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RDM Macros

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  • #46
    These macro are the best ever!! Same here I never used macro. except to wave and point :sweat: Yes i know. Altho I get my magic on time i would like to learn these macros... the one I couldn't get to work yesterday was the Earrings equip... Can anyone help me out??
    RDM Always ~ RDM29 | BLM20 | THF 12 ~


    • #47
      /equip Slot "Item"

      note: "Item" is as it appears in your Inventory! Not the actual name.

      /equip Main "Wize Wizard's Annalace" will just get you a "... a command error occured."

      /equip Main 'Wis.Wiz. Annalace" throws your sword on.

      This is the Slot names: (note: they are case sensitive)

      Main -- Sub -- Range -- Ammo
      Head -- Neck -- Ear1 -- Ear2
      Body -- Hands -- Ring1 -- Ring2
      Back -- Waist -- Legs -- Feet
      Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
      >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
      Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
      >> Alauna : yeah...


      • #48
        So if I get this right by typing this i should be able to put on my earrings..

        /equip Ear1 "Ony.Earring"

        And that should equip my onyx earring??
        RDM Always ~ RDM29 | BLM20 | THF 12 ~


        • #49
          Yes, if that's the way your earring shows up in your inventory. In the case of two identical items, you just use the same name.


          /equip Ring1 "Astral Ring"
          /equip Ring2 "Astral Ring"

          I've noticed that earring and ring slots need to be capitalized (Ear1, Ring1, etc) whereas other slots don't need to be (head, waist, etc).

          You can put in equipment swaps after the cast command in macros if you want (or before techically, but I like seeing the casting fire off faster). What counts is what you have on when the spell goes off, not when it starts.

          If you have times when you don't want to macro gear then, you can do one of the following...

          - Make a duplicate macro bar without swaps (this is what I have, for right after convert, etc).

          - Bazaar the gear for large sums of money...bazaared gear can't be equipped, so it won't be macroed in.

          - Don't carry it (farming, etc).

          FFXI Blog


          • #50
            Great this is mostly the best tread I've visited!1 YAY Macro learning!

            I thank you all for the help and I'll let you know how my progess goes...
            RDM Always ~ RDM29 | BLM20 | THF 12 ~


            • #51
              As a RDM, you're going to run into a lot of situations where Macros will be a life saver. Convert, Escape, and Sleep are the big ones. Being able to throw the right staff on (for the strongest sleep possibe) or inform your party that you're "gettin' out, while we're still kickin' (aka. escape) can be the difference between life and death, sometimes.

              I'll never forget just how "crucial" macros can be. Lvl'ing in the Tree @64, it was a dual rdm pt. I was /whm, be was /blm. He is one of those "low-quality" RDM's, that didnt have a Dark Staff, let alone a decent wand for casting. He method's were "questionable" at times, but the worst move he pulled, was a spontaious (and silent) Chainspell Escape!! We got a crawler link... so he casts... gravity. (Mistake? it may have been.) well, he then gets the idea that we cant take 2 of em. By now, hes lookin pretty Red, so i toss him a IV. At this point, the pt is pretty spread out, as the NIN is trying to keep the 1st crawler's attention, while the DRK is trying to keep the 2nd crawler's attention away from the RDM/BLM.

              I'm all the way on the other side of the "camp" from him, trying to keep everyone alive, and get to my Sleep macro for the add. I see chainspell go off, and then it hits me.... 'he's gonna escape...' So i start booking it to him, only to miss the escape. Now, i'm stuck here... all alone... with 2 pissed off Crawlers. I manage to lose the add, by running in the water, and if it wasnt for this other pt, and thier quick thinking RNG (thankyou, Shadowbind) I'da been a gonner for sure.
              Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
              >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
              Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
              >> Alauna : yeah...


              • #52
                This might be a bit of a noobish question; is there a way to add macros without actually logging into the game?.. :sweat:
                "What I've shown you is reality. What you remember, is the illusion."
                - Sephiroth


                • #53
                  Going back to the first post... I think they increased the max /wait time in a patch, since /wait 23 will actually work now. Only problem is, it's such a long wait that something usually happens in between that stops the macro completing I wish they allowed for that, but sadly not.
                  RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


                  • #54
                    Re: RDM Macros

                    highest wait i found out is /wait 60 (SATA macro)
                    but your right, most of the time you will use so much amcros, exspecially as mage that most wait timer to tell something is ready are interrupted

                    my most used macros are:
                    /m "Cure ??" <stpc>
                    /equip main "light Staff"

                    Check macro
                    /recast "Refrsh"
                    /recast "Haste"
                    /recast "Convert"

                    /m "Refresh" <stpc>
                    /wait 15
                    /echo Refresh ready!

