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Sword to use after Ryl.Grd Flueret? Lvl 65+

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  • Sword to use after Ryl.Grd Flueret? Lvl 65+

    Hmm okay in a bit of dilemma here, was just wondering what sword the higher lvl rdms are using? Enhancing sword is really nice for 68, however it's gonna be really hard to keep killing bune over and over until it drops (since its such a hassle to ask so many people).

    The Ryl Grd Fleuret is starting to feel dated, although its a nice sword.. I would love to keep it, but I was just wondering if there were any other alternatives that I could use as a decent weapon.

    I know rdm's arent meant to do dmg but cmon we don't really get any good spells after 60, no WS until 73, so there's gotta be something to look forward to! haha

  • #2
    Enhancing Sword is the ultimate RDM weapon right now, but failing that any "upgrades" to Royal Guard Fleuret are extremely costly.

    Epee (35D/221DLY, +2 ACC) might be the cheapest upgrade, but it's probably not worth it since you get less accuracy bonus and no parry skill.

    Wing Sword (35D/220DLY, +2 STR +2 VIT +2 AGI Add Effect : Wind Damage) might also be a potential upgrade, but it costs way more than it's worth (at least 100k+ on my server).

    Joyeuse (35D/224DLY, +14 Darkness, Sometimes double attack) could also be a potential upgrade, but it's RA/EX so you might as well just kill Bune for the Enhancing Sword instead.

    The first "real" upgrade over the Fleuret is probably for free though at level 71. Sapara of Trials (38D/236DLY) used in the WS quest for Savage Blade.

    Other than that, there's Anelace which is probably a clear cut winner over Fleuret as well (39D/233 DLY, +10 HP, +2 DEX, +2 VIT) but last I checked it was being sold for at least 400k.

    If you want, get a Gold Sword +1 and it's a nice alternative for farming. Typically if you melee for skill/level up PT, you want more Accuracy so the Fleuret is good here. Otherwise, Gold Sword is really nice for farming.


    • #3
      ok just adding some info

      Wow.. wing sword is expensive on rag server, floats around 700-800k. Im currently using because I wanted a change myself

      Joyeuse is a 100% drop, the only issue you have is popping the NM Charydbis, loctated in sea grotto, Need to kill a particular Devil Manta in the room for it to pop (The same room Buu the Rightous NPC is in), however you might want to try and find out if a particular group of people on your server are hunting Charydbis since its a 21-24hr pop. Dont waste your time like I did at one point. You'll also need 12+ lv70 to do this safetly, its harder than some HNMs I've seen, if you can I reccomend trying to get this weapon aswell as Enhancing Sword

      Anelace is the best sword on AH (just my opinion) but Wing Sword looks so sexy :spin:
      Atrox, Ragnorok


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies, really appreciate it!

        Wow the wing sword goes for 1+ mill on midgardsormr, enhancing goes for 4.5 mills! Talk about expensive!

        Just curious, how does the wing sword look? Simililar to the gluttony sword? The little icon for it looked quite cool hehe


        • #5
          Has its own unique look, here ya go
          Attached Files
          Atrox, Ragnorok


          • #6
            Nice! Thanks that looks pretty awesome, hehe I might shell out the money for it then! Although the price is pretty hefty!

            I hope you don't mind me asking but what kind of gear are you wearing? Verm cloak, Astral Aspis was it (that rare/ex shield), Wing Sword hmm I guess that just leaves neck, back, waist, earrings and rings hehe

            Have any idea how the enhancing sword looks? Hope its not mccheesy!!


            • #7
              Enhanced Sword, I barely remember the look, just think Gold Sword asthetic really..

              As for my gear, its quite extensive, its hard to explain but it should make sense, I sent a PM to yourself
              Atrox, Ragnorok

