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  • Problem

    Ok leveling low level is starting to get to me lol.....I need to level my RDM to 45 so I can us it as a sub for DRG, now I have no other job hihg enuff to carry RDM to 45, acept would it be ok to sub DRK for RDM just untill level 45 or should I level WHM and use it.......I really dont want to have to level another job but if I really haveto I will, DRK would provide spells attack and magic benefits to RDM, so I was wondering about it :\
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

  • #2
    BLM, WHM, SMN, and BRD are the main sub jobs people use for a Red Mage sub, if you sub DRK you wont help a party at all probaly doing nice melee damage at low level but besides that it's a job that doesn't work in party Situations.
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #3
      oh ok thanks I will check into that, most likely it will be whm beacuse that is the only job I have at a decent level ^.^
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Yes, BLM, WHM, BARD, OR SMN

        You would never sub /drk to a red mage. Never ever. Not even for fun, a drk/rdm, yes for fun, but even then it's not fun.

        If I were you, I'd choose either blm or whm. Then which ever is high enough, pick that.

        When you say decent level for whm, what do you mean? ;x

        You should atleast have Curaga and Shellra.
        If the minimum wasn't acceptable it wouldn't be called the minimum. ~ The Tweezen way


        • #5
          well for the longest time all OI have was PLD-19 and DRK-25 but now I finaly got WHM to 11 so I can use it as sub now for RDM ^.^
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Ah, well level Whm up to get Curaga and Shellra. You would probably need those in a battle, Curaga if you're in trouble, and Shellra to help debuff before a battle.
            If the minimum wasn't acceptable it wouldn't be called the minimum. ~ The Tweezen way

