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RDM a question

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  • RDM a question

    ok i am a taru and would it be good for me to have my RSE set on when i hit the level where i can start wearin them atm i have all lower level equip and with the RSE i would have more HP which i am lacking in atm and i would also like to know if a SMN would be a good sub when i get it in a few more levels
    RDM75, SMN73, WHM39, BLM39, BRD35.

    Current Main(s): Bard:35, Summoner:73

    LuckySeven LS

  • #2
    1. Taru RSE if i'm not mistaken offers little benefit for mages, maybe use a few pieces that have good MND bonuses....HP isn't really an issue for rdm, we don't get aggro very often.

    2. All SMN sub will get you is more MP, especially if you can't get the avatars. Using SMN abiltities is also a strain on MP, which later in the game (41+) we really can't afford.

    Really, whm and blm are the best subs for rdm, the plusses you get from them aside from stats are too good to pass up for 20 more mp.
    Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.

