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Where is everyone?

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  • Where is everyone?

    Where are all my fellow rangers. I just started the job last week I am currently level 25 and wondering why no RNG post here. I check the forums daily looking for some new info on my current job but I still go nothing. Just because they nerfed the job did everyone quit playing RNG or what. I think that RNG is still a powerful DD and I have been consistant with my damage once the right position is found. So wake up fellow rangers help me out. What are the most important things to know as a ranger now and what should I focus on while in battle? I hope to hear from other RNG soon.

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: Where is everyone?

    yep, big lack of rangers now days...
    Hmmm, L33t Pullers at work!
    [75NIN][75SAM] [75DRK] [75BRD] [71RDM] [65DRG]


    • #3
      Re: Where is everyone?

      As an early level Ranger, I would stack every piece of +Range Acc and AGI (a few STR pieces are OK in some slots) piece I could find. I would eat meat and keep both Marksmanship and Archery capped through my levels. Once you hit level 30, XBow becomes as good or better than Archery due to Holy Bolts and Acids both now being available. DO NOT DO A STRENGTH BUILD UNTIL THE 70's!

      I would eat meat all the way through to level 50 or so because you won't notice a big difference using Suishi until those levels because it improves on a percent basis based on your skill. Once you achieve Sidewinder, you'll want to start using Suishi because of its piss poor accuracy and start holding off on firing until you have ~150% TP to also improve accuracy.

      Also, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, do not melee the mob as a Ranger. This also includes running up to the mob after every shot as well and then moving back. You are killing your damage, trust me. Just try to find the sweet spot and fire away. The only time you should ever try to melee is if you are a part of a skillchain and your partner uses his too early and you are still 5-10% away from letting yours fly and it would take too long to shoot another arrow or bolt. You might also try to get in a swing or 2 once you tank provokes and you run by going to a sweet spot.

      Hope this helps. Good luck!
      Last edited by Mainevent41; 05-05-2006, 06:50 AM.
      Message board creed:

      Compromise -
      Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be.


      • #4
        Re: Where is everyone?

        That was exactly what I was looking for thanks again.

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: Where is everyone?

          There really arent a lot of people who still play ranger around.. what mainevent said really covered anything worth mentioning. If you look @ the alla rng forums all of the posts were people bitching.. Which gets boring, so you really dont want to have a lot of rngs neway because we r master bitchers But yeh newho /welcome to bein a rng (yes i consider 25 bein new to rng) A simple suggestion is...dont give up


          • #6
            Re: Where is everyone?

            Macht and myself were a cpl of the very few regular rng posters here. Spider-Dan drops in occasionally from KI to post some test info and such. Really nice data btw, give it a look. I've been dieing to get more rng's on here. Had to actually look and post on KI some to get some info. Glad to have more on here.
            WAR sub for the win.
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #7
              Re: Where is everyone?

              Good to see some activity. Well I was just going to level it for a sub for SAM but now I dont want to stop. Its the most fun I have had with a job so far. I never played before nerf but to me seems to be a great DD and you are always doing something during battle, basically no down time. RNG definately still rocks.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #8
                Re: Where is everyone?

                I still around in this forum sometimes.
                but most of my useful post is located in allakhazam.

                I might try to move some of them here now

                My FFXI Doc

