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Why is SE making our job so diffcult? Give us Refreshra please!!!

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  • Why is SE making our job so diffcult? Give us Refreshra please!!!

    I'm sorry but since our job in a party is a big "Refresh" machine, why aint SE giving us a break? Refreshing 5 people in a party is a big PITA having to keep track on who/when to refresh. Give us what we deserve, our trademark spell "Refreshra" and make our job easier. It really doesnt make us anymore powerful but just something to simplify our job. It can be 200mp spell for all I care but after over 10 lvls of Refresh, I am sick of this job! What's worst is spamming Refresh doesnt raise enhancing skill. I have casted at least 100 refreshes before seeing a .1 or .2 skill up. Believe it or not, 5 hrs party and not even 1pt enhancing skill lvl gain. Most weapon skill would have maxed their skill by then after every lvl. What is going on SE? We are one of the most hardworking job class since 41 up and our job never get any easier.

    I have seen RDM that dont cast any other spells but Refresh (yes, no debuf or MB, only Refresh) and party still desperately wants them in.

    Sorry for the rant but I really hope we can write to SE so they can hear our RDM woes.
    63RDM, 56THF, 33BLM, 28BRD, 28NIN, 21BST...

  • #2


    • #3
      Bitch bitch bitch, complain complain complain.

      Next, the WHMs will ask for a macro that auto-cures the party when they take damage, followed by a request from the BLMs for a visual "nuke now!" icon so they never miss Magic Bursts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deodorant
        Bitch bitch bitch, complain complain complain.

        Next, the WHMs will ask for a macro that auto-cures the party when they take damage, followed by a request from the BLMs for a visual "nuke now!" icon so they never miss Magic Bursts.

        Hmm... I dont see any relevance in your post from what I was asking. Refreshra does not auto refresh everyone in the party. You still have to cast the damn spell for it to work.

        Let's put it this way, does a WHM without Curaga or any of the Bar-Ra series spells have the right to complain?

        If our job is to refresh the party 24/7, it's obvious we need a ra spell to help us. Just like a whm in a party is to buff everyone, they deserve the ra spells. Do you get it?

        Blm is not even a support class, how can you compare their job to ours?
        63RDM, 56THF, 33BLM, 28BRD, 28NIN, 21BST...


        • #5
          My point is you're moaning and bitching about something that isn't hard at all. I've been a refresh whore for over 30 long levels, and though I will admit refresh-ga would be nice, I've never found it difficult at all. In fact I'd even go as far to say that it's easy. Tedious, admittedly, but still easy.

          Also, if you don't understand the relevance of my 'comparison' (it's not really a comparison) to whm/blm above, then too bad, cos I'm not wasting my finger strength explaining it to you.


          • #6

            Casting Regen on the melees I reckon is the same as refresh on the mages/PLD/DRK. If it is, no it isnt that hard. =o
            Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired


            • #7
              I guess you are still not getting my point as it is not just about "moaning and bitching" as you put it. It is about a job that SE has made to be inefficient.

              I seriously dont understand why you even bother to post what you posted since you already know it's not really a comparison then why bother with a weak response? Well, I dont wish to argue when I get a weak response.

              All I was saying is from Day 1, we should already have the ra spell for refresh, just like whm has ra, bar-ra spells, brd song buff to party. Their job seems to be properly thought out compared to rdm.

              I wouldnt imagine a whm to cast protect/shell on one at a time, bar-series everyone at a time. Brd having to sing songs to one at a time. Now why would they let rdm refresh one at a time? Does having refreshra really make us so damn powerful compared to refresh cycle that keep us busy?
              63RDM, 56THF, 33BLM, 28BRD, 28NIN, 21BST...


