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How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

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  • #16
    The way I see it, you spend 40 levels learning the basics, and the rest learning to be effective and look good doing it
    I disagree with this, I've been very effective from 1-32 and damn pretty good looking (except for that beetle armor :dead: )

    PS You about hit the nail on the head


    • #17
      at my current level hovering right at the border of 65/66 I currently am still confused at one role of the RDM or WHM. When to Haste someone other then the primary tank. This is something that still confuses me when to do it when not to. Other then that I would say the time a average person takes to learn how to play RDM is when they have gained the ability to read the chat log for monsters using abilites / who they are on, watch group members loves, keep a eye on the surrounding for possible adds, make sure refresh is on everyone who has MP who makes a large use of it (ive found most DRK's dont seem to need refresh that often), and to be able to use convert properly. Once all these conditions are met I feel that a person truely understands how to play a RDM.

      CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


      • #18
        Re: How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

        Hm, playing a hume RDM, i think I started to settle comfortably intro my role(that of a pre-Refresh RDM), at around level 20. When I gained Refresh, my place in parties altered a bit, and I tend to think I settled into the role at around level 45.


        • #19
          Re: How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

          err this thread is 17 months old!

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #20
            Re: How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

            Just a comment on Arli's post.

            I personally have soloed Lvl 1 to 15 and from those expereiences I've learned alot, yes I died but that is the process of learning. From those solo adventuers I've understood how useful our enfeebling magic is as you can personally expereince what mobs are like WITH enfeebling magic and WITHOUT enfeebling magic. From 15 on I started to PT and the expereince was different.

            I believe that when RDMs who get a feel for the solo aspect and the PT aspect of RDM will then have learned how to play RDM because they can encompass a bit from each (solo and PT) into one anther to become better.


            • #21
              Re: How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

              Actually, I think it's easier for RDM to learn than many other jobs. For instance, someone who played MNK and WAR to unlock PLD will have a harder time learning their job (admittedly not as much to learn) and hate control than one who leveled a mage job along the way. RDM is at the crossroads of nearly every job, and as such have a better innate understanding of how each job works within the party.

              Of course, you have those RDM that fail to take that knowledge and apply it to themself and quit meleeing, but when they do, they are better equipped at supporting everyone else. They understand why paralyze is so important to the tank, or haste to the DD, or that one cure to the healer just before provoke. The main key to playing RDM seems to be understanding party dynamics and filling in as more than just the buffer/debuffer. And as RDM has more and more tools at their disposal, they also learn the importance of prioritization. RDM is a jack-of-all-trades, and a good one is adaptable; he fills his role well and can modify his approach as the situation calls for it.

              And that is independent of what level we are. We just get more options as we go along.
              4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


              • #22
                Re: How long does it take the average player to learn rdm

                hmm when i started my very first char, I was a WHM. I have to say I learnt almost every aspect of the game staying behind curing. ^^ Really, it's a combination of you paying attension to the game and happen to PT with experienced players. When I played my very first THF later on I could SATA as soon as I levelled to 30 without any problems.

                Anyway, technique and knowledge can be taught. But not attitude. If a Rdm has a mind set that they are not primary caster then there's really nothing we can do. The player who plays RDM has to know he's a caster and no one can really force the Rdm to think that way.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso

