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Can a Rdm/Rng Lv 41 SOLO Valkrum Emperor?

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  • Can a Rdm/Rng Lv 41 SOLO Valkrum Emperor?

    I am a Lv 38 now. Want to wait until I get refresh and convert. I don't have Phalanx now (Had the scroll, but sold it for profit, 250k).
    ********* Guilds Level *********
    (>o_o)> Lu Shang Obtained 8/8/2004 <(o_o<)

    Fishing 72.8, Cook 74, Woodworking 60, Leather 35 . Clothcraft 22, Smith 34, alchemy 84.2, Goldsmith 30
    ************ Jobs ************
    Ranger 60, Ninja 37, Rdm 57, Blm 32, Thf 20, War 18

    Current Gil .... 700,000, 25-40k per hour. ~ Eurytos Bow ~ 5.2M

  • #2
    Easily. The problem isn't beating him. Problem is beating all the THF/RNGs to the claim.


    • #3
      flee is pretty hard to beat when something has a large spawn area try having a hotkey ready for dia, maybe w/ fastcast and luck u can grab it
      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


      • #4
        Since the Emp is pretty heavily camped (on Alexander), trying to use widescan is pretty useless. There are usually campers in all areas of the location.

        I hunt him with my Rdm/Blm (at lvl 40/20 he was no prob) and hope he spawns near me (I usually just circle around area). With fastcast I don't have much trouble beating someone on the claim.
        53 RDM/29 BLM/14 MNK/14 DRK/20 RNG/10 BST/10 NIN


        • #5
          At 41 he shouldnt be a problem, even without phalnax. heh.

          I did find it funny that one second nobody is there, then valkrum spawns. I gank him and 5 people out of the blue show up =p

