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RdM AF1 party, this good?

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  • RdM AF1 party, this good?

    Hi, i put together a party today for my RdM AF1 it is..

    Me (Blacke) lvl 40 rdm
    RdM lvl 46
    Drk lvl 60
    Mnk lvl 55
    Pld lvl 52
    Drg lvl 54

    acn we handle this? how hard is this dude? i mean me and the rdm were gona Cure, 2 converts, keeping cure 2's on tank?

    i just want to know is this pt gona work? or should i tell someone its not gona work, and get a whm?

    any advice, or advice on the fight / storage shed thing is greattly appreciated.
    ::Waves Taru Fist::

    A recent convo with a friend went like this..
    Nomah "When will the time of a NA only HNM ls come? noone knows Blacke."
    Blacke "OUR TIME IS NOW! and it will become our time when we rally!"

    ::and rally all the NA's, on strict for HNM's...::

  • #2
    The monster is pretty easy. Killed it very easily in a 3 person party when I was a 41 rdm with a 55 pld and drk.

    Getting there is the harder part. I had to sneak and invis the whole party. There is a camp of orcs before the river and some orcs across the river.

    Also good luck on finding the storage hole, it will either be pretty easy to find or pretty hard to find. There is a map of the spots in a rdm af1 thread. I recomend going to Search and finding that.

    edit: Here, I did the work of finding it for you.
    Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
    Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
    Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


    • #3
      Your 60 DRK can solo purpleflash Brukduk. Good luck on finding your storage hole, mine was near the entrance to monastic cavern but.. kind of in an obscure area, so I missed like for 2-3 days, along with the other RDMs searching (not related to me really, but I met them and they searched for it too lol).. I went into monastic cavern 2 times, searching for teh stupid hole >.<... anyway, Good luck.

      Corwynn's Journal

      Red Mage for life.

      What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


      • #4
        A level 72 whm basically solo'ed mine. It was a 45 RDM, 41 BRD, and her against him, so damage output was crappy since Hexastrike was nurfed by the time we did it, but it basically just chipping down his life while he casted sissy-boy magic on us. Plus, the manafont 2 hour was pretty worthless, as he was still casting by the time he died. Stay away from the fence though, if you catch the eye of one of the orcs over there you're wanged in a big way.


        • #5
          With that party set up you will own Purpleflash. I killed him with a 50 mnk, 49 rng, 60 theif, 45 rdm (me). Just keep him silenced and and hes a joke.

          Good luck with your storage hole.


          • #6
            **edit double post **


            • #7
              Ya, my level 60 DRG friend soloed him, with me curing him a bit... not too hard at all.

              Finding the storage hole was a pain though... it really sucks having to search for stuff in the middle of orcs that would murder you in seconds if they catch a glimpse of you.

              The first time I searched, I found the hole, but it was on the island in the middle that could only be accessed through Monastic Cavern. I went back the next day and finally found it amongst a group of level 50 orcs... luckily it was off to the side where i could safely remove invis and grab item and warp out.

              In comparison, AF2 quest is pretty easy. Get they key from regular experience mobs like Exoray, Blazer beetle, etc. Find the crawlers nest chest and open it (about as painful as storage hole to find, but easier to navigate area) find ??? and bury key items and dig up AF boots next day. Luckily ??? is always in the same spot, unlike the storage hole.
              FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
              FFXI: Shiva Server


              • #8
                I had a 50 Dragoon and a 68 theif at the time kill him for me lol, they accidently aggroed him when I was running there. Made it to them just as it died ><. I was level 50 at the time of getting AF1 so it was crap.

                CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                • #9
                  can I do this quest on my blm if its open for rdm? or do I have to be present as a rdm?
                  For The Horde!!
                  Current Gil total spent on gear:
                  Current Gil Value of gear:
                  Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                  • #10
                    I think you can get the key with your BLM, the ranger that was with me is also a rdm and he got a key. Later got the quest, I dont know if he has opened the storage hole yet, but I dont see why he would not get the Orcish Dry Food and complete the quest. I will follow up with him tonight and let you know.


                    • #11
                      got my AF1 sword a few nights ago ^^ thanks for the help.
                      I'ts Almost as kool as the Pimp Hat... /sigh wants it

                      ::Waves Taru Fist::
                      POWER TO THE BLACKE!

                      A recent convo with a friend went like this..
                      Nomah "When will the time of a NA only HNM ls come? noone knows Blacke."
                      Blacke "OUR TIME IS NOW! and it will become our time when we rally!"

                      ::and rally all the NA's, on strict for HNM's...::


                      • #12
                        got my AF1 sword a few nights ago ^^ thanks for the help.
                        I'ts Almost as kool as the Pimp Hat... /sigh wants it

                        ::Waves Taru Fist::
                        POWER TO THE BLACKE!

                        A recent convo with a friend went like this..
                        Nomah "When will the time of a NA only HNM ls come? noone knows Blacke."
                        Blacke "OUR TIME IS NOW! and it will become our time when we rally!"

                        ::and rally all the NA's, on strict for HNM's...::


                        • #13
                          Congrats on your af1.

                          I recently did my af3.

                          Can be pretty nasty. Luckily we had a lvl 75 pld tanking.

                          GOodluck to you, and again, congrats


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AtraposBLM
                            can I do this quest on my blm if its open for rdm? or do I have to be present as a rdm?
                            nope, you can pop him as blm, i did that for my mnk af1 and whm af1


                            • #15
                              Owned him with 43 RDM/WHM (me), 55RDM/THF(because she was farming), and 70RDM/BLM. Killed him in 2-3 min and found my storage hole on the way out. Got lucky as hell.

                              No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                              Rest of my sig

