What do you think? The Regen series are I, II and III....the Sleep Series are I and II, Dia and Bio are I and II...so why not the II versions of Paralyze, Slow, Blind, Silence? Would have to be RDM only, and probably cost something like 15mp, 25mp, 12mp, 25mp, respectively. Effects might be something like longer duration, better sticking power, and more frequent checks (ie. Paralyze II would paralyze more during a fight).
As of now, I can only think of Gravity and Dispel as being our RDM specific enfeebling spells. So why not more?
- Curse (I'd love to have this spell, but...fat chance lol)
- Afflict (like dropping a slow, blind, paralyze, silence and poison all at once)
- Dishearten (makes monster gain tp slower)
- Confuse (monster is less likely to use an appropriate special attack. for instance, a confused crawler, after receiving a boatload of damage, would be more likely to use sticky thread instead of coccoon. A confused goblin is less likely to use Bomb, and would probably be using Goblin Rush instead). Also, the monster would sometimes hit itself instead of attacking its target.
- Horrify (paralysis, slow, and a chance that the monster will disengage from combat. Mainly a 'get away' spell for adds).
It just seems that most of our enfeebles, which fall under enfeebling magic (our SPECIALTY), are also useable by WHMs. Whereas, WHM gets Regen II, Regen III (not fair!), Cure V, Teleports, Reraise series, status cures and a few more I can't think of - all of which are WHM only. Same with BLM, they get the -ga series, elemental debuffs, warp, warp II, blah blah.
RDM gets Dispel, Gravity, Refresh as the only RDM-specific spells worth mentioning. Bar-status spells are the caster only, Enspells are not that hot, Spike spells are only good solo. Sure we can use white and black magic as well, but our role *is* still primary debuffer, and I think it'd be good to have more RDM-specific debuffs in our repertoire...
As of now, I can only think of Gravity and Dispel as being our RDM specific enfeebling spells. So why not more?
- Curse (I'd love to have this spell, but...fat chance lol)
- Afflict (like dropping a slow, blind, paralyze, silence and poison all at once)
- Dishearten (makes monster gain tp slower)
- Confuse (monster is less likely to use an appropriate special attack. for instance, a confused crawler, after receiving a boatload of damage, would be more likely to use sticky thread instead of coccoon. A confused goblin is less likely to use Bomb, and would probably be using Goblin Rush instead). Also, the monster would sometimes hit itself instead of attacking its target.
- Horrify (paralysis, slow, and a chance that the monster will disengage from combat. Mainly a 'get away' spell for adds).
It just seems that most of our enfeebles, which fall under enfeebling magic (our SPECIALTY), are also useable by WHMs. Whereas, WHM gets Regen II, Regen III (not fair!), Cure V, Teleports, Reraise series, status cures and a few more I can't think of - all of which are WHM only. Same with BLM, they get the -ga series, elemental debuffs, warp, warp II, blah blah.
RDM gets Dispel, Gravity, Refresh as the only RDM-specific spells worth mentioning. Bar-status spells are the caster only, Enspells are not that hot, Spike spells are only good solo. Sure we can use white and black magic as well, but our role *is* still primary debuffer, and I think it'd be good to have more RDM-specific debuffs in our repertoire...