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So I'm a lolRNG now....

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  • #31
    Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    You're still going to want to keep Xbow on hand for crabs and defoliators, crabs in the early 50s and defoliators in the early 60s. Keep in mind that 50-55 is that nasty set of levels where jobs like RDM, BRD and COR just breeze on through and you likely may not get one. And your main target there is the crabs, which spam Defense Boost, so Acid Bolts will help you a lot there.
    Guns and bow will serve you better on colibri, imps and puks. Xbow works well in mire, but I generally favor gun/bow in Mamool/Troll camps.
    As for endgame stuff, I've personally found that for Dynamis cities and Limbus Xbow is very useful. Temenos is always Double Light Element and tends to have high HP/High Def mobs within, Xbox + Acid/Holy setup is great there. Double light, a nice MND build + light staff can give you some real nice holy bolt damage in there.
    I've done bow there and it was OK, but Xbow lent better overall functionality in Temeno and Dyna cities. Just about every RNG I've met get excited to use O-Bow in Temenos.
    Sorry, I dont join a pt nor form a pt when there is no refresh. so I always have a rdm or brd because, that's just stupid and a plain ol waste of time if you have a pt past 41 with no refresh. Having an x-bow is handy but you'll suffer from the lack of dmg you'll be missing out on with musketeers/silver bullets.

    I dont consider dynamis/limbus 'endgame' per se, i was thinking about mobs that have high defense and high evasion where landing shots would be difficult. dynamis/limbus mobs are pretty easy to tp on etc. you're right, having an o-bow and holys in limbus is fun.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #32
      Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      Don't bother using gun past lv 29 until at least lv 50.

      The reason is at 30 you'll get access to Holy Bolts finally, along with new and better bows (and the arrows and bolts are way cheaper than bullets)

      From 30-40 Xbow + Holy Bolts will just plain dominate, especially on bats in garlaige.
      Agreed. There's really no need to spend more than you have to at these levels, especially when arrows and bolts are so cheap and holy bolts especially are very effective, and potentially even more damaging than both the bullets and arrows.

      Originally posted by Omni View Post
      Sorry, I dont join a pt nor form a pt when there is no refresh. so I always have a rdm or brd because, that's just stupid and a plain ol waste of time if you have a pt past 41 with no refresh. Having an x-bow is handy but you'll suffer from the lack of dmg you'll be missing out on with musketeers/silver bullets.
      Way to miss the point!

      The point is PTs do happen without RDM, BRD and COR and there are days you just can't get those jobs in PT, Refresh isn't even the main issue on these mobs.

      Even with a RDM, BRD or COR for dispel, you will boost damage for the PT with acid bolts on these mobs. The effects of Dia and Acid Bolts stack

      Maybe it just comes from being BRD and RDM prior to RNG, those jobs prioritize optimizing PT performance and weakening mobs. Given RNG's tools, I will use them to that end first and damage second. There's plenty of room for RNG epeen damage elsewhere.

      High Def/HP Mob -> Xbow with Acid/Holy, raw DMG bolt for WS
      High Attack/Double or Triple Attack Mob -> Bow with Demon Arrows
      Magic resistant mob -> Gun/Bow for raw damage
      HNM/God -> Gun/Bow for raw damage
      Timed instances -> Bow/Xbow variable.
      Solo -> Xbow (Acid, Bloody, Holy and raw DMG bolt)

      That's always how I've played it.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-13-2007, 10:06 AM.


      • #33
        Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

        Very true Kitten ^^b



        • #34
          Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

          ya and pts DO happen to have rdm and brds most the time also. so tomatoe, tomato.

          my fault for not being clear but what i meant with 'refresh' is the presence of rdm or brd. (thats what i think when it comes to filling that 'refresher' spot which also comes with the handiness of dispel that these 2 refresher jobs have).

          your xbow of choice at 50-59 would be an arbalest+1 (30dmg) + darksteel (50dmg). compared to a musketeer (34dmg) + silver bullet (81dmg). 80dmg vs 115dmg in terms of base dmg. you're missing out on 35 base dmg. thats nearly 50% of ur xbow/bolt combo.

          you could make the case that i helps the whole pt over all and the lost dmg by using xbow is made up with your pt hitting a bit harder. you could also say the dmg you deal using musketeer/silverbullets will make up for the dmg u would gain from ur acids as well. when i was in this level range on my rng, i was lvling in places likes tree and terrigan off crabs and pugils. so my opinions about xbow/gun in these lvls are not out of thin air. i carried both and tried to see what worked best and my mukseteers always seemed to give me the best results. slugging for 400ish compared to slugging to 700ish just didnt seem worth it. not to mention per shot dmg and accuracy. xbow always is a bit less accurate since many have little to no rng. acc traits, while guns usually have a nice hefty amount. again, tomatoe, tomato.

          honestly, im not trying to butt heads with anyone but i was merely making suggestions and commentary. if picking apart posts to apply them to situations that occur in the most shitty of circumstances (ie: not having a rdm or brd in a pt against crabs or crawlers, which to me is a tremendously idiotic thing to do. not saying it doesnt happen because i have been invited to these pts and every single one of them disband in less than 5minutes after they see how long it takes to bring one down even with me applying acids) and taking them as an matter of fact rather than with a grain of salt is your thing, then pick away. it really does tire me out reading and explaining what i say sometimes.

          happy hunting.
          Last edited by Omni; 08-13-2007, 02:02 PM.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #35
            Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

            Well, i dinged 31.

