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WOW... Come Post Yours!

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  • WOW... Come Post Yours!

    I had a 1250+ Sidewinder today on an IT Skimmer in the Boyada Tree, and I was soooooo happy! My barrages were anywhere from 400-700 and SW from 650 (on crabs) to 1100, and one 1253 or thereabouts. ^^ I wish I had a screenie!

    So, if you like, post your latest RNG accomplishment, be it AF, PPA, selene's bow, or uber DMG.
    BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
    Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

    Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!

  • #2
    Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

    Well I got my CN key and my AF pants last night, which is pretty cool. I still need that damn body piece, though. It was also nice that, out of three hours of fighting, I only missed three slugs from melee range, without any buffs, on tough mobs.

    As for biggest damage, so far my best Barrage was post-patch on Lesser Colibri, hitting for 1218. And my best Sidewinder was from the same group, 1435. I was 60 RNG/WAR, eating sis kebabi, without any defense debuffs that I can remember.

    I'm taking a break while I level my subs, so I plan to get the rest of my AF, Selene's Bow, Deadeye Gloves, Precise Belt, Francisca, and maybe even my Obow before continuing.


    • #3
      Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

      Not my screenie, but I saved it somewhere, if only I can find it.

      It's an Elvaan RNG that posted on KI forum a long time ago. Maybe people will remember it. It's his party, chaining flies and doing spiders in BT. I think they were level 68-69 IIRC.

      I remember he actually ... "solod" ... a fly. Now, to be fair, this was before all the changes made to ranged attacks, but man, that still was sweet.

      1500+ Slugshot on VT fly.
      1000+ Barrage on same fly.
      1800+ Slugshot on same fly.

      Needless to say, I think that was like ... all of 10sec ...


      • #4
        Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

        I solo'ed an Imp in the mire with ease the other day. Rocked out a 1800Sidewinder followed by 1100 Barrage and the finale was a 2050 Sidewinder(assisted by shadowbind so I could get back and get full damage).

        I was rocking Ebow w/demon arrows 8/8 bow merits, bard giveing double minuet, eating couerl subs. /NIN as well, still want to try out /WAR.

        As Aeni said above, it's over in about 10 secs.


        • #5
          Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

          Had a rng in a party a little while back. We were fighting IT birds. I used my 2hr and jumped to lower its def, then he busted out a 2236 Slugshot.

          During Ballista Royale last year, a rng hit me with Sidewinder. Right before the ws animation went off, my hp dropped from 100% to 0%. Man I wish they had that event this year.
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #6
            Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

            Dinged 63 last night, so finally got to use my Fransisca.
            With /NIN, Coeurl subs, one minuet and a prelude i was normal hitting Puks in woodlands for over 200 and crit'd for 300. Unfortunately I was only a mob into the lvl before party broke and I never got to pop off a sidewinder, nor a barrage. Maybe tonight...
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #7
              Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

              PT on IT colibri the other night, 1340 was my top sidewinder, 1284 was Top Slug. In either case, it was about 200 shot.

              Food was courel subs and we had a BRD with enough sense to get March on everyone else, but also minuet x2 for me. Pity we can't have more BRDs like that these days.


              • #8
                Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Food was courel subs and we had a BRD with enough sense to get March on everyone else, but also minuet x2 for me. Pity we can't have more BRDs like that these days.
                They exist?
                Wow, I usually use food and get prelude and single min, but just getting prelude is like pulling teeth.
                I know you're busy, but its one song every other fight and you don't have to worry about aoe on it. Once I hit 67 I get to static with a brd. I can't wait.

                Out of curiosity, I've always just eaten meat and gotten prelude and single min when I'm with a bard. Does double min and sushi give more damage? I know I need accuracy in there somewhere to make sure sidewinders stick, but is sushi and double min preferrable? Always seemed like I did more dmg with meat than with the other min.

                Anyway, the other day I had just dinged 63 in a party, fighting puks, we were finishing the chain before calling ita night, and as soon as I dinged I started doing 250/shot with coeurl sub, one minuet, and prelude. Crit'd for 300, but never got to use a single barrage or sidewinder the after I dinged, It was only two mobs then we finished, and we were killing too fast to build tp. I have a feeling it would have been incredible if I'd gotten the chance.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #9
                  Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                  Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                  They exist?
                  Wow, I usually use food and get prelude and single min, but just getting prelude is like pulling teeth.
                  I know you're busy, but its one song every other fight and you don't have to worry about aoe on it. Once I hit 67 I get to static with a brd. I can't wait.
                  This BRD knew his range, song rotation and knew them well. He'd Balladx2 the mages between fights, throw down an Elegy and occasionally timed it well enough it was reflected to me by the colibri, in which case it just consumed a shadow. One less worry for the NIN tank we had.

