I lost my lvl71 WHM(who was incredibly outfitted) /cry... after being gone from the game for a good bit. So, I'm starting over, from scratch. I played around w/RNG before, and I liked it. At that time, I was sj'ing /sam, apparently there has been a nerf/change since that time though. I've read up on some posts(still have some catching up to do), and was curious if some of you veteran RNGs out there could toss me a bone(not literally).
I plan on going Elvan, for the extra Str for Dmg, though I'm wondering how this will affect things later on. We'll just have to see. I plan on crafting and farming for equipment upkeep. I have nothing but time to play, and I refuse to be one of those crappily equipped Rangers who are spamming Beetle Arrows at 30, and wearing sub par gear, w/a a moderately "decent" gun. Yes, I plan on being a Gun Ranger. Unless that is of course the dmg output has been reduced. I once saw a video, I forgot the lad's name, or the server, Blue something or other. But it was a HNM fight, and I kid you not, he was hitting for somewhere around 1100 dmg, and CRIT for 3kish. I was so awed and amazed. So, now that I have come back after wasting so much time on WoW, and DnD Online, both of which I am sorely disappointed in...I'm determined to be one of the best RNG's(when I get there)the game has ever seen.
I have high hopes, and great wishes, but will no doubt be relying on this community for knowledge. From what I have picked up, /War is great for dmg, as long as you can control your hate. But is it really worth trading out the boost in +Acc for? I know I have a bit of time before I really need to worry about this, but I'd like to plan this out so I know exactly what direction I will be heading. Thanks in advance for replies/comments, ciao for now~
I plan on going Elvan, for the extra Str for Dmg, though I'm wondering how this will affect things later on. We'll just have to see. I plan on crafting and farming for equipment upkeep. I have nothing but time to play, and I refuse to be one of those crappily equipped Rangers who are spamming Beetle Arrows at 30, and wearing sub par gear, w/a a moderately "decent" gun. Yes, I plan on being a Gun Ranger. Unless that is of course the dmg output has been reduced. I once saw a video, I forgot the lad's name, or the server, Blue something or other. But it was a HNM fight, and I kid you not, he was hitting for somewhere around 1100 dmg, and CRIT for 3kish. I was so awed and amazed. So, now that I have come back after wasting so much time on WoW, and DnD Online, both of which I am sorely disappointed in...I'm determined to be one of the best RNG's(when I get there)the game has ever seen.
I have high hopes, and great wishes, but will no doubt be relying on this community for knowledge. From what I have picked up, /War is great for dmg, as long as you can control your hate. But is it really worth trading out the boost in +Acc for? I know I have a bit of time before I really need to worry about this, but I'd like to plan this out so I know exactly what direction I will be heading. Thanks in advance for replies/comments, ciao for now~