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So I'm a lolRNG now....

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  • #46
    Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

    I swear SE should change the pop rates for the Shadows and make it more campable.

    Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
    'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
    Bahamut server
    Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai


    • #47
      Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

      Sod it then. I will (knowing myself as I do) will probably go for S Bow and then after, go after E/V bow.

      And yes, it is retarded.


      • #48
        Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

        They used to be the same as morbolger, with a 21-24 hour window. Then they changed it (without telling ANYONE, people had to figure this out) to a 21-40+ window. It's bull shit.

        They should be force-spawned like they did with that last udpate to alky braclets and THF Knife with 100% drop rate. Have the pop items drop from the other shadows (who check EP to 75 btw) or something.



        • #49
          Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

          Originally posted by nanatsu View Post
          You also have to take into account the huge delay of guns. With xbow you can get in quite a bit more shots and actually ws faster if your accuracy is consistent, which isn't really that hard to do. I haven't worked out the delay but I'm guessing you can probably shoot close to 3 times with xbow before you get a chance to lift your gun again. The difference in damage is not as much as you think. With Holy Bolts additional effect + increased chances to skillchain, xbow often wins out on DoT alone. It's not always about the big ws numbers, even for rng.
          how will u have more chances to skill chain when ur tp return is lower? that logic doesnt make any sense. if it did, then weapons like loxley bow and machine xbow would be awesome. i have both and ive used loxely in xp before at mid 60s. I got elemental arrows and fired away to the my hearts content. lower slugs and lower barrage return at the cost of faster shots doesnt mean you tp any faster than a gun user. thats a huge draw back from having a lower delay weapon. u miss out on the nice instant tp u get from a full barrage. so actually you might end up letting off less slugs with the loss of a nice 70-90tp chunk u get back from barrage when you get back only 40ish tp.

          holy bolt procs on some mobs arent as great as you imagine. you wont always get that nice +20ish dmg on all mobs. especially the higher lvl u get. on bats theyre great but once u start hitting some of the tougher mobs, the proc isnt always great.

          as far as dmg goes, it is a nice chunk. sorry but, slugging for 600-700 is not trivial when slugging for 400-500 with xbow.
          Last edited by Omni; 08-14-2007, 10:01 AM.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #50
            Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

            I camped Eastern Shadow once shortly after the change to the bow drop, I got it first try and so far I still haven't seen another RNG on my server with Vali's Bow. I'm sure they exist, but the NM is still on a really retarded respawn of at least 16 hours and possibly up to a 27 hour respawn. I camped it for four hours and RMT were apparently on thier lunch break when I was camping, because the flooded in right after I got the drop.

            I'm just glad I never have to camp that one again. Or spend 3 mil on E-Bow.

            There's no shame in Selene's Bow, though, definately go for it, its good to have in various situations. The stats on the bow's moon effects are assumed to be the following:

            New Moon: Ranged Attack+25, Ranged Accuracy+5.
            50% Moon: Ranged Attack+15, Ranged Accuracy+15
            Full Moon: Ranged Attack+5, Ranged Accuracy+25.

            V/E Bow's biggest edge over Selene's Bow is the delay. E/V Bow is 490, Selene's is 540.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-14-2007, 10:03 AM.


            • #51
              Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

              dont worry about the e-bow/s-bow debate. both are great weapons. both will serve you well.

              i kinda like my s-bow more. e-bow does look more aesthetically pleasing. s-bow looks like some lv.17 power bow -_-
              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


              • #52
                Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                It's not just the delay, it's because E/V Bow is consistent while S-Bow varies.

                Both are good weapons, but the other big edge to E Bow is you get to use it much earlier as well.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #53
                  Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                  Originally posted by Omni View Post
                  how will u have more chances to skill chain when ur tp return is lower? that logic doesnt make any sense. if it did, then weapons like loxley bow and machine xbow would be awesome. i have both and ive used loxely in xp before at mid 60s. I got elemental arrows and fired away to the my hearts content. lower slugs and lower barrage return at the cost of faster shots doesnt mean you tp any faster than a gun user. thats a huge draw back from having a lower delay weapon. u miss out on the nice instant tp u get from a full barrage. so actually you might end up letting off less slugs with the loss of a nice 70-90tp chunk u get back from barrage when you get back only 40ish tp.
                  holy bolt procs on some mobs arent as great as you imagine. you wont always get that nice +20ish dmg on all mobs. especially the higher lvl u get. on bats theyre great but once u start hitting some of the tougher mobs, the proc isnt always great.
                  as far as dmg goes, it is a nice chunk. sorry but, slugging for 600-700 is not trivial when slugging for 400-500 with xbow.
                  I've given it some thought. I'll concede to you that, if you're taking the numbers into consideration, you won't ws more with xbow than bow. It doesn't make sense to say that when you know that all weapons basically gain TP at the same rate.

                  With xbow, your TP return is lower, but you're still shooting fast enough to outpace the horrifically HIGH delay of a gun. Yeah you miss out on barrage TP and that's one of the things that makes it more even rather than skew things off in another direction. But for 200+ extra delay on most guns you get about 1.5% more TP than the slowest crossbow. I've used both gun and xbow and I dunno if it's just me but when I'm using gun with an xbow using rng in the pt he always seemed to get TP first except when I have barrage up. I've also usually out tped a gun rng with my xbow unless there's accuracy issues on my end, though I will admit on occasion it's been the other way around. I know that clashes with what I said earlier about conceding that you don't ws more with xbow, but I can only relate what I've observed.

