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RSE Questions...

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  • RSE Questions...

    Hey everyone... I decided to put my time into my elv redmage and I now have a18 rdm/9 blm. However i have a question - What the #%@ is RSE? Lol. I keep on hearing that the Elvann REDMAGE RSE is the best, and I was wondering what lvls i would need to be to attempt whatever it is? Thanks
    ~The SKys Will Fall~
    ~The MoON WilL RiSE~
    ~To ThE MaN KnoWN OnLY As~

    30 Redmage
    13 Dark Knight
    12 Warrior
    11 Blackmage
    6 Theif
    4 Whitemage

  • #2
    RSE : Race specific equipment. The image looks exactly like your starting gear only it's got a different colours and have amazing stats.

    To an elvaan mage, any mp+ is considered to be uver l337 because of their total crappy mp :p . Anyway, RSE tends to be used primarily for boosting stats defficiencies. In this case, elvaans have low mp. RSE therefore boosts that by a certain amount to be in par w/ the rest of the other race.

    IMO, you should get this as soon as possible because having a lot of mp really helps a lot especially prior to 40 and elvaans lack of mp. The first one is I believe at lvl 28.
    (Leo-Taru realizes his 'plants' withered away when the heater stopped working.)


    • #3
      It also boosts INT. I think its +3 INT and I know its +60 mp. It's extremely nice and can last you until AF. With full RSE I only had about 20 or so less mp than a hume whm. I'm sure his equipment didn't have much +mp on it, but it was nice to have that much.

