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So RNG got stiffed (again)?

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  • #76
    Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    Sev, the Snapshot merit ability is Haste for RNGs. The problem is that its just not enough and standard forms of Haste don't affect ranged attacks to start with.
    Reread my post, I know normal haste doesn't effect ranged, I tell 1 mage a party when I am rng to stop wasting mp.

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    I could pull out my Loxley bow, but that's not quite the haste we're looking for. Not to mention its lower WS damage and eats arrows like cotton candy. Its for sensitive pulls, that's about it.
    I have a loxley bow, But think if you could shoot that fast with ebow how broken it would be. love loxley bow for fun tho lol.

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    As for Holy Bolts, maybe your HB damage is crap. I almost proc 35-40+ extra damage per shot now.
    Hey bbq direct that to the person who said rangers have no dot, I was the one who used holy bolt spam as the dot example lol.

    To Omni: I agree no one spends as much on ammo as ranger, because rangers are the only ammo focused dd. A good thief will be using xbow for tp because it helps, also cor can rack up a big bill as well. Also rangers can spam the kraken bcnm to kraken for tp and just slug/winder
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #77
      Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

      Ya, sev, gimme one of your 4 kclubs ok then ill stfu about anything rng related
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #78
        Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

        Originally posted by Omni View Post
        Ya, sev, gimme one of your 4 kclubs ok then ill stfu about anything rng related
        Lol sure too bad i sold them actually going to try for 2 more, 1 to sell and finish off two crafting mules, and one for my rng.

        Didn't mean to make it sound easy, but my friend who only merits on rng and plays it as a main job just realized form 63-> to last week could have bought 3 k clubs lol.
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #79
          Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

          ya i got about 3 moon orbs worth of seals that im gonna spend on kc bcnm. 0/~15 so far.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #80
            Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

            Why did SE lower detonator's fTP by 1? (Saw this on blue gartyr forums)

            WTF... like RNG hasn't been shit on enough? The 2 handed update is glorious, but they seriously don't need to nerf ranged attacks any further or they're just going to make it pointless.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #81
              Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post

              On the pay for ammo part, if you argue you pay more for ammo so you should be the top dd, please quit ranger. You shouldn't be playing ranger because it deals the most damage and you pwnz all the nubs! You should be playing Ranger because it is what you enjoy. Ammo costs where known when you signed up to level the job, if you leveled the job because of arrow burn pts then you are a bandwagon rng, like people who leveled war for tp burns.
              I for one leveled Ranger way when they were in godmode because I love being Ranger. I love being the person who attacks far away. When they implemented the 'distance damage' calculations I liked it since to me, it makes logical sense! Even after the nerf we had, I stuck by Ranger and put up with the crap. Why? Because I love doing my job.

              Sure it sucks at times that I become broke but it's okay since I know it comes with the territory. I wouldn't have such a huge fuss about this update before the fix if the 1 STR = 1 RATK was included with the 1 STR = 1 ATK also. Let's also mention the fact how I was hoping Emp/Detonator wouldn't suck so much after the update so I would have WS options besides Slugwinder. But since it does even less damage now, I'm truly stuck using Slugwinder for my damage.

              Now, I do have one freaking question for SE. When the hell are we gonna get Haste for our ranged attacks?

              Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
              'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
              Bahamut server
              Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai


              • #82
                Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                Originally posted by Dymlos View Post
                When they implemented the 'distance damage' calculations I liked it since to me, it makes logical sense!
                Made no sense to me at all; seemed completely artificial.

                Self-propelled ammo aside (i.e. missiles with rockets), I can't think of a single RL ranged weapon which would not do same or better damage at point blank than from 100 meters away. Point blank is always better accuracy, to boot.

                I think the way S-E should've implemented it is to have drastically increased enmity from range attacks, but add an enmity reduction based on distance (since the critter would be less sure what hit it and from where.) Also, severely reduce evasion, parrying, shield block, and defense during the "aiming" motion--it takes a bit of concentration not to shoot one's own foot, and the aiming motion/posture isn't great for protecting one's head or torso.

                That way, Rangers who like to stay in melee range would risk getting their face eaten, while those who are stay far away would have less enmity and probably less accuracy.

                * * *

                It's kinda sad RNGs are completely left out of Haste. Maybe Haste can be changed to affect ammo load time, or S-E can add trait and equipment for some sort of "ammo loading mastery".