                  When it came to the fight he played March as I was building TP, then Minuet III and then moved out of the rest of PT's range to just hit me with Minuet IV, so March cycled out and I get Minuet x2. Even when kills were faster, he manged to keep both minuets up on me constantly. Quality BRD, I made it a point to thank him.

                  I've also heard many complaints that the TP Burn Era BRDs don't keep four buffs at a time or even consider getting giving individual ones. Somehow, even with /WHM as a sub on BRD, I can can keep four songs up and pull for 12k+ an hour in camps like Mamool Ja Staging Point. Its really quite simple, two songs a fight. Two melee songs one pull, Ballad for the mages after the next. Since I pull with Elegy and sleep the mob as the PT fights another, I don't spend a lot of time debufing.

                  Out of curiosity, I've always just eaten meat and gotten prelude and single min when I'm with a bard. Does double min and sushi give more damage? I know I need accuracy in there somewhere to make sure sidewinders stick, but is sushi and double min preferrable? Always seemed like I did more dmg with meat than with the other min.
                  Minuet III and IV will add a little more than 100 attack when they finally cap off based on skill. If you're eating subs and getting a prelude and one Minuet, you're gonna to get about 40 less attack vs. Minuet x2, assuming you only got Minuet IV and not III.

                  Sushi itself won't add much damage, but it should be considered when the mobs are IT++ if you're having a hard time landing hits. RNG has it made in the shade on accuracy gear though, if you can deal with a few missed slugwinders over the course of the PT, meat is always an option, which is something I can't always bring myself to say about other melee classes.

                  To contrast, today I had a PT with no BRD, but I still went with subs on the same mobs. Slugwinders were in the 830-920 range this time. Still pretty good, but with Minuet x2, we're talking quite a leap in damage.


                  • #10
                    Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                    My first 2k+ Sidewinder ^^, since then my record is 2,500~ on a Puk in Bhalflau with dual Minuet, Berserk and Sole Sushi. (not counting berserked Dhalmels where I hit 3,400~)

                    Sidewinder is great for damage spikes :>


                    • #11
                      Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                      3400 damage Screen shot on Dhalmel please

                      My FFXI Doc


                      • #12
                        Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                        minuet 4: a little over 50 attack
                        Coeurl sub: 65-75 attack (you're likely not hitting the cap yet)
                        minuet 3: +45ish attack.

                        BBQ could probably tell you if the caps figured @Ffxiclopedia figure in Cornette +1 or not. If not, then add 5 to those minuet figures.

                        Minuet 3 and 4 are probably substantially weaker for you as of yet since your Bards aren't 75 with maxed skills.

                        M3 + M4 = 90ish attack while just minuet4 + Coeurl sub = 110ish (I like rounding down). So if you feel one Prelude would be enough to cover your acc, Prelude + M4 + meat should be better than 2x minuet + sushi (also, if Prelude would cover your acc, Sushi would be super-overkill).

                        But here's the kicker...

                        If you're geared to eat meat and generally function w/out a BRD, then you can just have like +150 attack with minuetx2 + subs. Just like Bbqkitten was doing in above example.
                        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                        • #13
                          Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                          Did I already post this? If not, here it is. If so, there it is again.

                          And for /cry purposes, here's this one again. Twas my first. Now I know how women feel.
                          Last edited by Intensity; 11-19-2006, 03:21 PM.


                          Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                          • #14
                            Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                            Seen a RNG/WAR slug Imp in caedarva for 2.5k ish with Yellow Curry and Minuet x 2.


                            • #15
                              Re: WOW... Come Post Yours!

                              Originally posted by Saerik View Post

                              My first 2k+ Sidewinder ^^, since then my record is 2,500~ on a Puk in Bhalflau with dual Minuet, Berserk and Sole Sushi. (not counting berserked Dhalmels where I hit 3,400~)
                              Sidewinder is great for damage spikes :>
                              As impressive as 2,115dmg from Sidewinder is, I'm more impressed with a Lv.1 Skillchain effect breaking 300dmg, let alone 1k! lol
                              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1