                    / same as Refresh ^^

                    /p Converting
                    /ja "Divine Seal"
                    /wait 2
                    /ja "Convert" <me>
                    /wait 1
                    /m "Cure ??" <me>


                    lock target
                    /target <bt>

                    /m "Paralyze" <t>
                    /equip main "Ice Staff"

                    Dia, Slow, Gravity, Sleep, Aspir, Dispel whatever all the same

                    i don´t use <bt> in my macros because of links, i can easy switch between mobs and then cast.

                    for soloing i have different macros, like
                    /m "Refresh" <me>
                    and the other stuff like Stoneskin, Phalanx, Enspells.. it`s a long list as RDM ^^



                    • #55
                      Re: RDM Macros

                      I use <stpc> and <stnpc> a lot. Makes it easier/less tabbing to get to targets, gives you the safety of not accidentially firing the wrong spell- like hitting a DOT spell when you meant to hit sleep for a link. The "st" blue select target cursor gives you the extra chance to cancel out.

                      Now that I'm in my 70's I find macro space to be quite cramped and I wind up typing some spells into the command line manually after a gear swap-only macro or similar spell type macro- like I follow a drain spell which is macroed with an /ma Aspir <bt> command to fire off and Aspir while still having dark magic + gear equipped....

                      However one of the most wonderful things I've discovered is windower 3.2.1. This tool is great for PC gamers as you can access other programs in the background on your computer by alt + tab without craching POL. Not only that but you can make macors with windoer and bind them to keys on your keyboard... thus having additional macros without using up extra macro pallettes. Not only that but these macros do not have a limit on the number of lines you can use or the max duration of a /wait. I still prefer to use the normal macro buttons + a few extras (ctrl + f1 - f10). I can call my windower macros inside a regular ffxi macro, and I do this for gear swaps.

                      So I may have for example 6 gear swap macros for rdm stored in windower per lvl cap. say my lvl 70 macros set, my lvl 40 cap macro set, my lvl 40 sub ninja set, etc. These sets being- nuke gear, restmp gear, attack gear, mind enfeeble gear, int enfeeble gear, dark magic gear, and convert gear. In these sets I might swap out 8-15 items let's say... about everything bu the main weapon and sub... (which I still prefer to do as part of the ffxi macro).

                      ex: ffxi macro Paralyze

                      /ma Paralyze <stnpc>
                      /recast Paralyze
                      /equip main "Ice staff"
                      /console exec mind-enfeeble.txt

                      And my mind-enfeeble.txt file might look like this:

                      input /equip head "Elite Beret"
                      input /equip body "Warlock's Tabard";
                      input /equip legs "Errant Slops";
                      input /equip feet "Erranht Pigaches"
                      input /equip ring1 "Solace Ring";
                      input /equip ring2 "Solace Ring";
                      input /equip ear1 "Enfeebling Earring";
                      input /equip ear2 "Harvest Earring"
                      input /equip ammo "Phantom Talthum +1"
                      input /equip waist "Penitent's Rope"
                      input /equip back "Rainbow Cape"
                      input /equip neck "Enfeebling Torque"

                      Let me tell you... this keeps macroing very simple and saves yourself a ton of time. I might make a couple of variations on the mind-enfeeble.txt file to give more mind + and less skill +, and all I have to do is edit my ffxi paralyze macro's last line to a different file name. Also since only the main weapon is equip-swapped in the standard way, altering the macro on the fly is easy. And if I get new gear, I alter the .txt file once for however many of my regular macros might be using it.

                      For the spells/job abilities I want but don't have room to macro one one pallete, I can use CTRL + the Fkeys and setup keybindings with windower. So maybe there's no room for blink, phalanx, and stoneskin, but I can make them be a key combination pretty easily.

                      Before discovering this, I may have had macros to swap some general gear for say a mind-based spell, and then have the spell macro itself swap more specific gear, like skill +. So I'd be pressing two macros to change maybe 4-9 pieces of equip and cast a spell... assuming I got it planned out well when I made the macros that is.

                      While you might argue this gives an advantage (being able to swap every equipment slot), I'll point out that many high level rdm's might be pressing 2 or even 3 macros to fire a single spell (in order to do the same thing). And the main limiting factor is present: the maximium number of inventory slots for toting around gear. I still can't haul every [ossible slot's worth of attack gear, tank gear, eva gear, mind gear, int gear, dark magic gear, mp gear, rest hmp+ gear, etc in just 60 slots. So while my macros might look like they change 12 things at once, its usually only 3-8 items bc some of the stuff I might already be wearing from the last macro I used....