                * * *

                Don't know much about archery and crossbows, but isn't the idea for bow and arrow to speedily launch multiple fairly inaccurate missiles with fair amount of mass behind each for penetration power?

                And, crossbow is about launching of one high speed but lightweight missile at a time, with less mass but much better accuracy, but taking a much longer time to reload?

                Seems like Bow/Arrow should be fast and inaccurate, while Crossbow/Bolt should be slow but accurate. Instead, we have slow bows and acc+ arrows, and fast crossbows with no acc bolts...

                I don't really see why STR should affect ranged damage as much either; certainly should make no difference when it comes to guns. Instead, how about higher STR and AGI shortening "ammo loading time" for crossbow and bow instead? (Use DEX and AGI for modifying gun ammo loading time instead.)
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #83
                  Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                  Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                  Haste doesn't effect rangers delay. So what you are asking for is arrowburn only right?
                  Good job jumping into conclusion.

                  All 2h math is broken, sam is by far the most broken tho.
                  And I hope you actually know what's so broken about it.
                  Use gaxe in my tp setup and you can see how slow gaxe isn't.
                  Gaxe is still slow. /NIN still got the speed and high resolution damage
                  I forgot holy bolt damage dot is shit, let me piss on rngs while they down right?
                  Blame your wrong setup for holy bolt

                  My FFXI Doc


                  • #84
                    Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                    Only reason I could see STR modifies damage (for bows only) is how strong you are when firing the arrow. But that's just a theory/guess and I'm most likely wrong. Honestly I see AGI more of a modifier for damage rather strength.

                    Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
                    'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
                    Bahamut server
                    Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai


                    • #85
                      Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                      In real world archery, assuming you're not using a compound bow, your strength determines how powerful a bow you can use. Higher strength = higher resistance bow = arrows get shot harder.

                      Not that it really matters that much considering that daggers use the same damage formulas as axes and fists, etc. etc.


                      • #86
                        Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                        Wow, totally missed this thread during my hiatus.
                        I'll try and say my two cents without inciting a flame war.
                        Post fix: Damage is still great. I'm glad 2h'ers were thrown a bone. Its about time.
                        However, it sucks as a rng because now every other 2her's dmg is exactly the same as mine, or more. I don't begrudge the other job's nice new damage, just wishing we (and even moreseo, thf) weren't overlooked.
                        It sucks when you're doing assaults with friends, and the pld using g.sword is doing the same dmg you are. People make the argument that we are constantly paying for our damage (and we are), but also don't forget the fact that damage is all we do. A paladin with g.sword can now do the same damage as me (sans barrage on a 5 minute recast), but also tank and cure. We're a one trick pony and now all other jobs can outdamage us and still do their other things (SAM's can ws like mad still and drk's still have magic, too). We don't do magic, we don't buff or enfeeble, and our defense is shit to say the least. I think the only reason I haven't been kicked from my dynals is because RNG is my only job until I finish out SAM and they need someone to help shadowbind ying and yang at SL.
                        Anyway, again, I'm glad other jobs were given a much needed boost, just down that we were kinda nerfed by proxy. But hell, atleast they didn't actually nerf us again.
                        But hell, nothing much to do but wait and see what they pull out in WotG.

                        FYI, part of the reason the pld was keeping up with me is that my rng isn't as well geared as I would like. I don't play much atm, and I still need an Osode, CFG, scout socks, and an Ebow. (Atm I'm struggling to keep up with costs of dyna once or twice a week.)

                        And guys, dont renew this flame war b.s. Just let us get out our discontent and move one. We were once the golden children, now it seems like we're the unwanted stepchildren.

                        PPPPPP.S. I'm sure everyone knows by now, but I saw it brought up and didn't pay close enough attention to see if anyone responded. Using a fire staff or other 2h weapon doesn't catapult our damage. You get an extra couple damage from the str and r. atk., but thats it.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #87
                          Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                          RNG was actually something I just incidentally leveled alongside COR because the gear worked out so well, I had only leveled it as a sub and ended up enjoying it at this was while it was still "nerfed."

                          I'm really hoping that these 2H updates mean WotG mobs are actually going to be ramped up considerably and jobs like RNG and THF will also get hooked up in forthcoming updates. The adjustments to PUP, COR and BST were very signifigant and worthwhile changes, I can't just think they gave us all those updates just to address long-standing issues

                          Dancer specializing in Daggers makes me hope THF is especially getting buffed because they've totally fallen behind, even further than RNG.