                  I've also learned that Barrage is far from reliable. If you're getting 100% tp consistently with gun every time you barrage then you're on god mode. With Obow you're already getting 15% TP per shot. You're set as far as barrage goes. As long as you have some TP in the chamber when you use barrage, you can still get that instant ws and if not, an extra shot from a crossbow won't kill you. Waiting for a gun after you've missed too many shots on barrage will make you want to shoot yourself.

                  Loxley and Machine have a base damage that's too low to take advantage of their speed. And being ahead by 200 dmg in ws numbers isn't going to make you outpace xbow when you can make up that damage in a few normal shots. That's like saying MNK sucks. In all honesty all xbow, gun and bow should all be considered important and you should use the right weapon for the right job. Xbow for high def mobs, gun for high def mobs that you can't land acids on. Gun is also extremely useful because you can pile on burst damage through JA and WS, but that will only go so far in exp. It is, however, perfect against gods, whereas xbow is lacking. Gun definitely doesn't suck next to xbow, but xbow does what it does on DoT and the ability to lower a target's def. That's what makes it close.

                  That's another thing I wanna point out. If it's something that acid won't proc on, then by all means use a gun. Otherwise, you can come close to or exceed the total damage of a gun in an exp with xbow. if you have another rng in your pt and they are using acids, use your gun. In this case would be the only way I'm willing to concede that the gun has the ability to outdo an xbow in an exp party situation.

                  I do realize guns are powerful. They have the highest base dmg of any weapon in the game. They also have high ws power but low DoT. Xbow is the complete opposite. That's just how it is and that's what makes them even.
                  My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                  Which FF Character Are You?
                  Originally posted by Balfree
                  Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                  • #54
                    Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                    Dinged 32 in Garliage.

                    Well, things have, slowed down a lot. Acc was crap on bats (Using Flounder still), and Barrage kept missing (or only 1 shot connecting).

                    Still out DD'ed the war and blu but a massive differennce in performance. Maybe it will pick up again as I lvl and get nearer the lvl of the mobs there.

                    Holy Bolts eat bats though ^^ Bow was not very good there.

                    At which point is a %RACC food going to be better than a straight +15?


                    • #55
                      Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                      Normally, after 40-45 the flat status foods start to wear off, starting to favour sushi. Certainly not before then.

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • #56
                        Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                        Hmm ok. So I'll stick to Flounder for now then.

                        Last nights party was certainly not all that. rdm whm blm war blu rng.

                        The rdm had a whm SJ 5 lvls out >.>

                        War tanked (fairly well i might add) while everyone cured, blm did dome light nuking.

                        How can I improve Barrage results I have as much RACC as I can afford right now. Archers x 2, Noct (not +1), Beetle +1 x 2.

                        Great Bow + Zamburak +1.

                        I have macroed in Sharpshot with Barrage for what its worth.


                        • #57
                          Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                          Where you can't get RACC get AGI. Make sure you have things like the merc cpt belt etc. Your RACC is always going to be fairly weak at low level. Upgrade to Hawkers? It isn't that much more than archers, but with a wee bit more RACC and AGI.

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • #58
                            Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                            Aha, yes, Merc Capt Belt. I did try to buy that, but when I it wouldnt sell at 3k above what it had been going for I left it. Stupid people trying to jack the price up >.>

                            Ill look over wiki at lunch for some decent upgrades, if any.

                            I really want a PCC no way I can afford it, and the rare/ex is another retarded 18-30hr, 50% pop of another NM + not 100% drop.

                            Hows your RNG coming along?


                            • #59
                              Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                              My rng is still at 20 - I spent all the past weekend meriting to get Elemental Magic capped out, then I've been busy helping with CoP, then dying in Limbus yesterday... I'm going to get some time to level it over the weekend though.

                              Don't sweat the PCC - it's not worth worrying about till you can genuinely afford it, and you are levelling other melee jobs above 37. Can I, however point out what is potentially a free piece of foot gear for Elvaan - you should have yours in storage. If you don't have leaping boots, use these.

                              Free AGI for Elvaan... Oh I sent you a PM on the ls forums that might help you. Oh, and you should be able to buy the MC Belt from Windy for double the CP, even though you Sandy.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi
                              "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                              • #60
                                Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                                i actually wrote a lot but i realized that i think it would be pretty annoying for other readers to have to scroll past the blabber.

                                anyhow i just wanted to say that the lvl range in question in my previous posts is lv.50. delay of arbalest+1 is 280. musketeers is 582. so i can fire 2 shots per 1 for musketeers. you wont see the benefit of that 22 delay difference until i dunno the 10th shot or something.

                                what you were talking about was something more along the lines of o-bow vs hellfire. a completely whole different story. o-bow has the ability to put out respectable numbers while adding status to the mob (which is nothing like its weaker counter-parts in lvl ranges before it) but, that wasnt my point. my point is about lv. 50-60. xbow vs gun. in this lvl, i feel if u miss out on musketeers (+1/+2 one of the best gun delays around) and the introduction of silver bullets so you can use a weak xbow, the benefits of acids just dont convince me.

                                taru edit: hongman- u dont need a pcc. you'll have so much rng acc. out your wazoo that that extra 5 rng acc wont mean anything later on. personally, rng atk items interest me more. and the ranger's necklace you get from unlocking rng is awesome and FREE!

                                using sharpshot with barrage is a good way to go. it's what i do. remember that the number of arrows/bolts/bullets you can use up during a barrage differs as you lvl up. Read here
                                Last edited by Omni; 08-15-2007, 08:15 AM.
                                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

