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Gold Sword vs. Wise Wizard's anelace

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  • #16
    I think the Gold Sword look way better than WWA. It looks sharper, meaner, and stronger. I like the pointy tip that Gold Sword has to offer rather than the dull and rounded tip of WWA. A lot of players examine me when I have this sword equipped; perhaps they were thinking that I was using Enhancing Sword? hehe. Anyways, everything I said here are all based on my opinion, and is merely subjective.



    • #17
      Originally posted by HDS
      Btw, you cannot farm effectively with Royal Guard's Fleuret, as the sword is only for lvling up sword skills while exp partying; it is an excellent sword nonetheless.
      This is not true. Ryl. Grd. Fleuret is perfectly fine for farming, as I use it and have had no troubles whatsoever.
      There will be cake.


      • #18
        Originally posted by HDS
        I think the Gold Sword look way better than WWA. It looks sharper, meaner, and stronger. I like the pointy tip that Gold Sword has to offer rather than the dull and rounded tip of WWA. A lot of players examine me when I have this sword equipped; perhaps they were thinking that I was using Enhancing Sword? hehe. Anyways, everything I said here are all based on my opinion, and is merely subjective.

        i actually found the opposite to be true.

        i think the WWA looks better - its fucking blue! and the gold sword is soo.... meh looking.

        and i've changed my tune. i'm scared to sell the WWA because i like it so much. might as well wait till 68 and get enhancing XD.

        but then, everyone and their mom is using the WWA. i kind of want the gold sword because its a bit more unique. ugh. decisions!



        • #19
          if you're high lvl and farming weak mobs the the gold sword is better. Just eat a meatkabob to get attk boost and wear ogre boots or something with sword belt. Also you'll prob be doing savage blade and the higher damage sword is more noticable as well.
          I sold my gold sword though and just use the wwanelace offhand with joyeuse in main. Only cause wwa was 50k and gold sword 110k then and I needed money for my dalmatica, damn thing failed synth first try and 2m gil down the tubes sigh.
          I wouldn't recommend saving up and buying enhancing sword either, they are usualy way over priced (5m on bismark). Joyeuse is better and free, though I'd use enhacing if I offhanded a kraken club as ninja. Anyways rdm melee dps is quite crappy even with a bune sword, save your money for something else instead.
          Sucky RDM of Bismark


          • #20
            I wouldn't recommend saving up and buying enhancing sword either, they are usualy way over priced (5m on bismark). Joyeuse is better and free
            The Joyeuse is no more free than the Enhancing Sword...


            • #21
              Originally posted by MMan530
              The Joyeuse is no more free than the Enhancing Sword...
              Joyeuse is a 100% drop from a mob. Enhancing Sword is a rare drop. Joyeuse is Rare/ex, enhancing sword is not. So joyeuse can't possibly be that's not an issue. Enhancing sword can be sold...and not everyone is as lucky to be in an LS like Valor (keep in mind that's entirely meant jokingly, not that Valor is the be-all-end-all bestest LS evar).
              For The Horde!!
              Current Gil total spent on gear:
              Current Gil Value of gear:
              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


              • #22
                40+ bune slayings and 0 swords for my ls..
                2 charys and 2 joyeuses.

                but double attack on joyeuse makes it far greater than the dps of a bune sword.
                Sucky RDM of Bismark


                • #23
                  I think Joyeuse is camped harder than Bune. Its also annoying to pop. Many jobs can use it and want it so competition is a bit high.
                  Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
                  RDM75 / PLD73


                  • #24
                    Granted, but Bune is much easier than charybdis, so many more LS's can target it. And the 100% drop on Joyeuse is a lot more enticing to get people to help you with. You can fight bune and get least if you fight charyb, you're guarenteed to get what you came for.
                    For The Horde!!
                    Current Gil total spent on gear:
                    Current Gil Value of gear:
                    Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                    • #25
                      Bune is more fun and you don't have to camp him for 10 people only a couple. That joyuese camping has made me sick of it, I no longer want it at all because I feel like I'd be wasting everyones time.
                      Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
                      RDM75 / PLD73


                      • #26
                        I am Lv65RDM and when i farm i sub NIN all the time so i use two swords. Yes you guessed it, i use both Gold and WWA and i noticed that Gold does more damage then WWA it has been proven. I used both on the same mob sperately and Gold did 4-8 more points of damage then WWA, but then again i use both so it doesnt bother me. ^__^


                        • #27
                          OK, I'm going to take some statistics tonight.

                          Sorry, I went to BC30 Giddeus tonight and didn't have time to take comparison I'll do it tomorrow.


                          • #28
                            Heartless: the Gold Sword's stats say that it'll do more damage. I don't think that point is in contention. My claim is that the damage boost is not significant enough (ie. 4-8 points) to justify spending 50k to farm better.

                            Originally posted by AtraposBLM
                            Joyeuse is a 100% drop from a mob. Enhancing Sword is a rare drop. Joyeuse is Rare/ex, enhancing sword is not. So joyeuse can't possibly be that's not an issue. Enhancing sword can be sold...and not everyone is as lucky to be in an LS like Valor (keep in mind that's entirely meant jokingly, not that Valor is the be-all-end-all bestest LS evar).
                            My point being: they are both HNM drops. Just because one can be sold and the other can't doesn't make the latter "cheaper." Either way you can kill an HNM for the drop. Enhancing Sword, theoretically, would be "cheaper" in a non-monetary sense because there are multiple avenues to get the weapon. Furthermore, if you can't get people to kill Bune a few times, you're going to have one hell of a time spawning and killing Charby. This doesn't even take into consideration the location of the HNMs (SSG vs. Gustav....).

                            Macross: Wow, you sounds like you have negative TH like I do.


                            • #29
                              Neither Bune nor Charybdis is a HNM.

                              Grendel: That was amazing. I've yet to try BC30, but had heard it's practically impossible. I'm definately showing your video to my comrades. Thanks!^^
                              There will be cake.


                              • #30
                                Wow Patch, for someone who "wouldn't be seen dead" at this board, you sure post a lot.

