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The convert appreciation thread

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  • The convert appreciation thread

    So, us RDMs are well accustomed to convert saving our solo and party asses when we run out of MP. But how many of us have used it in reverse?

    I clearly remember the time I was helping my friend do M10, at the Beadeaux part where you get silenced, things were starting to get a bit hairy, so when my HP was in the red, I did a convert and converted all my unusable MP to HP. Kick ass!

    Share your convert stories and macros here.

    Currently the only macro I have is:
    /p Converting in 5 secs...
    /wait 4
    /ja Convert

    I've seen others use divine seal prior to that to get a really good boost on Cure IV. But I don't sub WHM so I can't do that.
    RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12

  • #2
    chainspell > convert > escape. saved my PT many many times. sometimes I myself ended up dead but always outside the dungeon ^^
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      just out of curiosity why do people convert/divine seal generates a larger than normalheal i understand as well as the hate. but wouldn't convert +drain ( ignoreing things like high dark resist mobs) be better?
      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


      • #4
        just out of curiosity why do people convert/divine seal generates a larger than normalheal i understand as well as the hate. but wouldn't convert +drain ( ignoreing things like high dark resist mobs) be better?
        i know not the english that you speak but i gather that you are asking why rdms use convert/divine seal and whether or not convert/drain is better. the reason why rdms use this is because they can instantly heal all, if not most, of their hp when used with cure 3 or cure 4. this allows them to fire off refreshes to the other mages and pld and helps to reduce downtime. now, in battle, this tactic SHOULD NOT be used as the rdm will generate A LOT of unnecessary hate and would be endangering themselves. in battle, if an rdm converts, the rdm should cure 3 himself and grab cure 3 from the blm and whm. when i see an rdm convert in battle, i take a moment to cure 3 the rdm so they don't pull hate while restoring their hp. (and for you blms out there, cure your rdm when they convert! they do enough for you as it is. and if you're a blm not subbing rdm or whm, SHAME ON YOU!)

        convert/drain is not ideal because 1.) the most hp you could pull from drain is maybe 188-190 hp (dunno what hp drain is like at high level but at 55-60, i get 188-190 max) with max dark magic skill. more often than not, the rdm may not have maxed dark magic. 2.) it generates hate. if the rdm ended up throwing an abnormal amount of cures and decides to convert/drain, they are definitely dead if he generates enough hate that the monster starts hitting him. since the hp restoration from drain is negligible, the rdm may die in one or two hits if they do not have stoneskin/blink/phalanx up (and most of the time, in exp pts, an rdm won't cast those spells since the pld or other melee will attempt to protect them). even with elemental seal, all it does is increase the success rate of spells. so if you convert/elemental seal/drain, all you do is ensure that you have a 95% chance of a successful drain.

        finally, rdms can't have divine seal if they don't sub whm and they can't have drain if they don't sub blm. which mage job to sub is entirely up to the rdm since one is not better than the other. it depends on what kind of spells the rdm wants.

        in short, don't use convert/drain, it's not useful. convert/cure4 or convert/divine seal/cure 4 if you have it.
        observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


        • #5
          well don't do it between battle convert + divine normally is an after battle thing. except for some emergancy cases.

          When you convert, normally you are left with very low HP.
          14/800HP, 700/700MP < general case after convert.
          Divine+cure4 = 600-700HP. Much better than 2-3 cure3 that way.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            I like convert. I run out of mana FAST! Some RDMs would say I use it carelessly but i dont. Everytime im at 0 I convert. I am a life saver. if we r about to die: Convert! Chainspell Gravity Heal like hell Maybe give it a few Nukes Leave!
            Name: Nexxxus
            Job: Redmage/BLM 11DRG/7war
            Lvl: 60/30
            Race:Elvaan MAle
            LS: Kiana. 2nd in Command.


            • #7
              If you use convert, at least try to have blink and/or stoneskin on at the time, as you never know when the enemy could do a group attack. And make sure you have a macro that lets the PT know you are converting too, so someone can cure you.

              Generally speaking, it's very hard for a RDM to generate more hate than a WHM or BLM in a party that has them, but if you are in a party where the only mages are red, you should probably keep stoneskin on for emergencies - it lasts quite a while, so you don't have to cast it as much as refresh or anything.
              RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12

