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How they gain TP from our attack

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  • How they gain TP from our attack

    Well, it's OT.

    I was just hanging around RDM thread in JPN forum and found a formula to calculate how mobs gain their TP from our attacks. According to this thread it is,

    X = Y + 3%

    X[%]: TP they gain when they are hit
    Y[%]: TP we gain when we hit them

    For example, when I hit them with my Gold Sword, I gain 6% TP per hit. However, on the other hand, they gain 9% TP per being hit. Now I understand how come some weak goblins can bomb me even though they never hit me.

    Some people say they gain the same amount of TP (= 2% per being hit but it varies) as ours but I don't think I hit them 50 times...

    Based on this theory, they use their special attacks after they are hit 12 times (9% x 12 = 108% TP). I'm not sure how much they get when they hit us though...

    Anyway, this implies me that I would rather use weapons with higher [D] in leveling PT. I'm not really sure... In fact, I love my Royal Guard Freulet very much since it gives me +6 accuracy...

    By the way, it is said that both En- and -spike effects never give them TP back.

    EDIT: add %. Rewrite this (= 2% per being hit but it varies)

  • #2
    Guess it gives us another reason to stay in the back lines unless we're trying to skill up.

    Very interesting post!


    • #3
      Thank you, Apple Pie - this confirms something I have suspected (and posted about a few times, as you know). My personal estimate was 5-10% per hit, but the formula you show seems very close to what I have experienced.

      I see a lot of this happening when I'm fishing, actually ... monsters that are Too Weak to me will attack me if I fish them up without Sneak activated. In the case of tougher enemies, the can often do a WS (Screwdriver, Big Scissors, Water Wall, etc.) even though they never hit me sometimes.

      I normally fish with a Tactician Magician's Wand equipped, which usually gives me 5-6% TP, and the monsters will often do their WS after 12-15 hits, which closely matches what you read.

      Knowing this, I think I'll be bringing my Blessed Hammer or other heavier damage weapon so I can end fights faster without getting hit with WS as often.

      I'll try counting the number of hits it requires the next time I go fishing.



      • #4
        I was wondering about that as well, thanks for posting. I knew it had to be higher than 2% per hit, and that formula seems about right. Knowing this, it's clear why mutli-hit weaponskills can actually be a burden sometimes. Ashuran Fists (sp) gives a mob 72% tp (8 hits * (6+3)% per hit) if all hits land:sweat:

        If you happen to find any info on how much tp mobs get from hitting us, please post it


        • #5
          Originally posted by dang everything
          Guess it gives us another reason to stay in the back lines unless we're trying to skill up.
          I don't see the point in this at all. The advantage we have with guides and such is that we know what the special attacks of the monsters are before we fight them. Obviously, if it is a brutal special, stay away from it, but things like crabs and crawlers, where you're gonna be casting dispel 2 or 3 times a fight anyway, aren't going to be affected much by you hitting them.

          Honestly, RDM seldom makes a difference on the front line after lv30, but we get occasional criticals and sometimes do good weapon skills, and that's what gives us an excuse to be there. If we're in a 3x melee party, we're not going to be making such a big difference to enemy TP anyway.
          RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


          • #6
            I read somewhere about mob TP. I got this info in :

            I posted in Allakhazam before (although I got utterly bashed for no proof blah blah). I am trying to find this thread now (Both sites has no search function...).

            To add with enemy TP issue. I heard that mob TP gained depends also on how fast they attack. Hence the Delay of their attack also reflects on how much they gain the TP. Wish I could find this thread :sweat: somewhere since it showed the exact figures of how mobs gain tp.

            True EN lines was patched so that mobs don't gain TP via en spells. BUT no matter what damage you do, they will get fixed TPs like Apple pie stated. Even your damage is 1, mob gains your weapon tp gain + 3%. Probably we can do some tests on this. Like trying Easy pray high hp mob with weapon of say 6TP gain per round. If the formula is correct, mob should use his TP attack when you hit for the 11th time. Of course you need to put stoneskin and blink, maybe phalanx to do this. 0damage = 0 TP same goes with mob I think...
            Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
            Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


            • #7
              Guess it gives us another reason to stay in the back lines unless we're trying to skill up.
              Oh, I didn't try to say that

              The reason we melee when we have free time is because we want to kill them as fast as possible. This iventually helps healers save some of their MP. Therefore, it's really depends on situations.
              To add with enemy TP issue. I heard that mob TP gained depends also on how fast they attack.
              While I was in the office and surfed the web a little after lunch, I found someone verifying this by accident. I lost the link but this sounds true.

              As we know, TP we get from our attack depends on our weapon's delay. When I shoot Vorpal Blade with Royal Guard Fleuret, I get 23% back while I get 25% back with Gold Sword. I don't know about the equation...


              • #8
                i've stopped meleeing in exp parties for a while now but i guess i won't even consider it anymore ^_^. just curious though...would tp affect the strength of their skills like it does ours? i've noticed that sometimes a monster (say...spiders...) will use a skill (sickle slash) pretty often...maybe twice within 15 seconds for about 200-300 each or it will use it once 1/2 way through the battle for 600.

                i don't recall ever seeing a monster hit two skills in succession for insane maybe the 200-300 damage sickle slash was a 100% tp attack and the 600 damage one is a 200-300% tp attack? can anyone verify this or offer opinions or experiences?