                      However, I thought that this does bear mentioning as its just way more convenient and organized IMO. It is especially useful for equip-swapping jobs like black mage and red mage. Although melee could make use of a full swap, tp-gain-accuracy set, damage set, ws-sets, and maybe the oh_crap_Im_not_the_tank set.
                      Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
                      75: RDM MNK BLM PLD BRD subs: NIN WAR DRK BLU WHM SCH DNC RNG
                      AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
                      Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


                      • #56
                        Re: RDM Macros

                        Wow. . .2years+ of play and I never new of the stpc and stnpc. . .course I lvl slow as hell to but thats another story.

                        Well anyways, I like to lump my Enfeebles according to Purpose.


                        Macro: Binding - Seal the enemies ability to attack
                        /ma "Paralyze" <stnpc*> *from now on that is ^_^
                        /wait 7
                        /ma "Slow" <lastst>
                        /wait 7
                        /ma "Blind" <lastst>

                        Macro: Disease - Weaken the enemies stats and DoT them
                        /ma "Shock" <stnpc*>
                        /wait 7
                        /ma "Dia II" <lastst>
                        /wait 5
                        /ma "PoisonII" <lastst>
                        Note: I also switch Dia and Bio depending on the PT's desire but its mostly Dia. . .I coudl switch out Poison if Bio and Dia stack now, not sure if SE fixed that or not.

                        I make a seperate Macro for Silence, Sleep, Gravity as needed, cause these seem more special case scenarios.

                        Macro: Wall - Strengthen Magical and Physical Defense
                        /ma "Protect III" <stpc*>
                        /wait 7
                        /ma "Shell II" <lastst>
                        Note: I usually only use this on myself unless there is no Whm in PT to cast it.

                        Macro: Barrier - Solo Use, Additional Defensive Power
                        /ma "Blink" <me>
                        /wait 10
                        /ma "Stoneskin" <me>
                        /wait 10
                        /ma "Phalanx" <me>
                        Note: As you can see I like to lump together spells that are used in a particular fashion, I like to have open spaces in my Macro Slots. I only use this for solo usage considering I almost never use these spells unless Im Converting in the middle of a Battle(Very Rare).

                        Macro: Refresh/Haste - Self Explanitory
                        /ma "Refresh"(Or Haste) <stpc*>
                        /wait 18 Note: Id use the actual reset time, but I usually hit the macro again before its ready lol
                        /echo Refresh/Haste Ready

                        Macro: EnSpike - Solo Use- Added Damage from Hitting and Gettign Hit
                        /ma "En<whatever element>" <me>
                        /wait 7
                        /ma "Ices Spikes" <me> Note: The effect of Paralyze from Icespikes appeasl to me more than the other bonus's and effects of the other spikes.
                        Note: I really only use this for Solo leveling, farming its a waste of MP to me. . .hell in Farming I use Refresh only when I have to cast a heal spell. . which isnt often lol.

                        Macro: Cure - If you dont know what this is. . .god help you
                        /ma "Cure III" <stpc*> Note: I have Cure IV but because its a huge MP burn on me and generates alot of Hate I opt for a lower cost, lower hate spell. Cure IV is a special occasion Cure I use in Emergancies only really.

                        Macro: Convert - See Cure for explanation
                        /ja "Convert" <me> Note: This is Divine Seal if I have Whm as Sub, followed by the Convert command.
                        /wait 3
                        /ma "Cure III" <me>
                        Note: I usually throw on Refresh before I do Convert for good measure, and I also throw on Regen after Cure III. Its a low cost spell and its enough to bring my HP above Yellow so I dont burn MP on a second Cure III or Cure IV.

                        I also dont have a Timer Macro, mainly cause I can hold my MP for the 10 minutes it takes for Convert to come back up.. . .. sometimes.

                        I usually dont have to have a macro informing my PT of HP and MP cause Im usually Good to Go whenever since I convert when I get around 100MP or less and my HP remain virtually unchanged throughout the PT.

                        But thats basically what I use for macros. . .other than some special case ones for Farming and Soloing.

                        Which FF Character Are You?


                        • #57
                          Re: RDM Macros

                          I've actually built a macro set for 3 jobs over my macros for RDM. There's WHM, BLM, and RDM macros and it doesn't take up too mnay spaces. They are as follows:

                          Page 9:


                          ShortRest|LongRest|Ginger Cookie|Marron Glace|Melon Pie +1| Goblin Mushpot| | |Sneak|Invisible|

                          RDM Melee Equip Macro|WHM Melee Equip Macro|BLM Melee Equip Macro|RDM Party Equip Macro|WHM Party Equip Macro|BLM Party Equip Macro| | | | |

                          Page 10:


                          Cure|CureII|CureIII|CureIV|CureV| |RegenIII| |RaiseIII|ReraiseIII|


                          Poisona|Paralyna|Silena|Blindna|Stona|Cursna|Erase| |BarAera|Barfira|



                          Dia|Paralyze|Slow|Silence|Blind|Poison|Gravity| | |Dispel|

                          Refresh|Haste| |Protect|Shell|Protectra&Shellra| | | |Convert|

                          Page 2:


