The difference in paralyze landing at low levels (<lv50) might very well be pronounced. I doubt that it would very much matter, however, as a taru can do other things with his mp. As you said, paralyze cost is nearly recasting it wastes pretty much nothing. Red mage fast cast makes recasting it not a problem.
Plus, your example giving you an 8 mp bonus over a taru is laughable. First of all, that will let you cast 1 cure. Whoopdeedoo. Second of all, your math assumes to much. First, it assumes that you cure the paladin. Second, it assumes that when the mob gets paralyzed, nobody was doing anything else to it - namely, the paladin hadn't flashed it, the whm hadn't flashed it, the blm or drk hadn't stunned it, or the paladin's shield wouldn't block, or the paladin wouldn't have parried, or any of the other various ways an attack could miss normally. Just assuming a random thing like 3 paralyzes = 3*90 damage saved is fairly stupid. Yes, your paralyze is better. Guess what? Paralyze casts quickly, and costs almost nothing. When you have less than 400 mp, maybe 6 mp means something to you. It means almost nothing to a taru. It shouldn't mean anything to anyone...
In addition, a taru rdm can land the elemental enfeeble Shock easier than you can. This reduces the mob's mnd, thereby artificially increasing the ability of the rdm to land all enfeebles. With should never get a resist except flukes. You could make the arguement that the blm in your party is more effective at landing shock, and you'd be right, but then you just ruined your arguement about you being better at landing paralyze. Yes, your paralyze might land once or twice more per fight, but with shock, it's not going to last a significant amount longer, nor is it going to get resisted any less.
Also, a taru can easily out damage you with sheer nuking ability. If he lands a few nukes (which he can do due to his higher max mp), he saves the blm MP that he doesn't have to nuke with, he kills the mob quicker so the paladin takes less damage, and he makes the next pull occur quicker.
Another flaw in your argument is the idea that somehow a rdm, blm, and whm all resting at the same time will gain MP back at the same rate. First of all, rdm's tend to have to rest less. A whm or a blm can sit towards the end of the battle, while a rdm might have to stand to redo the refresh cycle. I've even seen whm's that toss a regen III and a haste to the tank, then rest until the paladin needs a Cure V, stand, cast, then rest again. Second of all, as a blm, I can tell you right now that for chain 0, 1, 2, and 3, I have max, or near max every time unless I have to sleep an add. I do this by abusing free mp given by playing with my max MP by switching to my AF body/hat (from Black Cloak) and switching to electrum rings from my +int rings. This lets me get 2 enfeebles and a stun for free, every round, in addition to about half the cost of my blizzard II. Doing that, and nuking in moderation for the first 4 mobs, I leave myself with 950 mp to burn on 2 mobs - it makes getting chain 4 and chain 5 much, much easier. Therefore, you can't say that I'm going to be at the same MP level as the rdm...because I won't be. Third of all, whm, rdm and blm's do NOT in fact regain MP at the same rate. WHM's and BLM's get more Clear Mind traits sooner than a rdm just by default, my +mp recovery is higher than yours. In addition, my JSE adds an additional 1 mp/tick, which equates to ~7 mp extra on the first tick, and 4 mp on each subsequent tick. Most WHM's also sub smn, so that's the same. Unless you plan on buying a vermillion cloak, that's yet another edge whm's and blm's have on resting faster than a rdm.
You say Max MP doesn't matter. I'd agree, somewhat, but you forget that as a rdm, you're at your max mp more often than any other mage. Convert, remember? So for the first and fourth mobs, usually, you're at full mp. And as has already been said, yes, after a while, both a taru rdm and an elvaan rdm would be at the same mp, and therefore be considered equals...but A) when that happens, convert should be up, so a taru regains their MP advantage, and B) that means a taru went through that much more MP. If he used the MP smartly (and a good player would), then he has just prooved that a taru rdm is more effective and efficient than a non-taru.
Maybe at lower levels its less obvious, but at higher levels, every mage tells the puller not to look at their MP to pull unless something weird happens that makes everyone use all their mp (like getting 2 adds when trying to pull the chain 3 or 4 mob). It's up to each mage to budget out their mp so that they can have just enough for that 6th monster to kill it fast enough to make chain 5. What it boils down to is, a taru simply has more to budget. That means more nukes, and more cures. Plus, if you're partied with a whm, you basically won't have to cure at all at high levels. Most whm's and pld's complain about over adding your own cures into the mix just makes things worse. So...nuke away...and taru's do that much better than you do.
About the straight-line dependency of mnd and paralyze...I'd be curious to see if this was the same for every single point of mnd added. I know for a fact that this isn't the case for INT and max damage (at low levels, 1 point of int correlates to 5-10 damage, while at my level, 1 point of int correlates to about 1-3 points of max damage). Also, I'd be curious to see exactly how accurate the breakdown between +enfeebling magic skill and +mnd worked. I find it curious that paralyze would break the mold, as with every single other spell/ability/etc. in the game, adding directly to the skill involved is much more effective than adding to the stat it is dependant upon.
