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taru rdm

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  • #16
    After buying all new equipment and replacing my RSE, I noticed just how incredible low my HP is, 568HP and 561MP? I think... and thats really low, most WHMs have more HP and MP than me, oh well I'm more usefull.


    • #17
      I'm really sick of people talking about redmages as if they are some melee damage dealer. Get over it - you aren't. At upper levels, you'll be lucky to do 10 damage a round, no matter what your race is, WITH en-damage. Redmages are there for refresh, enfeebles, and extra cures. In the early levels when there isn't much difference between the enfeebling of a redmage and of other mages, then yes, by all means, go ahead and melee. Your damage will actually make a difference. But if you're within AoE range even once, and need to be cured, that's a waste of MP.

      Melee all you want on things that don't do damage AoE, but for gods sake, know your role. It makes no difference to a party whether or not you melee, so make that your own choice. Don't use it as a reason why elvaan's make better redmages, because I can't count how many GARBAGE elvaan rdm's I've partied with because they're too caught up in the sexiness of their en's, phalanx's, etc. to Refresh.

      Also, another point, is the convert ratio that was brought up already. A taru with the same amount of HP and MP means that convert returns MUCH more mp than an elvaan/hume's. So, the mp difference between a taru and an elvaan is actually DOUBLED when you consider convert. Numbers:

      Taru with ~610 hp, ~605 mp
      Elvaan with ~850 hp, ~380 mp
      These are by no means accurate, but they tend to be in the general scale of what I've seen so far. Now, that mp difference may not seem that much, but let's take into account convert.
      Taru converts, seals, Cure IVs, still has ~580 mp left for use. Total MP on hand: 1,085.
      Elvaan converts, has to waste more MP on heals to get himself back to mid helf, and has ~300 mp left for use
      Total MP on hand: 680

      The difference between total amount of MP on hand for a Taru and an Elvaan is larger than the actual starting MP pool of the elvaan.

      With good skill, this won't come into play, but keep in mind, a Taru with equal skill will BLOW AWAY an elvaan's utility.
      For The Horde!!
      Current Gil total spent on gear:
      Current Gil Value of gear:
      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


      • #18
        The other day I had an Elvaan RDM in my PT he was level 66 and he was dealing between 20 and 25 damage with his sword and something like 20-22 with his Enfire spell. His damage was like 50 for each hit when you calculate those two together, which is pretty good. He wasn't missing that much, definatly more often than the fighters but enough to make me turn off the sound because of the little fire sound coming out of his sword whenever he hit was anoying me. This RDM really impressed me with his skill, he was just awesome. Long story short; this guy made me change the view I had on Red Mage, I used to think that they couldn't fight well but after seeing this guy and his damage, it totally changed my view.
        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

        San d'Oria Rank 10
        Zilart Mission 14
        CoP Chapter 4-2


        • #19
          At higher levels, people moreso care about refresh and debuffing and ability to backup heal then whether or not the rdm is meleeing or nuking =p As long as the mob doesnt have an ae etc~


          • #20
            Rekiem, I'm just curious about his equipment. Did he have Fencer Ring?

            The reason I ask this is because additional [net] damage caused by en- spells can only be 16 and 17 (with Enhancing Torque) at LV66. Although it is affected by both date and weather, it is rare to see 20 - 22 damage without Fencer Ring.


            • #21
              + the fact that the ring itself won't activate its effect till the person's hp is below 75% and TP below 99%.
              Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
              Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


              • #22
                Of course I know it since I'm always using it whenever I go to Castle Zvahl or anywhere else. I always keep my HP below 75% even against those who cast ancient magic spells like Frare, Freeze, and Tornado. I've never felt it's dangerous to do so as long as I one-on-one duel with them.

                If a tank hold hate well and mobs have no AoE, there's no reason we should stop making use of latent effect. We don't get killed with one shot unless they are scorpions or something even we're mistakenly targetted.