            1. Flounder food is the best thing since sliced bread.
            2. Gun obliterated mandies as you said.
            3. Holy Bolts. Nuff said.
            4. Barrage. Is. Evil.

            I experimented with bow, but stuck to Gun and Holy, they just outdamaged Arrows. Barrage landed for ~250, is that right?

            Holy Bolt added effect was real crazy, sometimes 20, sometimes 10, somtimes 35. How come? Mandies spam MND down and i took this into account but...

            Way to pull a death sentence. WS ->Barrage ->WS.

            RNG does seem so overpowered - while the average melee is hitting for 30ish (WAR on GAXE) im doing 80+ per shot, and my WS's are 140's, his are 90-100, then every5 mins I have Barrage.

            omg I'm turning into a DD nut - shoot me now.

            EDIT: I even raided my mule savings to fund this pt, lol.


            • #36
              Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

              The first time I fired barrage at 30 I was still using gun (bow would have hit even harder) with rice dumplings and /war for berserk.

              I did over 400 damage to the poor bastard. Fell right out my chair ^ _ ^

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #37
                Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                Holy Bolt added effect was real crazy, sometimes 20, sometimes 10, somtimes 35. How come? Mandies spam MND down and i took this into account but...
                Think of the added effect as a small nuke. It'll see partial resists of varying severity.


                • #38
                  Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                  it's also enmity free

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #39
                    Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                    Originally posted by Omni View Post
                    ya and pts DO happen to have rdm and brds most the time also. so tomatoe, tomato.
                    my fault for not being clear but what i meant with 'refresh' is the presence of rdm or brd. (thats what i think when it comes to filling that 'refresher' spot which also comes with the handiness of dispel that these 2 refresher jobs have).
                    your xbow of choice at 50-59 would be an arbalest+1 (30dmg) + darksteel (50dmg). compared to a musketeer (34dmg) + silver bullet (81dmg). 80dmg vs 115dmg in terms of base dmg. you're missing out on 35 base dmg. thats nearly 50% of ur xbow/bolt combo ...

                    ...i carried both and tried to see what worked best and my mukseteers always seemed to give me the best results. slugging for 400ish compared to slugging to 700ish just didnt seem worth it. not to mention per shot dmg and accuracy. xbow always is a bit less accurate since many have little to no rng. acc traits, while guns usually have a nice hefty amount. again, tomatoe, tomato.
                    You also have to take into account the huge delay of guns. With xbow you can get in quite a bit more shots and actually ws faster if your accuracy is consistent, which isn't really that hard to do. I haven't worked out the delay but I'm guessing you can probably shoot close to 3 times with xbow before you get a chance to lift your gun again. The difference in damage is not as much as you think. With Holy Bolts additional effect + increased chances to skillchain, xbow often wins out on DoT alone. It's not always about the big ws numbers, even for rng.
                    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                    Which FF Character Are You?
                    Originally posted by Balfree
                    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                    • #40
                      Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                      Wow. I was eating that Flounder stuff, and its probably me being both closer the the lvl of mobs in the area and also the food, but when my party started out in Yuhtunga, I parsed 94% RACC. 94!!!

                      When I dinged 28 we moved, and it slowed down a bit there.

                      So, up till 50 I think, I'll be TPing with Holy, WS'ing with Mythril, and applying Acid Bolts as needed. It only takes 3 or 4 mobs to cap Marksy and Archery after every ding.

                      All in all though, I'm having fun!


                      • #41
                        Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                        You got 4 accuracy penalty for every level mob is higher than you.

                        Also, you gain another 12 acc/racc on when you dinged lv30.
                        You should see vast improvement really on lv30. I think lv30 is the place where RNG shine regardless of player's play style, not 75

                        My FFXI Doc


                        • #42
                          Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                          I still havent gotten round to working out my RACC using the formula on Wiki....

                          I wanted an opinion actually on E bow vs S Bow.

                          How important is it for me to get E bow, seeming as S bow just a few lvls after seems to dominate it?

                          Would I be classed as under par if I didnt have it? Id definately get the S Bow, heaven knows the amount of times I've camped that bunny for other rangers, I think they owe me a few camps in return :p


                          • #43
                            Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                            If you can afford it, the E bow knocks the socks off the competition. If you can't, S bow is a perfectly acceptable little brother. And free (apart from the price of the carrots). Noone is going to judge you if you have S bow instead of E Bow. If you have neither, that is when you have to ask why are you going rng. For Xbow, O bow is also free, and you should be able to solo that as well (though help is nice).

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi
                            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                            • #44
                              Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                              oops I got the 2 mixed round - :p

                              How about Vali's Bow, or is that retardedly overcamped and/or bad drop rate?

                              O Bow I've camped a few times for others, I'm pretty sure I could solo him.


                              • #45
                                Re: So I'm a lolRNG now....

                                I've camped it a lot with a friend - it's a retarded drop rate (and he went thf). Also, the pop conditions are crap.... but it is always worth a try.

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