                          StoneIII|WaterIII|AeroIII|FireIII|BlizzardIII|ThunderIII| |Stun|Drain|Aspir


                          StoneIV|WaterIV|AeroIV|FireIV|BlizzardIV|ThunderIV| | |Sleep|SleepII|

                          Page 3:


                          StonegaIII|WatergaIII|AerogaIII|Firaga III|BlizzagaIII|ThundagaIII| |Sleepga| SleepgaII|


                          Rasp|Drown|Choke|Burn|Frost|Shock| | | | |

                          I don't macro Warps or Teleports, because if you accidentally hit them, you can really screw over a party, or yourself, because you could be kicked. I don't macro Ancient Magic, I only do it when I'm manaburning, which isn't very often.

                          The Melee equip is really just for soloing/skilling up.

                          Each of the || is an empty macro. I use spacing to keep certain spells grouped together.
                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                          • #58
                            Re: RDM Macros

                            Page 1

                            1st 3 Most used Enhancing
                            C1 Refresh
                            C2 Haste
                            C3 Regen
                            C4 Convert
                            C5 Drain
                            C6 Aspir
                            Top 4 Elementals
                            C7 Thunder II
                            C8 Stone III
                            C9 Water III
                            C0 Aero III
                            A1 Paralyze
                            A2 Slow
                            A3 Blind
                            A4 Poison II
                            A5 Frost
                            A6 Gravity
                            A7 Bio II
                            A8 Silence
                            A9 Sleep's
                            A10 Dispel

                            C1 Cure II
                            C2 Cure III
                            C3 Cure IV
                            Backup Enfebles
                            C4 Dia II
                            C5 Bind
                            The Wall
                            C6 Protect IV
                            C7 Shell IV
                            C8 Deoderize
                            C9 Sneak
                            C0 Invisible
                            Solo enhance
                            A1 StoneSkin
                            A2 Blink
                            A3 Phalanx
                            A4 Blaze spikes
                            A5 Ice spikes
                            A6 Shock spikes
                            A7 Raise
                            A8 Tractor
                            A9 Escape
                            A10 Rest

                            Page 3 ENSPELL and BAR SPELLS

                            The Macros are way to complex cause every one except refresh and regen and others that dont effect but i change rest with VC DS and Barons and elemtals staves and blue corthardie and so fourth i have almost every macro changing gear any suggestions please post or PM me
                            Last edited by massaranger; 05-25-2006, 06:37 PM.
                            TERA - Dark.Anubis 70 High Elf Preist - RETIRED
                            WOW Ihornedyourmom 85 Tauren Paladin - RETIRED
                            FFXIV - Sergei Volkov - RETIRED
                            FFXI - Massaranger, Daytimes and Sunghee - RETIRED


                            • #59
                              Re: RDM Macros

                              My current RDM macro setup:

                              Main panel:

                              L1/Ctrl: Offensive
                              - Dia II
                              - Slow
                              - Paralyze
                              - Silence
                              - Blind
                              - Gravity
                              - Magic Burst Nuke Flavor Of the Day (usually Blizzard II)
                              - Dispel
                              - /target <bt>
                              - /p <t> {Found it!} <pos>!

                              R1/Alt: Defensive
                              - Haste
                              - Refresh
                              - Regen
                              - Cure II
                              - Cure III
                              - Cure IV
                              - Misc 1: Mage's Ballad (replaced with Erase when /WHM)
                              - Misc 2: Sword Madrigal/Advancing March (replaced with barspell or -na of choice when /WHM)
                              - Misc 3: Magic Finale (replaced with -na of choice when /WHM)
                              - /recast Convert

                              Second macro panel (situational stuff)
                              ALT only
                              - Sleep I
                              - Sleep II
                              - BLANK (to avoid accidents)
                              - Sleepga
                              - Elemental Seal/Divine Seal
                              - Swap to MP gear
                              - Swap to Enfeeble gear
                              - Stoneskin
                              - Blink
                              - Convert



                              • #60
                                Re: RDM Macros

                                Originally posted by truenoir
                                I've noticed that earring and ring slots need to be capitalized (Ear1, Ring1, etc) whereas other slots don't need to be (head, waist, etc).
                                You should just get in the habit of using capitals for names of spells, abilities, etc. This is a sure fire way to not run into problems because the system did not recognize the name you inputted. I've never had problems myself and I believe this should be an exercise of being able to use proper grammar in the english language. I hate how people are starting to ignore punctuations, capitalization and all that when they type anything (anywhere at anytime)

