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Galka Ranger?

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  • Galka Ranger?

    Are there any disadvantages being a Galka Ranger?

  • #2
    Re: Galka Ranger?

    Disadvantages? Nope. Good strength, decent agility, good HP in case you pull hate. Only disadvantage is Galkas look a bit out of place in ranger artifact armor, but that's a cosmetic thing.



    • #3
      Re: Galka Ranger?

      Could anyone post a picture of a galka in ranger Artifact gear?


      • #4
        Re: Galka Ranger?

        Everyone has there ups and downs to a job. I say be you're a Galka, try being a Ranger anyway. :D


        • #5
          Re: Galka Ranger?

          you'll soon find out that there is nothing wrong with any race/job combo.

          you'll just need to focus slightly more on certain things with each of the races.

          rng is maybe one of the only jobs that do not vary as much between the 5 races. all races do well.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: Galka Ranger?

            Here you go!

            Double Post Edited:
            Here is a real snapshot of a Galka Ranger in Jeuno.

            Last edited by Eohmer; 05-02-2007, 12:26 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Galka Ranger?

              Thank you for all the replys ^^ i think Galka looks pretty awesome with the ranger AF thanks for pictures Eohmer!


              • #8
                Re: Galka Ranger?

                No Problem... like Omni said, you may have to spend a little extra for some gear, but again, any race and do any job just fine.


                • #9
                  Re: Galka Ranger?

                  I disagree with the philosophy that different races have to gear differently for a given job. Even at 75, the differences between races are minimal, barring HP and MP. In any one situation, there is a fixed number of things you need to focus on, and all races will focus on those considerations.

                  For example, would an Elvaan need to equip more Racc gear than a Mithra, simply because respectively they have the lowest and highest AGI of all 5 races? Certainly not. Even at 75, an Elvaan RNG will have 8 less AGI than a Mithra RNG. This amounts to 4 Racc, at a phase when you will have over 300 Racc from skill and traits. After gear, food, and merits, I would expect that you might have well over 400 Racc. How is the extra 4 Racc looking now?

                  Now consider that the loss of the 4 Racc comes at a gain of roughly 4 Ratk. Ratk, while also in great surplus, is increased only by skill, merits, gear (in sparser pieces than with Racc), and food...not in traits.

                  As you level up, you will see that whatever stats in which some races hold the advantage will be increased by such large amounts that race differences diminish until they are almost insignificant.
                  Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
                  Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
                  Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

                  Bismarck Crafting Services
                  My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


                  • #10
                    Re: Galka Ranger?

                    Originally posted by Dryhus
                    I disagree with the philosophy that different races have to gear differently for a given job. Even at 75, the differences between races are minimal, barring HP and MP. In any one situation, there is a fixed number of things you need to focus on, and all races will focus on those considerations.
                    as minimal as you can say, all gears combined + few merits could barely make your Lv 75 rangers stats look like other races

                    For example, would an Elvaan need to equip more Racc gear than a Mithra, simply because respectively they have the lowest and highest AGI of all 5 races? Certainly not. Even at 75, an Elvaan RNG will have 8 less AGI than a Mithra RNG. This amounts to 4 Racc, at a phase when you will have over 300 Racc from skill and traits. After gear, food, and merits, I would expect that you might have well over 400 Racc. How is the extra 4 Racc looking now?
                    Elvaan has 11 less AGI than Mithra at 75. So it's 5.5 racc
                    an extra tiny piece of AGI or racc still matter.

                    to change mob evasion from high to low, you need 40 (ranged) accuracy. The statement holds true regardless of how high your racc is

                    As you level up, you will see that whatever stats in which some races hold the advantage will be increased by such large amounts that race differences diminish until they are almost insignificant.
                    actually, it's pretty much the other way around
                    you don't find elvaan have 11 less AGI than mithra at lv 30 or 7 more STR than mithra.
                    The gap is getting bigger as you level

                    In conclusion, race does matter.. more than your gear at the endgame
                    but it doesn't neccessarily such race is not good for playing RNG

                    My FFXI Doc


                    • #11
                      Re: Galka Ranger?

                      Stop scaring the poor kid. EVERY race will need to focus on certain items and gear for ANY job they choose to play, including Ranger. We were being general in the sense that he has to choose wisely what he gets to be effective. And that I'm sure he'll learn as he levels up.


                      • #12
                        Re: Galka Ranger?

                        Originally posted by Dryhus
                        I disagree with the philosophy that different races have to gear differently for a given job. Even at 75, the differences between races are minimal, barring HP and MP. In any one situation, there is a fixed number of things you need to focus on, and all races will focus on those considerations.

                        For example, would an Elvaan need to equip more Racc gear than a Mithra, simply because respectively they have the lowest and highest AGI of all 5 races? Certainly not. Even at 75, an Elvaan RNG will have 8 less AGI than a Mithra RNG. This amounts to 4 Racc, at a phase when you will have over 300 Racc from skill and traits. After gear, food, and merits, I would expect that you might have well over 400 Racc. How is the extra 4 Racc looking now?

                        Now consider that the loss of the 4 Racc comes at a gain of roughly 4 Ratk. Ratk, while also in great surplus, is increased only by skill, merits, gear (in sparser pieces than with Racc), and food...not in traits.

                        As you level up, you will see that whatever stats in which some races hold the advantage will be increased by such large amounts that race differences diminish until they are almost insignificant.
                        Actually there is a ton of R.Att. gear though with the equipment I have gear alone I can push Racc. to a max of 65 more or go the Other way and max Ratt. up to I think it was 200 more in Ratt.

                        Really I use to complain a lot about other jobs having gear that got their R. Acc. close to RNGs, then I started mathing out all the gear. Create a database to calculate it coming up with near 14 Quintillion Combinations and showed that RNGs ability to push R. Att. up was just incredibly insaine how you can go.

                        Unlike other jobs were they could maybe push Rng. Att. to about a 50% increase, with the gear and foods you can use for RNG you are able to increase your Rng. Att. to nearly 110% what your Rng. Att. would be without that gear. That is excluding the use of WAR's Berserk and Warcry, add those in and you are getting like 215% Rng. Att. boost.

                        With the insaine increase to Rng. Att. that a RNG could do I've beleived more and more that the RNGs real strength is getting overshadowed by "Utsusemi: Ichi". I mean to push a stat that insainly high only reason to do that would be to have it break a curve calculation were the higher you go the less effective it becomes. Believe even more when they give you a merit ability that lets you make a shot at reduced enmity.

                        Not to add that at the same time you are getting this huge rng. att. boost you gain I think it was -10 enmity. I'll have to look at it again, probably compact down the systems calculations so it isn't calculating through 14 Quintillion combinations.

                        Lol, dang guess the calculation is to high for me to keep it in this state. Guess I'll have create a data cube flatten out the processing more to help it along.
                        Last edited by Macht; 08-08-2006, 10:26 AM.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Galka Ranger?

                          I know of a couple on my server, and they hit like trucks.

                          [75NIN] | [75RNG] | [64NPC]
                          [W10] | [ZM Complete] | [PM Complete] | [TA25]
                          San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
                          Current: Apocolypse Nigh

