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Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

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  • #61
    Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

    Originally posted by Sevv View Post
    We didn't claim post maint faf but the sams were usually not breaking into triple digits, the ranger on the other hand died twice lol.
    I've been pessimmistic about stuff like this ever since the first rng nerf. I really have a bad feeling that we're gonna lose a good chunk of this dmg pretty soon. Its just too nice.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #62
      Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

      Originally posted by Caspian View Post
      I've been pessimmistic about stuff like this ever since the first rng nerf. I really have a bad feeling that we're gonna lose a good chunk of this dmg pretty soon. Its just too nice.
      You have the right to be pessimmistic, =/ this is basically the initial 2h boost. It will probably get cut back some then hard nerfed like sam =(. Hey i say boost the other jobs =P.
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #63
        Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

        Uh, this is hardly the 2H boost, I was capable of getting 2k on Greater Colibri before this, conditions like Bards actually buffing you permitting. Trolls are a bit higher Def and I was still in the quadruple digits then.

        The problem was we couldn't always TP as quickly was we would have liked to in PTs, so our WS were less frequent than other jobs when EXPing on weaker mobs became the norm. More importantly than an attack bonus is that Velocity shot gives us a noteworthy amount of haste for ranged attacks.

        I'm not going to suffer one bit if they take a little attack off Velocity Shot, but if you really want to piss RNGs off, take away the Haste we're getting from this. That's what we had been in need of for so long. Damage wasn't the biggest issue, even under the nerf I was getting in 1.5k+ in the 50s. The issue was that SE totally broke RNG's accuracy. They fixed that and then we just fell behind partly to myth and partly to the truth that our weapon delay was killing us in PTs.

        Have you noticed SAMs swearing they're going back to /WAR as of this "nerf?" RNGs swore the same thing. The moment we get too much of a buff on something, everyone starts looking at /NIN again and SE is starting to realize that. They want us to utilize more than just /NIN on these jobs.

        Again, if they take off some attack, no big deal to me, just leave that haste alone.


        • #64
          Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

          I'm rather quite happy that RNG got our boost that we so demanded. It's just the fact that whenever something gets a boost, good 'ol Mr. Nerfman comes up and whacks the boosted job back to reality because it was deemed 'too powerful.' I really do hope SE fixes Y/G/K WS damage back to normal (keep the damn pDIF the same) and let RNG stay the same, that way everyone's happy!

          Edit: Agreed OMG, I can deal with a little less damage since I can make that up with RATK food. The fact that we have no Haste and all we get is lol6% via Merits, we needed Haste bad.

          Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
          'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
          Bahamut server
          Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai


          • #65
            Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

            If they can, I prefer to get extra 5~10% haste by trading 20% pDIF bonus.

            RNG hitting pDIF cap or close is old news. Those who used red curry could do that. 3k+ damage on flying mob is not new.
            Shooting faster is a big plus and necessary to catch with these days haste crazy trend.

            My FFXI Doc


            • #66
              Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

              Originally posted by Sevv View Post
              Like wars monks ninjas and thiefs did about 2h?


              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #67
                Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

                Now that its been out a while, I kinda do want it as a permanent state with an alternate ability to shut it off if I choose to melee (like with a KC or somethin), I'd like to see the same happen with Hasso and Seigan rather than constantly be forced to turn them back on when they wear off.

                When SCH goes into Light or Dark Arts, its a permanent state til it you switch, so I think it would be best to give RNG a normal state and the Velocity Shot state to eliminate the hassle of having to reactivate VS.


                • #68
                  Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

                  I agree. Also on that note, there are a few changes to Seigan I'd like to see made but that's off topic

                  However I don't see the need/point of SE adding a melee stance given the orientation of RNG. Sure it's accuracy traits pump both types, but we all know where the clear focus is. Just because a few ppl would like it for their dual-wield and/or multi-hit weapons to gain faster TP isn't a good enough reason IMO. SE's got other stuff to worry about/fix.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #69
                    Re: Velocity Shot - HOw will it be?

                    Yeah, I agree its a pain to keep having to turn it on

