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Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

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  • Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

    I lost my lvl71 WHM(who was incredibly outfitted) /cry... after being gone from the game for a good bit. So, I'm starting over, from scratch. I played around w/RNG before, and I liked it. At that time, I was sj'ing /sam, apparently there has been a nerf/change since that time though. I've read up on some posts(still have some catching up to do), and was curious if some of you veteran RNGs out there could toss me a bone(not literally).

    I plan on going Elvan, for the extra Str for Dmg, though I'm wondering how this will affect things later on. We'll just have to see. I plan on crafting and farming for equipment upkeep. I have nothing but time to play, and I refuse to be one of those crappily equipped Rangers who are spamming Beetle Arrows at 30, and wearing sub par gear, w/a a moderately "decent" gun. Yes, I plan on being a Gun Ranger. Unless that is of course the dmg output has been reduced. I once saw a video, I forgot the lad's name, or the server, Blue something or other. But it was a HNM fight, and I kid you not, he was hitting for somewhere around 1100 dmg, and CRIT for 3kish. I was so awed and amazed. So, now that I have come back after wasting so much time on WoW, and DnD Online, both of which I am sorely disappointed in...I'm determined to be one of the best RNG's(when I get there)the game has ever seen.

    I have high hopes, and great wishes, but will no doubt be relying on this community for knowledge. From what I have picked up, /War is great for dmg, as long as you can control your hate. But is it really worth trading out the boost in +Acc for? I know I have a bit of time before I really need to worry about this, but I'd like to plan this out so I know exactly what direction I will be heading. Thanks in advance for replies/comments, ciao for now~
    *Retired/Purged* 51 THF/ 37 RNG/ 25 NIN/ 22 SAM/
    12 DRK 12 WAR
    *Retired/Purged* 73 WHM/ 45 BLM / 22 SMN
    R10, ZM9, CoP Dem/Holla
    AF: Complete

    45 WHM/43 BRD/25 BLM/22 MNK/10 WAR/12 RNG

  • #2
    Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

    Well, Elvaan is pretty awesome in my opinion, but I suppose I have some bias. Then again, I've always thought that RNG is one of those jobs that any race can do well, provided they gear themselves correctly.

    Anyway, I hope you have fun with it. I'm going to be taking it to 40 at least, so I'm sure I'll be scanning these forums for info too in a few months.^^

    Oh, and you'll probably be asked to remove that avatar. Someone had it earlier, and it was quickly removed.


    • #3
      Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

      It really doesn't matter what race you choose, there are small differences in base stats, but its nothing that can't be changed with gear. Be whatever race you want, it'll be all good. As for guns, they used to be the end all be of all of big number damage. Now, with the changes to ranged attacks archery, more specifically Eurytos' Bow, is king. Crossbows also have their place too, but for brute force archery is definately where its at. (Got two turntables and a microphone....sorry, Beck is playing right now.)/WAR definately for huge damage numbers. As far as accuracy goes, you'll be doing more damage and have more accuracy as /WAR with Berserk and sushi, than you would with /NIN with attack food. Macht posted the general rule about it on one of these top threads.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

        Oh, on a sidenote...I'm trying to get back onto Fenrir server, I guess it shouldnt really matter though since I don't really know anyone anymore, but its the one I originally started out on. If any of you guys know anyone who can get me a WP, would be greatly appricated, thanks in advance.
        *Retired/Purged* 51 THF/ 37 RNG/ 25 NIN/ 22 SAM/
        12 DRK 12 WAR
        *Retired/Purged* 73 WHM/ 45 BLM / 22 SMN
        R10, ZM9, CoP Dem/Holla
        AF: Complete

        45 WHM/43 BRD/25 BLM/22 MNK/10 WAR/12 RNG


        • #5
          Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

          Basically from what I've seen while partying with rng (and my experiences as such), it's kind of an effectiveness "curve". elvaan will probably suffer a bit in the beginning with low AGI, but in the higher levels the str will help you out, versus mithra, who have an easier time at lower levels but lack str for the endgame. For example, my rng (who is only 18) was outparsing a hume ranger at the same level by about 10-15% (due to less wiffing), but I'm sure at higher levels that person would probably end up outparsing me by like 5-10% once accuracy becomes a bit less of an issue.


          • #6
            Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

            Originally posted by Ahinjel
            Oh, on a sidenote...I'm trying to get back onto Fenrir server, I guess it shouldnt really matter though since I don't really know anyone anymore, but its the one I originally started out on. If any of you guys know anyone who can get me a WP, would be greatly appricated, thanks in advance.
            PM'd you a world pass for Fenrir, but you might want to see if the Return Home to Vana'diel thing can get your old character back first.


