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  • Soloing?

    I've seen a few polls/threads regarding the RDM's ability to solo well; I'm a little confused regarding this idea. Does this mean that a RDM can go one-on-one with a decent/even monster at high levels (ex. 30-50) or does this mean that a RDM has little to no downtime against much more weaker monsters (ex. farming)?

    From experience with my lv43 RDM/BLM I'm able to defeat easy prey monsters with little effort, but anything tougher results in either a retreat or death.

    Please educate me on this topic.

  • #2
    A little of both - it gets a lot easier at 50+ when you have access to Aspir with BLM SJ. Otherwise, you can use DRK for it at 40+.

    If you run around farming, you shouldn't have any downtime due to Refresh. You'll still be able to solo up to even matches (possibly higher if you know what you're doing) with a little effort. At level 42, I was able to solo Go'Bhu Gascon (NM for Rank 5) in Beadeaux - granted, I had to put him to Sleep and use Convert, but he still died.

    At 46 I was able to kill the other NM for rank 5 solo - it was a decent challenge (86 XP) and still used sleep + convert, and I had some pretty bad gear at the time too (RSE + AF-1). But, it was still doable.

    I'm not saying everything giving XP is soloable, just that most things are. I wouldn't take on an even match morbol type for example.


    • #3
      Yeah, it's more of a pick and choose. There are even match monsters that one job could be able to take with little effort, but would be near impossible for other jobs to defeat effectively. A good example is if you took a lv. 7 RDM to Tahrongi and tried to beat a Pygmioi, they would be about an even - tough for a lv. 7 and for a RDM to defeat that would need about a lv. 25 + WHM on side just healing him and even then it would be a long drawn out fight with the RDM having to heal and possibly the WHM too.

      However if you have a SAM, WAR, RNG, DRG, etc.. they could defeat the the Pygmioi at lv. 7 with just a lv. 7 or 8 WHM with them and not be in to bad a shape. The advantage RDM has though is were those classes can't defeat monsters like Lizards in that similar situation the RDM seems to have a better time handling them. Especially once they start to get some resistance to petrify.

      Ofcourse there are monsters that may con as even but no matter what job you may not be able to truely defeat alone. It's all a matter of picking your fights.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Thx for the informative replies, I hope this thread will provide any help to any aspired RDMs.


        • #5
          Though it's not like it's time-efficient to solo for xp...

          You'll get far far better xp in a party. RDM's can kill some stuff solo for XP. (Um, but not ninja-class yaggies.. stupid blink...)

          But it will take a while. A long while.

          At low levels? Sure, RDM is just as good as anyone else at soloing. Easier than soloing a WHM or BLM in the 10-15 range since you have better weapons and armor than they do.

          At higher levels, it just takes sooo long to get even 50xp it's not worth it. (Though, um, I did kill a bunch of Easy Prey worker crawlers in the nest to get the 200xp I needed to level at one point...)

          As for farming: I keep thinking it would be fun to farm with BLM/THF for the ga spells... but... then I'd have to rest for mana and hp recovery.

          With Refresh, a RDM is truly the best non-stop farmer around.
          Queen of Crafting: Cloth: 82, Gold: 51, Alchemy: 60, Fishing: 35, etc


          • #6
            Thx for the informative replies, I hope this thread will provide any help to any aspired RDMs

            It help me out a little


            • #7
              Yeah for soloing you have to know what you're doing and have the spells for the job, ie Phlanx, Stoneskin etc.. After one ;eve; up PTs left me @.1 for Vorpal Blade >< >< I went to Kuftal and soloed a tough Robber Crab with taking little damamge, thought it did take a few minutes I got it the job done and got .1 skill in sword to get Vorpal Blade ^^ ^^ so you just have to know what you're doing and not linking anything >.>;;.

              It's not the great that are strong.
              It's the strong that are great.


              • #8
                I solo all the time...

                that's because I dun level very often. Also taking down an even match or a tough is just so... badass My strategy: cast stoneskin/blink and rest to regain that mp, Cast phalanx on yourself(drink juice if the enemy is real tough), bind the target; Enspell/blaze spikes; cast enfeebles, usually slow, para, and blind silence if it's a magic user, bio if he has real strong attack and dia if he has high def. Shoot arrows til the bind wears off :D pull out sword as enemy approaches, cast regen as first few hits are absorbed by blink/stoneskin then mainly it's autopiolot from there If any enhancements wear off then I go back to the binding step and restart from there, recast enfeebles if you have time still. Sleep is probably better for this but I'm a galk so I have to make due with my small mp X_X. TWO HOURS LATER: 150 soloed exp! w00t!!! :sweat: I'm predicting it'll get a lot more fun/easier once I get refresh.

                Oh and one more thing, DON'T ATTEMPT TO SOLO AN EVEN OCHU X_X I tried this today and everything was going fine... until it did bad breath gah >< messed me up bad. :sweat:
       we will step away from the mainstream to live like vagabonds and common dropouts... don't you want to hang out and waste your life with us? -Spike


                • #9
                  I'm interested in trying soloing a bit more because of various responsibilities at home. I've heard a lot of good things about RDMs soloing, even soloing some of the harder NMs.

                  I guess the main things to bear in mind are:
                  - pick the right type of enemies: you don't want to end up silenced, paralyzed, blinded, stoned or poisoned in a solo fight
                  - eat good food: I'm thinking the seafood kebabs might be best for the high def.
                  - how to convert: sub-job will come in crucial here. BLM can use seal with sleep for a comfy convert, or you could try a NIN with blink ninjutsu. BLM is handy for dezone, though

                  And as with any job soloing, try not to cause trouble for surrounding players. Stealing monsters may be unavoidable, but don't go causing crazy chains because of your own stupid mistakes Always try and have your 2hr ready! If you use it up, go farming for a bit before you try to level again.
                  RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


                  • #10
                    It's all in the subjob. I hear at higher lvls (50+) taking a Warrior subjob will basically make you a soloing god hehe.

                    But for any level, i find that subbing BST is best for soloing. YES you can charm easy prety and sometimes decent challenge mobs, and they do stay charmed about just as long as with BST as main (you just can't get even matches). This opens up alot of possibilites for the RDM. Though, there could be problems if charm breaks mid fight, so fight near a zoneline. If you can pull it off, it's the best solo combo , send your pet in and nuke away, heal up while your pet takes all the dmg, if charm breaks finish the pet off, then melee and proceed re-nuking the main mob .
                    Bluu <-Elvaan 32 RDM/16 WHM->
                    Bluumoon <-Taru 8 MNK->
                    Quetzalcoatl server

                    A proud leader of *BBC|Gaming Clan


                    • #11
                      With refresh its MUCH better.

                      Anywho at 41 in Batillia downs I was able to take Tigers virtually nonstop, including gobo's etc. Leechers and Shammies seemed to be a little problem, so I just avoid em~ Tho they were low con easy's(ie 15 to 36exp) With regen and refresh up I was solo'n with ease with little to no downtime and by the time I was low, /hug convert. Prolly would be better if I had phalanx...but soon...~