              • #8
                Who's busy? :sweat:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zaleshea

                  Casting Regen on the melees I reckon is the same as refresh on the mages/PLD/DRK. If it is, no it isnt that hard. =o
                  Good point. However, 3 jobs can do this. Rdm with regen, whm with regen/regen2 and brd with paeon1/2 (which is almost like a regenra). I wont need to have a regenra because I dont have to cast it like a "Regen" machine if you know what I mean.
                  63RDM, 56THF, 33BLM, 28BRD, 28NIN, 21BST...


                  • #10
                    hmm. i'd have to say you're moaning and bitching



                    • #11
                      It might make RDM too good.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yepe

                        I seriously dont understand why you even bother to post what you posted since you already know it's not really a comparison then why bother with a weak response? Well, I dont wish to argue when I get a weak response.
                        I never compared rdm to whm and blm. You put the words in my mouth. What I was trying to get at, was that here you are bitching and moaning and basically wanting your life to be easier. So what's stopping a whm from wanting his life to be easier, and thus have an auto-cure macro? And likewise, a blm wanting magic bursts to be easier by having an icon pop up that tells him exactly when to cast?

                        And why stop there? While you're at it, you might as well ask for "mighty debuff," and all-in-one debuff that includes slow para blind gravity and all the blm enfeebles. Oh, also an icon that says "dispel needed" so you don't have to watch for visual or text cues. In fact, might as well go all the way, and just totally automate combat so you can drink coffee and not touch the keyboard at all while leveling up.

                        Oh, you might say, but healing and MBing are easy enough that they don't need to be made even easier, which would be exactly my point. Refresh duty is extremely easy, and doesn't need to be made any easier.


                        • #13
                          I sincerely hope they don't add area of effect refresh. Somehow I manage to find time to refresh, haste, debuff mob, cure and status cure melee, but still I wouldn't want refreshra although it would make battles less intense. I fully agree with Deo, refreshing people is easy (even if you have PLD DRK RDM WHM BLM set up) and really doesn't need to be simplified further. There's no argument that we "should" have refreshra just because whms get protectra, if all jobs had all -ra versions of spells how boring would the game be? If you want a break, may I suggest trying samurai?

                          (No offense to any samurais out there )


                          • #14
                            This might have been said already, but RDMs have alot of things going for them! They have alot of abilities and spells that we WHMs dream of *cough*refresh*cough* + you can hold your own in most battles if needed. WHMs, BLMs, and SMNs are paper dolls - you guys can take a few hits, and you guys can give them pretty well too. The reason WHMs have -ra spells is because it's our job to ensure the well-being of the pt and buff, and debuff which is usually doen by the RDM it one enters the pt. I would say more but I am tired

                            Active :: Sub
                            43 WHM | 21 BLM | 8 MNK | 17 WAR | 25 THF | 71 SMN | 72 BRD | 20 NIN | 9 RNG | 12 DRG | SAM 31
                            All advanced job quests completed. // Carbuncle Mitts: O // Evoker's Ring: O // Opo-Opo Crown: O

                            CoP Mission: Three Paths [5-3]

                            Avatars: Shiva Titan Garuda Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle Leviathan Fenrir

                            Title: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper/Kirin Captivator

                            :: Bard AFv2 ::
                            Bard's Roundlet: O
                            Bard's Justaucorps: O

                            :: Bard AF ::
                            Paper Knife: O
                            Choral Roundlet: O
                            Choral Justacorps: O
                            Choral Cuffs: O
                            Choral Cannions: O
                            Choral Slippers: O
                            :: Summoner AF ::
                            Kukulcan's Staff: O
                            Evoker's Horn: x
                            Evoker's Doublet: O
                            Evoker's Bracers: O
                            Evoker's Spats: O
                            Evoker's Pigaches: O


                            • #15
                              I'm rather proud of playing such a technical job. I know it's hard to keep track of logs for hours but I like to be an enfeebling / Refresh / Sleep artist without wasting any second.

                              As for training enhancing magic skill, I don't have any problem at all. It's always capped. A few hours farming at Zitah or Baucudine is enough to get 1.0 - 2.0 skill up.

