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  • Damage

    Just wondering, whats a Rangers Damage look like in comparrison to other classes?

    Namely, a /nin I guess because it seems popular, but wth this at whatever decent gear do they match up well to other DD's?


  • #2
    Re: Damage

    maybe if they are at the "sweetspot" but other than that, i don't see my DMG higher than other melee as of RNG37 (using MMS and Holy bolts) ^^"
    btw, if you are at the sweetspot and using Archery, you'll pull hate and hmmmm you'll need to run back alil from the mob and so on >.<;
    so ya, in general RNG deals more... but once hate is pulled you'll have to position yourself again.

    75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


    • #3
      Re: Damage


      forgive me I'm still pretty new.

      Is that why ninja is favoured as a sub, to reduce damage taken once that hate is pulled?

      Havn't tried either, looking forward to them though ^^


      • #4
        Re: Damage

        there's a few weapons that adds range accuracy/range damage. When you use /ninja, you gain dual wield ability and will be able to hold 2 of these weapons. That's 1 reason. Ninja blink is another.

        If you like big numbers tho, /war with berserk will boost your attack beyond anything.
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Damage

          What about hit rate at high levels, once you've got a couple numbers under your belt and have built a little bit of your inventory, do you often miss?

          Or is acc naturally accounted for well?

          And once the pulls come in for close combat, say at a chance where I wasn't able to run off in time and shoot a few missiles, if I had to pull out my swords (for instance, as a /nin) will my melee dmg be able enough to knock off those last few hit points?

          As well: a Ranger's cost? I'll be new so I won't always go after the best missiles, but as an average player does ranger tend to cost a lot?

          Lastly, if I do decide to go Ranger, what class should I level until 30? I guess war ?

          Thanks for all the help !


          • #6
            Re: Damage

            Originally posted by toole View Post
            What about hit rate at high levels, once you've got a couple numbers under your belt and have built a little bit of your inventory, do you often miss?
            Or is acc naturally accounted for well?
            As long as you aren't too far out of position, Rangers have pretty good accuracy.

            And once the pulls come in for close combat, say at a chance where I wasn't able to run off in time and shoot a few missiles, if I had to pull out my swords (for instance, as a /nin) will my melee dmg be able enough to knock off those last few hit points?
            Probably not. Rangers usually use relatively low damage daggers or other weapons that have good +ranged accuracy or +ranged attack, but those same weapons are usually weak for melee damage (with perhaps the sole exception of Franscisca).

            As well: a Ranger's cost? I'll be new so I won't always go after the best missiles, but as an average player does ranger tend to cost a lot?
            No way to sugar coat this. Ranger is an expensive job if you want to play it well. Not as expensive as it used to be, but still pricey. Arrows aren't going to devastate you for the early-to-mid levels, but there's also a lot of useful but extremely expensive items that Rangers have access to (Strider Boots, for instance).

            Lastly, if I do decide to go Ranger, what class should I level until 30? I guess war ?
            Thanks for all the help !
            If you don't have any jobs levelled to 30+ and need one to open the quest for Ranger, Warrior is probably your best bet. It's the only basic job that's an appropriate subjob for Ranger (and yes, you can deal amazing damage with RNG/WAR, but watch out for the consequences as the monster makes a beeline for you with no way to protect yourself aside from Defender).



            • #7
              Re: Damage

              Awesome awesome,

              really looking foward to a ranger..

              I wish SMRs weren't cheeseballs until 75

              Thanks again, everyone.


              • #8
                Re: Damage

                And just to add a small question:

                is it in any case effective to use /rng ?


                Do bst get a pet that holds aggro well? or an ability for the pet even? Just wondering about a rng/bst that would set it's pet out to hold the aggro and take the beating while the rng blasts it, logical, but does that work with ffxi?

                Last edited by toole; 09-13-2006, 01:12 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Damage

                  /rng gives 3 main things

                  1. wide scan, the ability to see mobs names and position on the map. When camping certain NM it's always good to have.

                  2. activate range weapons WS. Except corsaires, no other jobs can use range WS on their own until /rng. Some Sam uses it for sidewinder in PvP

                  3. range accuracy bonus and reduce shooting delay. For gun shooting corsaires, they can benefit a lot from this.

                  bst - look around bst forum.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Re: Damage

                    Just to add a little more or reiterate from a rng point of view to what icemage has already said.

                    Originally posted by toole View Post
                    What about hit rate at high levels, once you've got a couple numbers under your belt and have built a little bit of your inventory, do you often miss?
                    Or is acc naturally accounted for well?
                    Ranged attacks accuracy is pretty high. For a typical battle I can land 90%+ of my shots. This is due to the fact that at high levels you have ranged acc. coming out the wazoo. I have 56 ranged acc. right now with my gear, I can push that even further if I wanted to but with the advent of sushi, it's sorta pointless. Gear slots are better used to stack str and ranged attack stats.