                          As far as RNG goes, if SE is going to notch up COR's ammo, I'm hoping that means RNG is due some higher grade ammo, because they've been using silvers and Kabura for years now. While I love COR, they should not be getting close to RNG numbers.


                          • #88
                            Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                            They need to release new bolts.

                            our last bolt is at 50... darksteels are great bolts but the fact that theres no high lvl bolts is kinda disappointing (save gmb). it doesnt even have to be dmg bolts, status bolts would be nice. some evasion down bolts, paralysis bolts, attack down bolts would be interesting.

                            rng could be more useful other than just pumping out slugwinders.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #89
                              Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                              I'd still love some def. down arrows. Yeah right, though.
                              Surely something is coming later this year. And yes, THF is majorly hurting. I think we try and have one thf for every party in dyna, but obviously its all for TH. The last update they did in boosting base dmg of daggers was huge, then they essentially negated it all with this update.
                              Nerf by proxy will get you every time.
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian


                              • #90
                                Re: So RNG got stiffed (again)?

                                Ok, I'm probably going to get bitched at for resurrecting this 1-2 month old post, but I can't help myself.

                                First off, to all you people who think "there was no ranger nerf" and the like, you really don't have a clue.
                                After the ranger nerf, ranged accuracy was totally & completely BROKEN.
                                As a ranger, I have 4 r.acc+ traits that add around 40 r.acc (I know it's not exactly +10 for all of them). I also had a TON of R.acc+ gear. With the most being around +80 r.acc. I also had to use Sushi.

                                Now, when out fighting very tough mobs, I got, at best, a 75-80% accuracy rate, while EVERY other DD in my party was netting 85-95%. Someone PLEASE tell me how that is "functioning normally" or "as intended"?

                                Sure, I'll agree that the ranged damage calculation was broken. Ranger damage isn't, and never really was that bad. The problem was that we all were totally decked out in R.acc gear trying DESPERATELY to maintain some decent accuracy in our attacks & weapon skills, but we were fighting a massive uphill battle. One that we could not win until SE FINALLY fixed r.acc calculations not too long ago. Now we can finally put on the STR & R.atk gear (wha tlittle there is) to improve out damage. I can usually keep up DoT-wise with most thanks to my v-bow, but I can't tp as fast as any other job because of Haste.

                                Melee's get haste in sooooo many ways. Tons of gear, Haste spell, March songs. Then you add in double attack skills/gear. Rangers have nothing like this. None of this even slightly effects us and how we fight. If it did we'd be able to keep up just fine with other melees. It'd also show you the difference between a good and a great ranger.

                                Notice I never said, not once, that rangers should do more damage. I don't think they need a damage boost. They do it well enough. We need more utility. We need more ways to improve our performance. What good is a 1500 damage ability that you can only use half as often as someone who has a 800-1000 damage ability? The latter will always win when it comes to total damage over time.

                                Now to my other concern: THFs that think they have to spend anywhere NEAR as much as RNGs do on ammo. Eauijhkuu you really don't understand. You're not a RNG, so I can understand a bit, but honestly, your ammo consumption rate doesn't come CLOSE to a RNGs. In a single, decent, 2hr party I will consume (on average) 10/11 STACKS of ammo. Before I took a break in April I was spending 330,000 gil PER PARTY. The fact that your ammo lasts you days is a blessing. I go through it in mere hours. Now, that being said I can't thank Altana enough that a full stack of Demon Arrow quivers is only ~45k. That's a resonable price. And don't get me wrong, I feel for a THF. They're really looked down upon in the merit/exp party game. It's sad that certain jobs are shunned as they are and I wish it didn't happen.

                                In the end, all I ask for is a party invite. I don't care that much about more damage, accuracy, utilty... I just want to be able to put my flag up and get a party like everyone else.

                                But I can't. You know why? Cause there's stigmas on the RNG job. Some true, some not. But we're not bad DD. But our performance can't be artificially increased like all the other DDs in the game. If they could, maybe things would be different. All we can really do is wait and see.

                                So in the end I have to end up on the bandwagon if I want merits/exp buffers.

                                Last edited by Machaveli; 11-05-2007, 07:24 AM. Reason: Typos
                                Malakite on Bahamut
                                RNG: 75 | WHM: 75

                                Machaveli on Bahamut
                                BLM: 48

                                RNG AF1: [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
                                RNG AF2: [0] [0] [0] [0] [X]

