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Refresh priority?

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  • Refresh priority?

    Which job do you think has refresh priority (apart from yourself) when you're in an exp PT?

    Say the classic setup


    Ideally, you'd refresh constantly on the four MP heavy PT members and occasionally on the dark, but if that's not possible then who's got priority on refresh and how often do you keep refresh on them?

    I would argue for paladin been at the top or near the top of that list, because they take the pressure of the whm curing (basically 1mp that pld uses to cure is 1mp that whm saves from curing) - and their flash + curing helps hold hate. They also don't get much of a chance to rest (they're always standing in battle, while other mages can easily sit when they're low in MP, or alternate with other mages for curing duties)

  • #2
    Always cast on yourself first, but thats a given.

    Then I would hit up the whm then blm. Then get the pld.

    I would get the drk every 2 or 3 rounds, depending on how mp hungry they are. But if you get a drk that keeps blowing mana every round and demands for refresh, tell em to knock it off. If they need to blow mp every round they should be more focused towards the career of a mage~

    I can get off a few nukes if just doing myself, whm, blm, pld and drk every 2 or 3 rounds. Ive grouped with many different drk's and they have no problem every 2 or 3 rounds in fact its near perfect.

    As for those melee class with mage subs... ie the war/whm or mnk/rdm, dont do it. If they get mad for not getting refresh, tell them to quit wasting the groups time with their useless subs and get a real sub la~

    (ninja/rdm and brd/whm seem to like refresh every 2 rounds or so.... it seems to help....tho if your a 41+ rdm, dont expect to many groups to have ninja/rdm or brd/whm)


    • #3
      1. self
      2. paladin
      3. mages
      4. Drk if he needs it


      • #4
        Well My refresh priority usually is this,


        Generally The Pal doesn't use much mana right off the bat outside Flash usually his mana use comes later in the combat during agro loss.

        Hence my normal refresh catches both Whm and Blm first. Unless of course the Pal is using a large amount of mana right off the bat, in that case the Blm gets bumped in favor of him.


        • #5
          My two cents:

          I don't really have a set "refreshing order" per se. This is sort of how a typical PT goes for me on the refresh score:

          Get to fighting area. Refresh self while everyone is using food. Use food. WHM casts Pro4/Shell4. Refresh WHM, as they need MP now that they have used Pro4/Shell4. If PT has a BRD, refresh PLD next. If 3rd mage is a BLM or SMN, refresh them next. At this point, the PT's fisher has begun to pull a monster. Refresh PLD, if he has not already been refreshed. Then keep an eye on refresh to wear off of anyone and cast it as soon as I see the message. BRDs and DRKs are refreshed on a strictly as-needed basis; however as soon as either uses ANY MP whatsoever, I refresh them. I like DRKs in my PTs to know that they're free to actually USE their job to the fullest of their abilities, not be limited because I don't want to refresh them until their MP is 50% or lower. As for BRDs, I refresh them ASAP when they use spells, because in my opinion, at my level, if a BRD is healing, something has gone horribly, horribly wrong and they will need every last magic point they can get.

          So, I suppose if you want to break it down to a set "refreshing order" mine would be

          BLM or SMN
          DRK or BRD
          召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
          San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


          • #6
            I personally think that PLD needs priority because he has the Least amount of MP and needs it the most. If he loses his MP, the Whole PT suffers. If a WHM loses his MP, then 90% of the time another mage will take over. A WHM has plenty of MP and can wait the 10 seconds it takes for it to be recast. As long as you keep it constantly on, the WHM *should* be ok. So this is my Priority list.

            anyone else with a mage sub (BRD/WHM, DRG/WHM, etc)
            Avatars: The bunny, the fat man, the birdie, the rock, the swirling green thing.

            Avatars to get: The Fish, the scary old man, the cool girl, the flaming bull, the black puppy.


            • #7
              As a matter of fact, I don't prioritize each job. I just have two groups.

              Primary Group = Always Refreshed
              Myself, BLM, PLD, SMN, and WHM

              Secondary Group = Up to PT configuration / their MP left
              BRD and DRK

              I just make a basic order for those who belong to primary group and keep refreshing them.

              Here's what I did today in Boyahda.

              (1) Refresh myself
              (2) Sing Ballad I on frontliners

              [10 seconds] --- Cast Enfeebling and Cures.
              (3) Refresh PLD
              [18 seconds] --- Cast Enfeebling and Cures.
              (4) Refresh WHM
              (5) Sing Ballad I on backliners

              [10 seconds] --- Cast Enfeebling and Cures
              (6) Refresh SMN

              I repeated (1) - (6) without making any downtime (=means as soon as I saw Refresh go away from me, I started to repeat (1) - (6) steps) even while others are resting. Therefore, they were always refreshed.

              I had no time to melee since we hunted Korrigan, Skimmer, and Stealshell --- All of them have AoE.

              EDIT Add this one. (=means as soon as I saw Refresh go away from me, I started to repeat (1) - (6) steps)


              • #8
                Heck I'm surprised you would have any time at all to melee or do anything besides run back and forth.

                lol Sometimes I miss Magic Bursts in order to cast refresh, I can only imagine what it would be like with a Bard sub.


                • #9
                  "As for BRDs, I refresh them ASAP when they use spells, because in my opinion, at my level, if a BRD is healing, something has gone horribly, horribly wrong and they will need every last magic point they can get."

                  I kinda like it when there is a BRD in group and we are going after ae type mobs. They can cast curaga or DS+curaga (Depending on how bad it was) w/o even getting much if any aggro.

                  But ya I dont refresh the brd until I see them using mana, same with drk's now. Just depends on the type of drk or brd in the group, some are mana hungry, some dont realize they even have mana. ^^


                  • #10
                    I don't even follow an order, I just do me, next person who needs it, ..., last person who needs it. As far as bards and dkn, I usually keep bards refreshed since you probably don't have a whm and they probably heal a fair bit, the dkn usually just mb's or darkness with an absorb spell, so I'll throw him/her a refresh when they get to a point where I won't be wasting mana on them.
                    The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

                    My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


                    • #11
                      Sometimes I miss Magic Bursts in order to cast refresh, I can only imagine what it would be like with a Bard sub.
                      Well, it was really a horrible party because...

                      1) The leader whose rank was 9 didn't know where to go, what to hunt.

                      I really wanna know how LV62 RDM can land enfeebling spells on LV75 Korrigan... It took us 5 minutes to kill each mob.

                      2) The worst PT setup I've ever seen.

                      DRK, DRK, PLD, RDM, WHM, and SMN. Wow, did I have to refresh them all...? I didn't... Subbing BRD seemed to work though

                      3) No renkei at all!

                      Guillotine - Sickle Moon - Guillotine - Sickle Moon.....................

                      4) What a rude leader he is!!!

                      I really hate how he spoke to other members... I felt like ignoring him all.

                      We got about 2,700 xp in two hours. I should have declined his invitation... I'm very very busy in my job these days and have little time to go leveling. I really wanna go solo-killing the Shadow Lord once I become LV68.