                • #23
                  I'm sorry, I didn't check his equipment. I know he was using different elemental staves for his spell and when he was recovering MP. Maybe he had that ring, I didn't examine is equipment, sorry :\
                  BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                  San d'Oria Rank 10
                  Zilart Mission 14
                  CoP Chapter 4-2


                  • #24
                    taru rdm equip?

                    seeing how hp and mp match up so very nice for convert, and that tarus have racially high int and good mnd, what is good taru equip? currently 25 using beetle armor and +2 mnd rings, +mp earrings and decurion dagger and a bilbo(i think)+a wand for when i focus more on casting. (using dagger for AoE ws and sub /nin with en- spells ^^). i have mrc captain gear for lvl 30 (seeing how the +stats are better vs. chicken armor and i don't want to spend more money saving for dispel). But post 40+ i could use some thoughts on what to wear. I don't really need to focus on melee gear, just really want to skill up. my enfeebles are sticking very nicely, but thats just on onions in the kazham yuhtungha area. I'll probably need +int gear and +mnd gear...but i'm thinking that can be fulfilled pretty well with a wand. Also focusing only on +hp or +mp will hurt my convert ratio...what would you all suggest knowing you don't have the gil for the HQ stuff?


                    • #25
                      Thanks anyway, Rekiem. It seems that he's rich

                      LV72 RDM in my LS advises me to melee if it is safe but I'm hesitate to do because I don't have a lot of equipments boosting accuracy unlike her... Whenever my LV goes up, I form a skill-up party and go to Castle Oztroja. The skill is maxed in one and a half hour. I'm happy enough not to melee in XP PT.


                      • #26
                        I reaaaaaally need to do some skill ups... Currently my 1handed sword skill is 138 and my dagger skill at 132. Very low considering at 60 it should be 190s /cry. Was thinking of fighting against Robber crabs in Kuftal but I think its a tad too strong for the low skill I have. Wondering what is a good target for it...
                        Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                        Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


                        • #27
                          but i'm thinking that can be fulfilled pretty well with a wand. Also focusing only on +hp or +mp will hurt my convert ratio...what would you all suggest knowing you don't have the gil for the HQ stuff?
                          Your gear is fine for your level, wait itll about lvl 40 then just 1 electrum ring should get you to a decent convert ratio. But what you could do till then is think about -hp/+mp headpieces. Like Silver hairpin, then switch to Electrum hairpin at lvl 40. They are a tad bit on the expensive side, but it is a nice mp boost for a relatively low hp loss. You will loose ac, but if you dont plan to be tanking, it shouldnt be a problem at all. At level 40 electrum hairpin + 1 electrum ring should put you into a very nice convert ratio.


                          • #28
                            "1st; they have better MND (2nd highest), which is good for magic resistance, enfeeble resistance and, correct me if I'm wrong, enfeebling "stick"-rate. Also, MND directly effects your Cure potency. Tarus I believe have the worst MND."

                            At lvl 60, a RDM/BLM Hume only has 3 more MND over a Taru RDM/BLM at the same level.. barely noticeable.
                            I think Mithra and Taru are tied for the worst MND... i fiddled with the FFXI Enhanced Stat calculator and Mithra and Taru always had the same ammount of MND
                            ~MagicPatrick (aka DragonNova)
                            Masterchef was my mule btw ^_^
                            *FFXI Beta Stats*
                            Dragonnova - Cactaur - Windurst - Rank 3
                            LVL 31 Monk, LVL 12 WAR, LVL 9 RDM, LVL 4 BST, LVL 3 Thief
                            LinkShells: Salvation, Phoenix Down, StarsofDestiny, UnionOfIfrit, ForcesofValor, Legacy, Suikoden, KnightsofSandoria, SavannaSuperstars, Karma
                            Craft Skills: Cooking (54), Alchemy (4), Fishing (4), Boneworking (2), Woodworking (1)


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Shiia
                              I reaaaaaally need to do some skill ups... Currently my 1handed sword skill is 138 and my dagger skill at 132. Very low considering at 60 it should be 190s /cry. Was thinking of fighting against Robber crabs in Kuftal but I think its a tad too strong for the low skill I have. Wondering what is a good target for it...
                              Try Garlaige. Chamber beetles helped raise my dagger from 104-152. But I spent many many hours doing it.

                              You could also try try helm beetles at Crawler's nest if you see garlaige slowing down.


                              • #30
                                i was a RDM, im a ranger now, just starting, however im still contimplating between ranger and rdm. I like being able to do many things at once and i like that RDM's can use ranged weapons. However, the thing that makes me shy away from RDM is that i feel like at higher lvls, my melee ability will be useless and ill be curing and nuking, which is what i did as BLM and it got too repetetive. Jus looking for a heads up on what might happen if i pick RDM over RNG or RNG over RDM

                                -got ninja...
                                -can be invisible..
                                -nothing else matters.