Plus, your example giving you an 8 mp bonus over a taru is laughable. First of all, that will let you cast 1 cure. Whoopdeedoo. Second of all, your math assumes to much. First, it assumes that you cure the paladin. Second, it assumes that when the mob gets paralyzed, nobody was doing anything else to it - namely, the paladin hadn't flashed it, the whm hadn't flashed it, the blm or drk hadn't stunned it, or the paladin's shield wouldn't block, or the paladin wouldn't have parried, or any of the other various ways an attack could miss normally. Just assuming a random thing like 3 paralyzes = 3*90 damage saved is fairly stupid. Yes, your paralyze is better. Guess what? Paralyze casts quickly, and costs almost nothing. When you have less than 400 mp, maybe 6 mp means something to you. It means almost nothing to a taru. It shouldn't mean anything to anyone...
In addition, a taru rdm can land the elemental enfeeble Shock easier than you can. This reduces the mob's mnd, thereby artificially increasing the ability of the rdm to land all enfeebles. With should never get a resist except flukes. You could make the arguement that the blm in your party is more effective at landing shock, and you'd be right, but then you just ruined your arguement about you being better at landing paralyze. Yes, your paralyze might land once or twice more per fight, but with shock, it's not going to last a significant amount longer, nor is it going to get resisted any less.
Also, a taru can easily out damage you with sheer nuking ability. If he lands a few nukes (which he can do due to his higher max mp), he saves the blm MP that he doesn't have to nuke with, he kills the mob quicker so the paladin takes less damage, and he makes the next pull occur quicker.
Another flaw in your argument is the idea that somehow a rdm, blm, and whm all resting at the same time will gain MP back at the same rate. First of all, rdm's tend to have to rest less. A whm or a blm can sit towards the end of the battle, while a rdm might have to stand to redo the refresh cycle. I've even seen whm's that toss a regen III and a haste to the tank, then rest until the paladin needs a Cure V, stand, cast, then rest again. Second of all, as a blm, I can tell you right now that for chain 0, 1, 2, and 3, I have max, or near max every time unless I have to sleep an add. I do this by abusing free mp given by playing with my max MP by switching to my AF body/hat (from Black Cloak) and switching to electrum rings from my +int rings. This lets me get 2 enfeebles and a stun for free, every round, in addition to about half the cost of my blizzard II. Doing that, and nuking in moderation for the first 4 mobs, I leave myself with 950 mp to burn on 2 mobs - it makes getting chain 4 and chain 5 much, much easier. Therefore, you can't say that I'm going to be at the same MP level as the rdm...because I won't be. Third of all, whm, rdm and blm's do NOT in fact regain MP at the same rate. WHM's and BLM's get more Clear Mind traits sooner than a rdm just by default, my +mp recovery is higher than yours. In addition, my JSE adds an additional 1 mp/tick, which equates to ~7 mp extra on the first tick, and 4 mp on each subsequent tick. Most WHM's also sub smn, so that's the same. Unless you plan on buying a vermillion cloak, that's yet another edge whm's and blm's have on resting faster than a rdm.
You say Max MP doesn't matter. I'd agree, somewhat, but you forget that as a rdm, you're at your max mp more often than any other mage. Convert, remember? So for the first and fourth mobs, usually, you're at full mp. And as has already been said, yes, after a while, both a taru rdm and an elvaan rdm would be at the same mp, and therefore be considered equals...but A) when that happens, convert should be up, so a taru regains their MP advantage, and B) that means a taru went through that much more MP. If he used the MP smartly (and a good player would), then he has just prooved that a taru rdm is more effective and efficient than a non-taru.
Maybe at lower levels its less obvious, but at higher levels, every mage tells the puller not to look at their MP to pull unless something weird happens that makes everyone use all their mp (like getting 2 adds when trying to pull the chain 3 or 4 mob). It's up to each mage to budget out their mp so that they can have just enough for that 6th monster to kill it fast enough to make chain 5. What it boils down to is, a taru simply has more to budget. That means more nukes, and more cures. Plus, if you're partied with a whm, you basically won't have to cure at all at high levels. Most whm's and pld's complain about over adding your own cures into the mix just makes things worse. So...nuke away...and taru's do that much better than you do.
About the straight-line dependency of mnd and paralyze...I'd be curious to see if this was the same for every single point of mnd added. I know for a fact that this isn't the case for INT and max damage (at low levels, 1 point of int correlates to 5-10 damage, while at my level, 1 point of int correlates to about 1-3 points of max damage). Also, I'd be curious to see exactly how accurate the breakdown between +enfeebling magic skill and +mnd worked. I find it curious that paralyze would break the mold, as with every single other spell/ability/etc. in the game, adding directly to the skill involved is much more effective than adding to the stat it is dependant upon.