            • #7
              Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

              {Hello!} {Ranger}s! {Long time} no see. Well, I've finally made it to the point, I can start playing the job I wanted to play initially when I came back to FF, RANGER! Making a long story short. I changed my mind to MNK, and it was fun, for a little while, but just standing there ....standing there...while my character was indeed doing noticable dmg...just wasn't all I thought it would be. So, I went back and lvl'd WHM up to 45 w/BLM sj, and BRD to 37 along the way. All this was fun, yes. WHM and BLM I already knew how to play, BRD was something that I wanted to try out, my current LS need's one, so Im gonna take it to 75 to help out. Today however was the day I went back and lvl'd WAR to 10, and then got my RNG job. I was esstatic I must say! FINALLY I get to play the job I WANT to play more than any other. Currently at lvl6 trapsing around E.Sara. I picked up the +1 Lgt. Crossbow, and I gotta say. I definitely noticed off the bat the "nerf". I'm sure this has been hashed and rehashed so I will add nothing more than to say, yes I can notice I do less dmg the closer to the mob I am. I don't mind, I don't plan on being close when Im in a PT~

              Now, for the questions. I was able to lvl Marksmanship to cap on WAR was I was leveling to 10, picked up the best Xbow I could at my lvl. Should I bother with the cheaper foods that grant +Acc +Ratk when I head to Valks/Quifm? I know its pretty much based on "Well, do you wanna put out cash for it at that lvl?", but just a general opinion is what I'm looking for I suppose.

              Secondly, I had a discussion on the sj(I'll do myself and go over the fourms on this one)w/a buddy of mine as far as going /nin for DW'ing Archers(sorry, as much as I'd like Hawkers..heck Hawkers +1, the +2 Racc, and +1 Agi I'd get, just ain't worth the 2mil a pop, friggin sad how much inflation has taken them up costwise), or going WAR, using 1 Archer, eating Sushi, and using Berserk. Again, I'll be going over the fourms to catch up on alot of what I missed. If you wanna add anything to this post, feel free, don't mind in the least.

              Now initially my crafting skill was going to be Alch, its pretty easy to make decent cash w/it, I also leveled food(some), nothing truly noticeable yet though. But my WW is still 5. I noticed its pretty much the right level to start crafting my own Bolts. So I plan on doing that to help out. I figure btwn porting for tips, making my own ammo, I should be able to save up some cash. I really wanted to go the route of Gun, I mean, call it personal preference I guess, but btwn that and Xbow, it just looks more appealing. And iirc, doesnt Euryto's have one of those drop rates that makes you scream if your even lucky enough to get the NM when it spawns? Going the route of Archery based on that is ...humm.. I'd pass.
              I don't want to base my weapon selection on the hopes and chance I get lucky.

              After reading some of the recent posts(info on which was better Xbow/Bow/Gun), it appears I shall indeed be seeking a Bow to lvl Archery with. A minor delay, but I didn't plan on rushing thru lvls on this particular job. To the point I'll be dropping PT's if I'm spending more money shooting arrows/bolts than XP Im getting lol.

              You guys really {rock}!~
              Last edited by Ahinjel; 07-11-2006, 01:32 AM.
              *Retired/Purged* 51 THF/ 37 RNG/ 25 NIN/ 22 SAM/
              12 DRK 12 WAR
              *Retired/Purged* 73 WHM/ 45 BLM / 22 SMN
              R10, ZM9, CoP Dem/Holla
              AF: Complete

              45 WHM/43 BRD/25 BLM/22 MNK/10 WAR/12 RNG


              • #8
                Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                Now, for the questions. I was able to lvl Marksmanship to cap on WAR was I was leveling to 10, picked up the best Xbow I could at my lvl. Should I bother with the cheaper foods that grant +Acc +Ratk when I head to Valks/Quifm? I know its pretty much based on "Well, do you wanna put out cash for it at that lvl?", but just a general opinion is what I'm looking for I suppose.
                food is always good ^^

                Secondly, I had a discussion on the sj(I'll do myself and go over the fourms on this one)w/a buddy of mine as far as going /nin for DW'ing Archers(sorry, as much as I'd like Hawkers..heck Hawkers +1, the +2 Racc, and +1 Agi I'd get, just ain't worth the 2mil a pop, friggin sad how much inflation has taken them up costwise), or going WAR, using 1 Archer, eating Sushi, and using Berserk. Again, I'll be going over the fourms to catch up on alot of what I missed. If you wanna add anything to this post, feel free, don't mind in the least.
                Hawker's+1 is one of many items I would rate that the HQ-NQ performance difference is less than what you should pay for.
                /NIN isn't truely beneficial until 28, neither is /WAR until you are 30.

