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  • i doing this right?

    Finnaly hit 41(well 43 now heh) and finnaly got Refresh. I want to know if I am doing this right.

    Last night I was in a group of 6 in CN doing soilder crawlers: me, pld, drk, drg, blm, whm. What I would do is cast Refresh on me, whm, blm, then pld(usually him last since he was usually pulling). Then I would debuff with Gravity and slow. Anywho I would keep Refresh on, recast refresh on myself after it wore off etc. (3k+ an hour, I miss that group)

    The thing is, when I would go to nuke for extra damage, it would not be mana efficient at all, so I just stopped nuking and made sure refresh was up and we would chain pull constantly. I think the only break we had was when the crawlers were to close to each other and had to wait so they wouldnt link etc.

    Am I doing this right? Should I be nuking more or not doing refresh as much? Should I have made sure the drk was also added to the refresh list?

  • #2
    This is what I do and have found it very effective in a group setup much likeyou have.

    Basic Breakdown

    People who always get refresh:
    RDM (You) WHM, BLM

    People who you refresh every other fight or as needed:
    PLD, DRK

    Anyone there really shouldn't be anyone else who has mana taht would need refresh besides smn, but since i haven't grouped with any summoners, i couldn't tell you their needs.

    I start out by casting refresh on myself i have a macro that looks like this

    /ma "Refresh" <st>
    /wait 19

    this will send me a message that refresh is ready to be re cast when the timer resets. Keep in mind /echo will fail to activate if you use another macro but it's still useful to have.

    After I refresh myself, i throw in one or two debuffs, normally paralyze and slow, or if it's an especially difficult monster, Dia II using my menu, i have sorted them so that i know where they are so this is just as good as using a macro, but i know that many people use debuff macros, those can work well too but it will, again, cancel the echo which after you have been refreshing for awhile u should get the timing of fairly well.

    After i cast those two debuffs it's normally about time to refresh someone, I normally do Whm first but either the whm or Blm is fine (I may throw in a cure here if i have extra time) then i toss in a gravity and blind if i'm trying to get my enfeebling capped for that level.

    Then I refresh the Black Mage and assist the whm in healing duties, and watch for your debuffs to drop. Also if the PLD or DRK is running low on MP i will toss a refresh their way, normally i will refresh one of them every battle and that keeps their MP up enough.

    When Refresh drops from you, its time to restart your cycle.

    Thats how i've been doing it and we have been raking in the xp really well as long as pulls are consistant.

    Hope that helps
    --RDM----WHM----BLK---- RANK: 8
    ---63-------33------22---- San D'oria
    All Artifact Armor Attained
    Genkai 1,2,3 and 4 complete
    Joining of Six 4 Life


    • #3
      Easiest way to tell what you should be doing is look at your skill grades. Go to a skillcapture site and look them up, FFmystery Tour has them if you do a search on Google.

      1) Enfeebles are what you do best, this is your highest skill
      2) Refresh is what keeps you, the whm, the blm, and the pld up.
      3) Magic Burst IF and ONLY if you have MP to spare. If you run out of MP and you can't cast Refresh on yourself again you are going to have to run a safe distance to convert and heal.
      4) Bleh Bio, leave it to a blm or a dark.

      Refresh, enfeebles and haste are my bread and butter. Nobody ever has a problem with those three as long as I have MP enough to backup heal or cast Sleep on a mob in an emergency.
      Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
      RDM75 / PLD73


      • #4
        Thanks for the help ^^

        Ill try the pld/drk every other fight, since ive noticed pallies ive grouped with so far seem to always be full and not really in need of it every time hehe. But if it does look like pally is loosing to much mp ill switch back to doing it every fight.

        Does anyone ever jump in to raise their 1hs/dagger during the "time between refresh's" or just /heal till next fight after refresh/debuffs are in? I think I look like a bump on a log during most of the recent fights just standing there waiting to redebuff or get in a dispel hehe.


