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So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

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  • So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

    I did an LS static in the Dunes starting at 9, and basically I sucked. I didn't range much from 1-10 on my Galka it looks like, so my Archery was at 15 skill. I went to the Dunes and could barely hit, using a Self Bow+1 since there isn't much in terms of +R.Acc at my level yet. And when I did hit, most I did at start was 9 on a lizzy. As my skill went up it got better, both my accuracy and damage, so I'm looking into raising it.

    So basically, is there a specific mob in La Thiene or the Highlands that has semi-low Evasion that would be ideal in raising my Archery? I plan on soloing most of that level range anyway cause I've had it with the stupidity of the Dunes and refuse to enter there outside of a static, and alot of my LS feels the same way after today since we had A) new LS member, SMN/WHM, who wouldn't throw a cure on anyone but himself and with the exception of 2 times did NOTHING but Poison Nails with Carby, and B) PLD who replaced our LS PLD who died with full MP. But yea, that aside, ty :D
    Cleverness - Hades

  • #2
    Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

    Worms are always handy for leveling ranged attack skills on, as they can't run up and beat the hell out of you. You can find them in LaTheine/Konshtat pretty easily.

    After that there are worms in the Maze of Shakrami (sp) and Korroloka Tunnel, before you get to the Qufim Island levels.


    • #3
      Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

      Since I'm assuming that they're like the other worms who cast magic at range, do I just stand there and take it(this is on my Galka character, so I assume a Galka 11RNG/WAR can take some) or do I run out or range after attacking? I'm not sure on the 2nd one since I don't know if it unclaims the mob and regens its hp or whatever, never ran from a worm before >____>.
      Cleverness - Hades


      • #4
        Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

        Yeah worms in the locations already mentioned are good for that level and actually great for many jobs until 16ish if you mostly want to get out of doing the dune. You should be able to get skillups for both Xbow and Bow on those mobs if you just stick to soloing for now.

        Remember to watch for aggro mobs though, like ghosts and beastmen. If the worms start casting a nuke, just back off a little, use max bow range to your advantage to run out of the radius of a spell when you can.


        • #5
          Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

          They cast a lot less frequently than they would be hitting you at melee range, so it's usually not too bad. If you're really worried, you can run out of range for that attack and move back just after it. While the mob could possibly go unclaimed, you hopefully won't be competing too much for the spawns.


          • #6
            Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

            those first 15 levels always go by so fast that you normally cant keep ur skill capped. as a rng, your rng acc is pretty poor until 30.

            just something to keep in mind after you've capped your skill and you still miss a decent amount.
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • #7
              Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

              in my experience you will be missing pretty frequently even with capped ranged skills until you get your ranged acc rings and rangers necklace. So don't sweat it too much.

              But yes, keep those skills capped before you go partying..

              Originally posted by SevIfrit
              we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


              • #8
                Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

                These days everyone seems to say the same thing:


                I went the other day and got Archery from 50-62 in about an hour. lol


                • #9
                  Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

                  Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View Post
                  These days everyone seems to say the same thing:


                  I went the other day and got Archery from 50-62 in about an hour. lol
                  What job were you skilling up as, though? Besieged mobs are rigged to have pretty low evasion to anyone that's 60+, so it wouldn't be impossible for a high level RDM to skill archery there. Someone at level 12 couldn't hope to nail those mobs, I couldn't even land a shot until the mid-50s as a RNG - and that's with capped skill and accuracy gear out the wazoo.

                  Worms in La Theine and the Highlands are a much better and practical target for a low level RNG to skill up on.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-25-2007, 10:36 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

                    This thread is a tad bit old, but rather than starting a new one, I thought I'd ask. My Marksmanship is at about 65 right now, and I wanna cap it for THF, and the cap for 28 is 80, anyone know where I can go to get these last few levels? Thanks :D

                    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                    • #11
                      Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

                      If you can survive it (preferably if you have a higher job that can use a crossbow), the worms in Qufim are quite nice. I neglected marksmanship until my rng was 30, then nearly capped it with a few stacks of crossbow bolts.


                      • #12
                        Re: So where can I go skillup Archery fast?

                        Actually I ended up just wandering Qufim, and for the later levels I was killing Weapons and got good skill. I wasn on WAR/WHM so it seemed to work pretty well, especially with the new signet bonuses. :D

                        Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D