                If you are going to use crossbow + acid/holy bolt and fight mandragora / bat like I used to on that level, I suggest to go /NIN. I remember clearly it was almost impossible the PLD hold the hate from me (just from normal shooting) when I used that combination

                After reading some of the recent posts(info on which was better Xbow/Bow/Gun), it appears I shall indeed be seeking a Bow to lvl Archery with. A minor delay, but I didn't plan on rushing thru lvls on this particular job. To the point I'll be dropping PT's if I'm spending more money shooting arrows/bolts than XP Im getting lol.
                well the only reason I pick archery over gun for endgame fight is in this order:
                1. PPA's very high accuracy
                2. Selene's Bow (for very high accuracy)
                3. can have potentially higher WS damage during unlimited shot + PPA WS

                on the other cases, I usually carry around my Othinus' Bow. It's good for almost all situation I encountered

                My FFXI Doc


                • #9
                  Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                  Yeah, weapon wise a X-bow/Bow/Gun are versitile for different situations and having 2 RNGs working together with the three weapons available is down right sickening power.

                  For example 1 RNG using E-Bow and possess a PPA and 1 RNG using X-Bow with acid bolts and Darksteel bolts. One using E-Bow notifies when he's going to activate unlimited shot and do Sidewinder, then other RNG using X-Bow switches to acid bolts gets a hit or two off that actually downs the mobs defense.

                  Most of the time when this has been done my Sidewinders reach near 2.5k and Barrage gets close 1k damage. The person with the X-Bow using Darksteel also does well with Slug Shot getting him around 1.5k and Barrage around 600-800. Just crippling to the mob to get hit will all that damage at once and being from two sources hate is more dispursed and a little easier for a good tank to get back.

                  Heck if you got 2 RNGs and another job with decent Markmanship using an X-Bow you can do some crazy stuff with that as well. And since most of the RNGs WS chain with a large majority of combinations for Water or Ice skillchains just a lot of possibilities.

                  Basically it kind of seems to breakdown like:

                  X-bow = Best for effects type ammo (Sleep, poison, defense down, drain, etc...)
                  Bow = Possesses the strongest WS potential and some effects (It's cap on WSs seems to be higher then the rest)
                  Gun = Best DoT damage and more frequent WS (It caps out WS damage earlier then Bow, but can be ready for the next WS more frequently and damage per shot is the best if you are using the right bullets.)
                  Last edited by Macht; 07-11-2006, 08:54 AM.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                    The last TP update bring the Othinus' Bow and other type of longbow TP gain closer to gun (in fact, there's 0 improvement on gun TP gain from the update). they now requires 7 shots to exceed 100 TP instead of previously 8(assuming there's no melee hit to give extra TP).

                    and gun needed and still need 6 shots to exceed 100 TP

                    My FFXI Doc


                    • #11
                      Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                      Originally posted by VZX
                      The last TP update bring the Othinus' Bow and other type of longbow TP gain closer to gun (in fact, there's 0 improvement on gun TP gain from the update). they now requires 7 shots to exceed 100 TP instead of previously 8(assuming there's no melee hit to give extra TP).

                      and gun needed and still need 6 shots to exceed 100 TP
                      Yeah, brought it closer but Gun still that 1 shot less to reach 100 TP. On top of that the Gun's WS damage still better then the O-Bows. Change made X-Bows cover more possiblities but still best effective for effects.

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                        Originally posted by Ahinjel
                        I once saw a video, I forgot the lad's name, or the server, Blue something or other. But it was a HNM fight, and I kid you not, he was hitting for somewhere around 1100 dmg, and CRIT for 3kish.
                        I'd like to see that video, even prior to the RNG nerf. >_>;
                        Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
                        Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
                        Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

                        Bismarck Crafting Services
                        My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


                        • #13
                          Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                          No kidding if that regular shots then I don't believe it. I'd have to see that, and if it's on Sidewinders then still be intresting to see. Reaching 3K on a Sidewinder seems possible HNM must of been debuffed or crappy defense for that.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                            75 Ebow/Selene's/Cerberus+1/Hellfire+1/Culverin RNG's Slugwinder on Borreal Hound, maybe.
                            Last edited by Dryhus; 07-11-2006, 06:27 PM.
                            Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
                            Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
                            Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

                            Bismarck Crafting Services
                            My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


                            • #15
                              Re: Greetings Rangers of Vana'diel

                              With NQ Culverin:

                              Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1