        • #5
          I havn't partied with many Dark Knights that use their MP like a Paladin does. The Paladin uses MP to heal and to cast Flash. I make the PLD part of my standard refresh cycle. The best way I can do my job is making other jobs do theirs easier.
          Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
          RDM75 / PLD73


          • #6
            Ya , it looks like your doing it well. As rdm's we have a lot to do in PT's. Keeping track of refresh, slow, paraylse, blind , gravity etc throw in some heals and Mb's plus dispel here and there. And to help cure poison if your sub job is whm.
            For refreshing, always refresh yourself first so you know when the next refresh will ware off.
            My refresh order is usually like this:

            Whm second cause the group only keeps pulling if the whm has enough mana. That's what keeps everyone alive
            Pld third since they are able to heal themselves during battles which makes it a little eaiser on the whm when the mobs do certain ae or special attacks.
            Blm fourth because... What else can I say? They do some serious damage! And plus they need to MB
            Drk last imo since they just do debuffing and such, but usually the blm and I ususally debuff with dia, bio, slow, blind and etc.
            You just have to watch theur mp, and if you ever run low, rememver convert is always there.


            • #7
              don't worry much about nuking refresh > nuke.

              In some other PT set up im sure you'll have tons of chance to nuke hehe. imagine Rdm Whm Brd War Sam Nin. For your example PT set up there's no other choice but to keep on refreshing really.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Yeah, I echo Jei's response. If you are in a PT with whm and brd but no blm, you will get chance to nuke

                But if it's you, blm and whm, stick to refresh. I also refresh pld before blm. It is important that they are refreshed all the time as they have small MP. Of course, if you're playing with a crap pld who doesn't keep curing himself and using flash, don't bother at all, but good plds always use their magic to keep hate.

                RDM can be an insanely busy job at times, particularly when you're partying with whm and brd, as I mentioned. You'll be doing enfeebling, refreshing, magic bursts, and sometimes curing if your front line take big hits.

                Don't be afraid to fight on the front line! Just ensure you know the mob's special attacks. Don't bother fighting up front with tigers (paralyse), anticans (stone/silence) and similar mobs that will rape any mage. But with crawlers, spiders, beetles, crabs, and many others, you should be fine.
                RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


                • #9
                  As for a dark knight (taru) I often partied with when I was LV60, he seemed to know how hard for me to add one more person in my refresh cycle. He always drank Pineapple Juices instead and even made one (he was smart enough to bring ingredients.) while we waited for our puller taking a next one to our camp.

                  As we know, Thunder II (RDM: LV60) is our strongest elemental spell until we become LV66 and learn Stone III. To make full use of it, we need skillchain creating LV2 "Fragmentation" effect. That's why I love them.


                  [Sidewinder + Dancing Edge] should be better but Sidewinder is not reliable as we know. It misses them a lot without a bard. We only see a few rangers around what is worse... That's why I love DRK, PLD, and WAR configuration because it's easy to find them.

                  Finally, Stun spell really rocks... Goblins never have chance to bomb us. It is true that not all of them bring juices and some of them even waste their mana by training their dark magic skill during the battle but I think we don't need to refresh these insane people. We should only refresh them when we find they do it alright.


                  • #10
                    I hate Drk generally...

                    I used to PT with 2 Drk, Hume and Elvaan. They doing power > vorpal S chain. And guess what

                    Drk1 readies Powerslash > misses the enemy
                    Drk2 readies Vorpal S > misses the enemy

                    that happen too often... not to mention the time they need to charge up TP -_-'

                    well that might be the worst example but... sidewinder hardly miss at all if you let ranger gather TP up to 180%, which they can do it really fast generally.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Well, Jei, it seems that a lot of red mages hate thieves because of Oz..... (ry

                      I didn't have problem with them and it was actually one of them helping me find a coffer. However, I hate those who only concentrate on stealing beastman gold coins during the battle and don't even know when to pull next mobs That's not what LV60s are supposed to be.

                      Of course, I invite RNG first if I am lucky enough to find one.


                      • #12
                        As a PLD let me add that I always appreciate it when the RDM keeps refresh on me. Nothing feels worse than everyone ready for the next pull by my mana is spent.

                        With refresh it is pretty easy to keep the mob on me and it also allows the thf to trick attack of the secondary melee in situations where it's risky for them to tank while they trick on me (drk taru).

                        Being able to toss around flash and cure 3 without worry of running out of mana makes the pt much more efficient.
                        Name: Susano


                        • #13
                          Thanks for all the info

