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  • 2 RDM PT > WHM and RDM PT

    I've been playing for a while....

    my observations has been that ive been doing better in RDM/BLM and RDM/WHM pt post 40 than with any WHM.

    -2 Converts makes efficiency go up
    -Healing amount for cure3 and cure2 the same.
    -refresh is not that much of a pain if ya got 2
    -Flexible solutions to stuff like unwanted pull.

    If you are a RDM/WHM, you can gain all the staples of the WHM like poisona and all and all we're missing later on is raise2, regen2 and all, and regen2 i dont see much difference with it around.

    Recently i had a Smn, 2 RDM, 2 Sam, 1 Pld pt and (only the smn was jp, in case anyone throws issues on "jps being better", everyone worked really hard and i got from 48-49 in 2.30 hours in garliage with pure bat chains no beetles.

    you may have done better, but this is really good results ill say.

    We did, smn heal after buff, one rdm take care of refresh for smn and himself, the other rdm for pld and himself, compare stats, say which spells to cast, then you can split it up, MB at all renkeis, out of MP, then convert, so and so.

    Guys have any views?

  • #2
    rdm brd > rdm rdm

    with brd buffs, refresh stacking with ballad 1 and 2...
    observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


    • #3
      the thing with that is, for that be maximum efficiency, you need more mages, like a blm that actually needs as much MP as you can get, but it doesnt really cut into the healing upkeep.


      • #4
        RDM SMN > RDM RDM

        I PTed with SMN 65 who had Fenrir. Fenrir was amazing. Plus the SMN had Vermillion Cloak which helped. PT consisted of:

        RDM (me)

        I prefer NIN/WAR to PLD/WAR. NIN is able to tank much better and does not require constant heals and refresh Refreshing 3 people is doable, but 4 becomes too much from me personally.
        RDM 75, BLM 73, WHM 42, SMN 41, RNG 40, NIN 37, DRK 37, THF 25, WAR 20


        • #5
          Best exp gained party was:


          Lvl59-60 party. Exp was 4500 per hour. Total of 19k exp earned in 4hours. Its pure damaging party, the only thing I didn't like about this group is... ... ... I was frigging tired after the 4th hour :sweat: Main healer, refresh, debuff gah!
          Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
          Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


          • #6
            NIN is able to tank much better and does not require constant heals
            I think it depends on what we hunt.

            For example, against Mandragora (often does triple attack) and MNK-like mobs (e.g., Orcish Champion), I prefer PLD as a main tank.

            Also, against those who use hate-reset abilities like Antican, PLD tank is safer for mages since they have a lot of ways to create and hold hates immediately.

            Oh well, we have to remember to cast Haste on NIN tank as we cast Refresh on PLD. You know why

            Back to the original question, I agree with Kiyotaka. RDM + RDM is better than RDM + WHM in that we may have less downtime with the former due to Convert.

            However, I don't want to be a main healer and I think neither do you guys... I can't force another RDM to be a main healer. In order to concentrate on my job (Dispel, Enfeeble, MB, Refresh and so on), I always want WHM next to me.

            By the way, I went to QuickSand Caves on Sunday with our backliners consisting of 2*RDM and WHM. I really had good time because we were able to share enfeebling and refresh. I was in charge of Glavity, Slow, Paralyze, and refresh on PLD/myself while the other one did Shock, Frost, Blind, and refresh WHM/himself. We carefully took a look at logs when we had to cast Dispel so that we wouldn't waste 25MP.

            It is rare to see two RDMs in one PT (Others will be jealous) but I think it is harder for me to find BRD or SMN with Fenrir...


            • #7
              I think ive seen maybe 2 or 3 bards in the past 4 weeks, and only once was there one in my group. Sure they are very nice to have...but there is a better chance of finding one then there is finding a toothpick in a bail of hay.

              Summoners with all their avatar's are VERY nice to have in parties. Even a summoner with just Garuda is nice. I have yet to party with a summoner who has Fenrir so I could not give my thoughts on Fenrir yet heh, not to mention the decent size mp pool.

              Whm's are nice to have in in case things go bad...^^

              But ya having 2 rdm's in a party when no other rdm's are lfp kinda pisses off the other groups who want one hehe.


              • #8
                In my permanent pt we are lucky enough to have

                RDM/WHM (me)

                We work very well together in that we share all the pt duties

                songs (Duh) , magic finale, and -na spells

                refresh, debuff, cures, -na spells

                Cures, Haste occasional Na spells

                This works well as far as mp efficeiency goes for our pt because magic finale has no mp involved and we all complement eachother very well in our skills. We NEVER have downtime except if there is an exceptionally hard battle or multiple adds, we take one add like our next pull and we're fine.

                So my conclusion is RDM BRD WHm > RDM RDM = RDM WHM

                I just say this because it depends on the RDM, I personally prefer nto to be main healer, it just takes a certain mindset that is hard to get into. but if you can find two rdms (preferably the main healer as a taru for mp pool) that would be a very nice setup. Support classes are always good to have around.

                EDIT: Put SMn insead of BRD my bad
                --RDM----WHM----BLK---- RANK: 8
                ---63-------33------22---- San D'oria
                All Artifact Armor Attained
                Genkai 1,2,3 and 4 complete
                ::IFRIT SERVER::
                Joining of Six 4 Life
                ::JOINING OF SIX::


                • #9
                  i didnt say "rdm rdm" > "rdm smn"

                  i said that the rdm/blm rdm/whm combo is more efficient than a rdm and whm combo.

                  but smns are pretty generic
                  at like a whm that subs smn get vacuum armor at 25, and a earthern ward later on. i dont know if the lvl of the smn sub affects stoneskin, but vacuum armor is set at 2 shadows.

                  but smns' stuff like earthen ward and aerial armor are not really "necessary" as they act as dmg buffers and then serve as healers. where as whms are just healers.

                  well right now, nothing can sub a job that can get cureIV, which i think is a very nice for stuff like jetstream and all that. So smns i can postpone using for a while. They have theyre benefits, but i dont see them over some of ther other classes.

                  either way its all dependent on what youre fighting, applepie is right, thanks for all the opinions

