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RNG/NIN *Details please* ~.~

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  • RNG/NIN *Details please* ~.~

    So! I've heard that subbing RNG with /NIN or /WAR is good. I want to know more. What are the goods and the bads if you sub RNG with /NIN or /WAR? What types of armor and weopons should I be looking for (stat bonuses)?
    Last edited by Galilei; 09-23-2007, 11:37 AM. Reason: System Message!

    Used OpenCanvas, Microsoft Paint, and AtlantaView.

    Galeleo -New FFXI Player-
    ~Server: Diabolos~ *Linkshell: FinalEclipse*

    -Lvl 33 Red Mage
    -Lvl 16 Samurai
    -Lvl 10 Warrior
    -Lvl 10 Ninja
    -Lvl 8 Black Mage
    -Lvl 6 Beastmaster
    -Lvl 7 Ranger


  • #2
    Re: RNG/NIN *Details please* ~.~

    Originally posted by Galilei View Post
    So! I've heard that subbing RNG with /NIN or /WAR is good. I want to know more. What are the goods and the bads if you sub RNG with /NIN or /WAR? What types of armor and weopons should I be looking for (stat bonuses)?
    Hi kids, I'm a sticky thread about this very subject!

    /WAR - Attack Bonus, Berserk, Warcry. Best overall damage.
    /NIN - Utsusemi, Dual Weild for higher accuracy.
    /SAM - Store TP, Meditate, Seigan. Best TP gain, average damage mitigation.

    You can pretty much go /WAR or /NIN at most levels, but /NIN isn't really doing anything before 24. /SAM only becomes useful at 60+

    Most of your best weapons and armor are quested, cheap or free. Noct Armor set will last you from 30 to AF levels and you can reuse it for COR later if that job also interests you.

    Some notable items to go after:

    Peacock Charm
    Selene Bow
    Vali's Bow
    Eurytos Bow
    Othinus' Bow

    That's not all of it and there's more of interest to persue. There are nice HQ Bows at levels 30, 40, and 50 you'll want. You'll also want invest in HQ Crossbows instead of guns early on.

    Guns really come into play at 50+ with Silver Bullets.

    Crossbows and Guns are where you gain Marksmanship skills.
    Bows are where you get archery.
    Skill both up as both can easily be done in PT.

    Be prepared to farm a lot, take up woodworking, bonecraft, alchemy or smithing if you can if you'd like keep your costs low at early levels. Otherwise, have a farming or NM camping routine in place. Save all your seals for BCNM fights at 40+

    Also finish NIN and RDM to 40 at least for more BCNM flexibility and another job for CoP missions.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-23-2007, 08:30 PM.

