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Aquaaaaarius ... again ...

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  • Aquaaaaarius ... again ...

    Had to warp from Aquarius today. Seems like in the last patch, Aquarius (perhaps all NMs) can regen their hp while they are claimed. It seems to be that if you don't damage him for a while he regains hp (previously you could just gravity him all day long and he would only regain hp if you let his name turn white for a moderate period of time).

    Tomorrow I'm gonna try again, this time I'll put on some DoT spell like Dia and see if the damage is enough to avoid the hp regen. It is essential for a solo'ing RDM for Aquarius not to enter hp regen mode, because he regens from almost dead to full in something like 15 seconds.

    Also, range for spells seems to have been cut in half or so, I kept getting red out of range messages until Aqua was literally 10 feet or so away.

    Anybody else got any news/observations/theories/explanations?

  • #2
    After the patch a paladin complained that he could not heal me (I was playing warrior at the time) because it gave out of range message...and he was right next to me.

    I don't think they cut spell range since I could last night still Dia things way away BUT perhaps they screwed up line of sight or something.
    Hoppkins - Red Mage - Ragnarok
    Hopkins - Theif - Ragnarok - RIP
    Hoppkins Wytchfinder lv 70 Cleric Emarr Server


    • #3
      noticed this last night while gravity kiting shadow dragon and dark ele's in xcarb.

      REALLY annoying how close you need to be for spell casting. not sure why this was nerfed. dia still seemed to have a decent range, but stuff like poison2 seemed REALLY close (when a huge fucking dragon is marching towards you, you don't like to wait that long to cast a spell...).

      i think all abilities were nerfed in range. guess square is trying to help melees? i have no clue why they did this either. bsts took it REALLY bad. they have to go into agro range to attack with a pet AND it seems at first glance that they can no longer charm NM's.

      but the range nerf... ugh, its soo frustrating. i'll find out more tonight when my group XP's....


      • #4
        Pulling for pt as war/thf last night range seemed completely arbitrary. Couple times the mob is barely in draw distance and I tried control D for the hell of it, and there I go throwing my boomerang. Several other times though I'm standing eight feet away from the mob's back and the game just isn't having it. Either it's not in range or I can't see it, even when I'm quite sure I can. Haven't played RDM since patch to notice any changes.


        • #5
          Playing as my Ranger last night I could be right next to a mob and be "Out of range" then another mob would be miles away and be in range of my bow.

          Hoppkins - Red Mage - Ragnarok
          Hopkins - Theif - Ragnarok - RIP
          Hoppkins Wytchfinder lv 70 Cleric Emarr Server


          • #6
            hmm, same thing here.

            Last night while killing Ant's the range of silence was goofy as could be.

            I also kept getting 2 different too far away messages one was in yellow then when it was closer i would get a too far away in red.

            so i had to run almost up on the ant a few times just to get silence out, once i got hit with sleep before i silenced it and our thf took a hit from some ancient magic, luckaly he survived with like 40 hp

            no idea whats going on, seem in that last pasth SE screwed up there distance calc's for alot of stuff.

            While playing brd i was having a goofy time there to with requim and lullaby.

            Hopefully they fix it soon
            Charm Gear -->

            Attack Gear -->


            • #7
              I read today on the POL site that its a bug and they'll let us know when we'll get the download for the patch. Hope they fix this soon.
              Titles obtained: Aspidochelone sinker, Fafnir Slayer, Niddhog Slayer, Behemoth Dethroner, Kirin Captivator.
              Titles left to obtain: None.