                    And once the pulls come in for close combat, say at a chance where I wasn't able to run off in time and shoot a few missiles, if I had to pull out my swords (for instance, as a /nin) will my melee dmg be able enough to knock off those last few hit points?
                    You should be engaged all the time, just for that fact that when you want to let off your weaponskill you dont have to wait another 2-3 seconds for you to get into engaged mode. Melee dmg is not used for dmg purposes, if you do melee, it's for TP gaining only. However, your ranged attack dmg will drop significantly when firing from melee range. How significant? I'm using Othinus' bow right now and my normal shots from the sweet spot is ~110-120 with darksteel bolts on Imps in Caedarva Mire. Firing from melee range will drop that down into the 70s.

                    As well: a Ranger's cost? I'll be new so I won't always go after the best missiles, but as an average player does ranger tend to cost a lot?
                    Yes. Plain and simple, you will need a decent consistant income. You will want to get decent ammo. At higher levels you can use lesser ammo for normal ranged attacks, but for weaponskills you'd want to use the best ammo available for the best acc/dmg possible.

                    Lastly, if I do decide to go Ranger, what class should I level until 30? I guess war ?
                    Thanks for all the help !
                    I would suggest taking Mnk to 18, get your subjob. Take war/mnk to 30, get your nin quest and rng quest finished. Take nin to 30, then you will be set up to level 61. You can then level ranger for a while and when you have the urge/time, finish off both war and nin subjobs to 37.

                    Good luck.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #11
                      Re: Damage

                      Awesome, great break down omni.


                      • #12
                        Re: Damage

                        on a side note, MMS RNG can do some nice enfeebling to the mob not just DMG.
                        Blind bolts : Blind on mob
                        Acid bolts: lowers defense by ALOT
                        Sleep bolt: oh well >.>
                        Bloody bolt: drains HP
                        and DD bolts, like holy bolts which does ALOT of additional DMG light.

                        75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


                        • #13
                          Re: Damage

                          Originally posted by toole View Post
                          And just to add a small question:

                          is it in any case effective to use /rng ?


                          Do bst get a pet that holds aggro well? or an ability for the pet even? Just wondering about a rng/bst that would set it's pet out to hold the aggro and take the beating while the rng blasts it, logical, but does that work with ffxi?

                          /RNG isn't unheard of on SAM, THF and COR. In COR's case its quite honestly the most powerful subjob for them. Sharpshot, Barrage and the Accuracy bonuses from RNG are nice to have at various points for jobs that have good skill with ranged weapons.

                          As far as RNG/BST goes, I think I know what you're trying to go for here in comparison to other Ranger-type MMO jobs. /BST is a tricky little subjob, where all other subjobs have abilities that are typically half the main job level, for /BST to work at every level you actually need BST main to be your other main's level.

                          As for pets holding aggro, even as BST main, pet tanking is rather delicate. One good samaritain coming by to cure you can pretty much demolish all hate you've tried to establish with your pet. Even now, I can have my pet wailing on a mob for a while, tag it once and sometimes it till turn to face me. Its something you have to get a feel for yourself, but I can tell ya right now, RNG main would never really be helping the pet tank or hold aggro, they'd pretty much pull hate off the pet every time they landed a shot.

                          As for BST/RNG, while BST can actually equip ranged weapons, they have no native skill in ranged attacks, so /RNG would really suffer in that while COR, SAM and THF would get more mileage out of the sub.

                          As for pet abilities, BSTs get a job ability called Sic, which allows them to command their pet to use a special ability when the pet reaches 100 TP. However, the BST cannot pick which attack the pet can use. While this is good for helping the pet establish more hate, it also can get them killed quickly if they happen to use an AoE abilty and other mobs are close.


                          • #14
                            Re: Damage

                            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                            Rangers usually use relatively low damage daggers or other weapons that have good +ranged accuracy or +ranged attack, but those same weapons are usually weak for melee damage (with perhaps the sole exception of Franscisca).
                            Don't forget the Kriegsbiel. That axe is often forgotten.


                            • #15
                              Re: Damage

                              As far as your question about doing the most damage, I consistently hit for more than any other job with a single hit, with the exception of a BLM's nukes. The difference comes in with delay. Even though I'm hitting for more per shot, there are a few circumstances where another job's lower delay helps them to deal out more DoT. Plus post 50 to /war subbing melee's, double attack can be huge (and war's post 25). Subbing nin (and especially with sushi) you more than likely won't deal more DoT than a decently equipped melee DD, but if you sub war (and even moreso if you stack meat on top of that) you should be at the top or near top of all other DD"s (with perhaps the exception of BLM). /WAR is definately more fun, but if you're pulling fast mobs or have a poor tank, then it can be more detrimental to the party than helpful.

                              When you get rng high enough, try /WAR with a brd in the party. Berserk, Minuet, coeurl sub, and a prelude for sidewinder accuracy can actually get rather scary. 200+ damage a shot will make a tank cry.
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian

