So, us RDMs are well accustomed to convert saving our solo and party asses when we run out of MP. But how many of us have used it in reverse?
I clearly remember the time I was helping my friend do M10, at the Beadeaux part where you get silenced, things were starting to get a bit hairy, so when my HP was in the red, I did a convert and converted all my unusable MP to HP. Kick ass!
Share your convert stories and macros here.
Currently the only macro I have is:
/p Converting in 5 secs...
/wait 4
/ja Convert
I've seen others use divine seal prior to that to get a really good boost on Cure IV. But I don't sub WHM so I can't do that.
I clearly remember the time I was helping my friend do M10, at the Beadeaux part where you get silenced, things were starting to get a bit hairy, so when my HP was in the red, I did a convert and converted all my unusable MP to HP. Kick ass!
Share your convert stories and macros here.
Currently the only macro I have is:
/p Converting in 5 secs...
/wait 4
/ja Convert
I've seen others use divine seal prior to that to get a really good boost on Cure IV. But I don't sub WHM so I can't do that.