      W.W. Anelace (226): (60 * 60) / 226 = 15 swings / minute
      15 * 74.8 = 1122 damage / minute

      R.G. Fleuret (215): (60 * 60) / 215 = 16 swings / minute
      16 * 73.6 = : 1177 damage / minute
      You'll have to forgive me for being picky- but these mathematical findings are misleading due to rounding. Assuming that your fights only last 60 seconds, these are decent statistical representations. However, the decimal on the WWA should be considered, especially because it is so near 16.

      Gold Sword (240): (60*60)/240 = 15 swings/minute
      15*84.1 = 1261.5 damage/minute

      WW Anelace (226): (60*60)/226 = 15.9292035...
      15.9292035... *74.8 = 1194.5 damage/minute

      The gap is lessened to maybe 60 points per minute. These 60 points are lessened even further when you consider the hit ratios (199 vs. 205, respectively).

      I appreciate the statistics- this just goes to demonstrate how little of a difference you'll actually make between these two swords. 60 damage/minute difference is alright... but that is also equal to 4 solid hits with an enspelled weapon. I wouldn't imagine this justifies purchasing the more expensive of either weapon.


      • #48
        PS. To anyone who said they farmed with NIN sub for the dual weild, can I ask why? Wouldn't THF sub make much more sense when farming?
        When I farm DC and EP mobs to collect beastman's seals for BCNM, I usually sub DRK because I need firepower to beat them faster. We know Vorpal Blade is our strongest WS at 100% TP, better than Savage Blade.

        However, when I farm gils and stuffs, I can't think of anything other than /THF. I'm afraid if I cannot get a dozen of tiger fangs in an hour without /THF in Beaucedine Glacier...

        Treasure Hunter makes a difference and for Goobbue (the ones in Zi'tah) lovers, I think second evasion bonus at /THF30 greatly increases the chance to evade (our skill is improved to "B" with THF30 sub at LV66).

        Finally for this purpose, bring as many attack+ gears as possible. STR+ gears should work, too. I wish I could get Assault Jerkin...


        • #49
          Originally posted by Apple Pie
          However, when I farm gils and stuffs, I can't think of anything other than /THF. I'm afraid if I cannot get a dozen of tiger fangs in an hour without /THF in Beaucedine Glacier...
          I think this is because of your level. I can get a fair number with BLM sub (which I use for elemental farming, take tigers during my breaks). In about two hours I get about 24 clusters and a stack of fangs, with I'd guess 1 fang for every three to four tigers.
          There will be cake.


          • #50
            our th isn't broken, we got 2 ridill in 3 kills off fafnir at one point hehe. Just broken vs bune is all.
            Sucky RDM of Bismark


            • #51
              Quick note:

              Base attack is funneled through weapon attack. So your weapon attack is the bottleneck for the effectiveness of your base attack. As a drk with high base attack, I always need to get a weapon with the highest attack to reduce the bottleneck.

              So a weapon with higher attack is always preferable, even if it's slower--unless you're leveling WS. Case in point, the drk advanced job quest sword. I have over 300 base attack, but with that 6 attack sword, I only do 20-40 dmg to lvl 5 bees.

              There is an alternate way to get around the capped attack damage and that is by upping str. Str ignores def, and ups max damage. In the opposite sense this is also why pld stop upping def after a certain point and add vit instead.

              Also when dealing with WS, delay doesn't matter, just attack, str, and acc.

