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WHM or BLM usurping your role

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  • WHM or BLM usurping your role

    I'm wondering if anyone else is having this "problem".

    Let's say I'm in a PT with a WHM.

    <Me>: Let me handle the debuffs, so you can save MP and focus on pure healing
    <WHM>: Good idea

    (fight begins)

    WHM starts casting Paralyze on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Dia on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Blind on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Slow on Greater Pugil

    <Me>: I thought I was going to do the debuffs?
    <WHM>: Oh yeah.

    (next fight)

    WHM starts casting Paralyze on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Dia on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Blind on Greater Pugil
    WHM starts casting Slow on Greater Pugil

    <Me>: /sigh

  • #2
    /laugh It happens to me aswell. I usually wait till whm finish casting, then I cast it myself. Funny thing is almost all the debuffs whm casted haven't landed. I bet they want to raise their Enfeeble cap.
    Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
    Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


    • #3
      It happens alot, alot of these whm's that play are clueless and tend not to listen. If the group wonders why they are not seeing the mob paralyzed, I just say "Dont look at me, the whm wanted to debuff~" Then the whm would go "I am just raising skills, you should be debuffing" 99% they are ignorant to the fact that debuff's do not stack and 50% of the time that their debuff does land, I have no way of knowing whether or not the debuff did or did not land. If the whm keeps doing this, say to the group "either me or you will be doing it, not both, if you want to raise skills on enfeeble just cast dia and let me do the rest". If they still dont listen, just leave the group....10 to 1 you are most likely better off not being in the group with an incompetant whm.

      P.S. this also goes to all who sub whm and do this....yes I have seen monks who sub whm debuff then yell for refresh. ><
      Its best to just ignore them, after they run out of mp they will stop casting it, and if they demand refresh, just tell them they should have leveled up a better sub.


      • #4
        This irritates me a huge deal. The only person I want to see debuffing is the BLM and the only thing I want to see out of him is Shock and Frost. =P After a battle or two of this I use the translator to tally up a big list of spells, with an arrow to my name:

        <-- [Gravity], [Paralyze], [Blind], [Slow], [Dia], [Dispel], [Red Mage], [Enfeebling Magic]

        It usually takes like two battles for them to get it. If they choose to ignore it I leave the group. First off, no one is going to be watching for enfeebles to need renewing but me, and second, half of the WHM/BLM crap gets resisted anyway.


        • #5
          as a WHM56/BLM28, i have kept up my enfeebling skill and it is now capped at 170. my debuffs will land 9/10 times, thus saving my rdm's mp they can use for dispel and refresh.

          the times my debuffs fail to stick are when i get pulled into a party that is all a few levels above me and the monsters are just too IT for my skill to touch them. in that case, i better let the rdm handle it with their A enfeebling skill as opposed to my C.

          usually i have way too much mp to expend on just curing, so me doing debuffs can help the group out. after level 40 it seems that whm's mp goes a lot farther than rdm's, so why not take advantage of it?
          75 White Mage
          75 Ninja


          • #6
            Usually the comprimse I work out with the other mages is to let them cast Dia 2 or Bio 2, saving me a refresh worth of MP. It gets their enfeebling up (or dark) more than you think if they cast it every fight.
            Revenant Elv Male on Caitsith
            70 RDM 50PLD 35 BLM


            • #7
              I usually leave the Bio to the rdm. I get enough of a work out on my dark skill to cap it from drain and aspir already, so the RDM actually needs the chance to raise dark more then I do.

              My usual choice of enfeebling spell is blind. It's useful, but not critical. It casts fast and recasts fast, so if I do fail, I can just quickly throw another.

              However, I will throw paralyze, slow, or whatever debuff I have availible immediately if I see the RDM getting resisted, since these spells have longer recast timers, and we usually want those debuffs on ASAP.
              Junior Member?

              Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


              • #8
                I basically agree with Tifa. If I am lucky enough to save some MP because WHM cast debuffs on my behalf, I'll probably spend it on Haste or Nuke.

                Well, to me it is fine as long as their debuffs land. I still have RDM-only spells (Dispel and Glavity) and I can raise my skills with them. I'm sure I'm able to have enfeebling magic skill capped only with Dispel when we camp at CN


                • #9
                  I like to do most of the debuffing, but I do like for the White Mage and Black Mage to take some of the responsibility off my hands. The faster a mob is debuffed, the better. Even with Fast Cast, it can take a while to get the mob debuffed with every spell in my repitoire, especially considering resists, pauses I might have to make to MB, heal (and later, Refresh), or to reapply a debuff that wears off quickly. Also it's less for me to keep track of... the White Mage or Black Mage in the party should be able to keep track of one or two debuffs in addition to their other responsibilities more easily than I can.

                  Usually though, I only ask the White Mage to handle Dia, or ask the Black Mage to do Bio, the reason being those spells are never resisted, so their lower Enfeebling ability is less of a concern. Also, sometimes if I'm getting a ton of resists, and Slow is one of the spells that gets resisted, I'll sometimes say "Resists... can you try to Slow this one, WHM?" because that spell takes forever to recast.

                  But it always irritating when a party member says "Okay" when you suggest a specific plan/tactic/whatever and then they don't follow it. I really don't get it at all. Usually when I get a party member like that, I'll just watch what spells they're casting and simply not cast those... I'd get pretty upset though if they had the nerve to chastize me for not casting those same spells, heh.


                  • #10
                    Yep, read you loud and clear.

                    I tend to get slightly annoyed with it (especially if you've worked out with the other mages in the party who's going to cast what), but I tend to get a it more annoyed when I've got a slight bit of lag before my spells start, for whatever connection reason... and only after I've put in the command to start casting do I see the WHM casting the same spell.


                    Of course, sometimes, even your fellow red mages can be dorks:

                    Me: I'll handle Gravity, Paralyze... can you handle Slow, Blind, Dia?
                    OtherRDM: Sure!

                    OtherRDM begins casting Gravity.
                    Me: ...
                    "God must love stupid people. He made so many!"


                    • #11
                      I used to let that get me mad, but i found a solution

                      When a whm and blm are doing all the debuffs (wasting MP RESIST'D), i just take that as my cue to slack off and just cast refresh and dispel, work on my sword level
                      Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.

