I would like to start this sticky thread. Please keep it to macros. No need to thank a poster to keep the thread slim please. I'll start with couple and add more as I go. All mine are Japanese but will use English for here. Please also report any errors.
/ma Refresh <st>
/p Refreshing <lastst>
/wait 20 (wait 20 is the maximum time that can be used.
/wait 2
/echo ***Refresh ready to recast*** <= Only you can see the message. Thnks to Somnar
/ma Despell <t>
/ma Cure3 <st>
/p Cure3 on <lastst>
Sneak <= Make the same for Invis
/ma Sneak <st>
/p Sneak on <lastst>
Item <= For quick item usage, Silent Oil and Powder.
/item Silent Oil <me>
Sleep <= No wait here since stnpc is used. If 1st fails , u go to next. You may also want to add a BLM JA of Seal. You may choose to delete echos and Bind if you run out of room.
/ja Elemental Seal <me>
/echo Ready Sleep2
/ma SleepII <stnpc>
/echo Ready Sleep
/ma Sleep <stnpc>
echo Ready Bind
/ma Bind <stnpc>
<st> means select sub target. You select a PT member before activating command
<lastst> lists the name of the person selected
/ma Refresh <st>
/p Refreshing <lastst>
/wait 20 (wait 20 is the maximum time that can be used.
/wait 2
/echo ***Refresh ready to recast*** <= Only you can see the message. Thnks to Somnar
/ma Despell <t>
/ma Cure3 <st>
/p Cure3 on <lastst>
Sneak <= Make the same for Invis
/ma Sneak <st>
/p Sneak on <lastst>
Item <= For quick item usage, Silent Oil and Powder.
/item Silent Oil <me>
Sleep <= No wait here since stnpc is used. If 1st fails , u go to next. You may also want to add a BLM JA of Seal. You may choose to delete echos and Bind if you run out of room.
/ja Elemental Seal <me>
/echo Ready Sleep2
/ma SleepII <stnpc>
/echo Ready Sleep
/ma Sleep <stnpc>
echo Ready Bind
/ma Bind <stnpc>
<st> means select sub target. You select a PT member before activating command
<lastst> lists the name of the person selected