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RDM from 65-75

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  • RDM from 65-75

    I don't really know anyone else my level (almost 65) or above who plays rdm. All I know is that sometimes a dkn or a summoner or someone else, says that rdm suck at higher levels and are always resisted. So I'm not sure what the next 10 levels may bring.

    I also have no idea what gear to wear. I've been thinking about buying a set of +3 int and +3 mnd rings and only use +mana gear for convert and healing myself, then macro back to +int or +mnd.

    The only thing that I do know is for the rest of the game my spells are incredibly cheap and my equipment is pretty expensive.

    I would appreciate any input from level 65-75 rdm's upon what the next level's are like and where I should put my effort and gil.
    The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

    My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...

  • #2
    Well, from what I hear...Red Mages are gods when it comes to fighting. An importer friend of my said that Red Mages solo pretty well at high levels, but still, he may be addicted to crack.( Inside joke) If I were a red mage, I would try to use the support of a white mage, for I also hear that such teaming makes an almost invincible party. If you do that, then I would concentrate on melee weapons and offense, rather than spell, but hey, I don't even have the game, I just hear alot of things.
    ~Cloud Strife


    • #3
      says that rdm suck at higher levels
      Tell them if they want a PT without Rdm Refresh is a MP savior for those jobs.

      Seriously, at level 70 our enfeeble skill is so much higher than every other mages (like 20-30 points higher than Whm i think) that alone is very useful already ;o
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Save your gil,I can get my mnd up to 30+ switching some AF and jewelry with other gear.It helps enfeebling considerably,but not as much as I would like it to.

        Although,goodluck if you have to refresh,4 hybrid melees and a pure caster with that gear on.It's truly a pita even with aspir and convert.Even worse when there are non aspir mobs available.

        Sad to say,but I started leveling up a bard after seeing Fenrir in action.Accuracy and Attack down is one of it's Bloodpacts.Single target dispel is another.One of the smn's on my server also mentioned there is refreshga @60.Not going to sit and wait to see if it's true or not.Just getting my Bard's level up asap.

        Rdm's will be going the way of the dodo,if we don't get some new spells soon.Laying mine to rest for the time being,


        • #5
          -double post


          • #6

            i doubt Square Enix would let such a severe balance flaw go unnoticed...

            ...would they...?
            Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


            • #7
              now unless they hired alot of eq staff.
              March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
              Use search, or deal with assholes like me


              • #8
                ballad is kind of like refreshga...
                observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                • #9
                  Just hit 67 here on Odin. From what I observe so far, your one and only competition is Bard, and what an unfair competition it is.

                  -ALL levelling PT would take a bard over you, period.

                  -Most, about 90%, of PT would take RDM + bard over any combination of 2 mages.

                  -No PT will turn you down in favor of another mages if they don't already have a red in their party.

                  -There just aren't many bard around this level ^^

                  About fenrir, yes it just turned smn from a gimped cure machine into a playable class. But I believe it's still the least desirable of all other mages. The other mages just offer so much more, especially now that most WHM around my level have SMN sub avalaible. RDM & SMN shouldn't be compared as they fit a totally different role, SMN doesn't help at all in reducing downtime. No, they don't get refreshga either, unless every single 60+ SMN i've partied with somehow didn't feel like using it......

                  Basicly what I observe is that you become more and more of a backstage player. Refresh does not feel as godly as it was lvl 41-50. The only good thing is that at this point when whm's have totally given up on casting paralyze and slow, you're the only one that still casts it ^^.

                  Just my 2cents.

