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need help anyone should know

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  • need help anyone should know

    ok i played this on ps2 stopped for 6 months now got it for comp and gettin back into it. all new and different to me. well i got a 32 rng/war and i need my old macros back. could someone write me basic rng attacks and pull macros? thank you

  • #2
    Re: need help anyone should know

    I can try and give you some of what I use.
    Pull: /p {Ranged Attack} <t> <call>
    I put that as one macro, then hit ctrl+d. I make them separate just in case someone in the pt suddenly has to go afk, or just not ready.
    I have macro's for all of my ws's
    /p Using {WS name here}
    /ws "Whatever ws you're using" <t>
    also for ja's
    /ja Sharpshot <me>
    /ja Barrage <me> I use that as one macro until I start using the CP arrow and bolt at 60.
    /ja Shadowbind <t>
    /ja Camouflage <me>
    /ja Scavenge <me>
    also if you use xbow and all the different bolts, I'd use another macro set for those. b/c of the different ws names as well as quickly changing bolts
    /equip ammo "Whatever bolt"
    /wait 1
    /ra <t>
    I'm not sure if the /wait 1 is necessary, but I use it just incase
    For barrage and ws's I use darksteel bolts, but for regular shots I use holy's, so add a /equip ammo "Darksteel bolt" to the first line of your ws's and barrage macro. Or whatever bolt is available at your lvl, darksteels are lvl 50 and mythrils are lvl 40 I know.
    When you get to unlimited shot and the CP arrow and bolt, everyone uses their own thing depending on their tastes, so just decide what you like and use whichever.
    Good luck.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: need help anyone should know

      check macros
      /recast Sharpshot
      /recast Barrage
      /recast ....
      /recast ....
      /recast whatever.. "Utsusumi: Ichi" or "Berserk"

      i have different pulling macros, one for "Only seeing the mob" and one for "pulling"

      and last one
      /use "*** Quiver"
      or was it
      /item "*** Quiver"
      not sure about that, maybe anotherone can help me out here



      • #4
        Re: need help anyone should know

        Originally posted by Caspian
        also if you use xbow and all the different bolts, I'd use another macro set for those. b/c of the different ws names as well as quickly changing bolts
        /equip ammo "Whatever bolt"
        /wait 1
        /ra <t>
        I'm not sure if the /wait 1 is necessary, but I use it just incase
        the wait 1 is not necessary.

        i use

        /equip range "Whatever Crossbow"
        /equip ammo "Whatever Bolt"
        /ra <t>
        /recast "Scavenge"
        /echo <tp>

        i use two pallets, one for soloing and one for pt. my soloing pallet has bloody bolts and sleep bolts on it, macro'd like i showed above. my pt one just has

        /equip range "Whatever bow"
        /equip ammo "whatever arrow"
        /p {ranged attack} >>> <t>
        /ra <t>
        /recast "Sharpshot"
        /echo <tp>

        so it reloads my ammo if i'm out of arrows, and it shows me my tp if i happen to not be enguaged.

        and for ctrl-2
        /equip range "Whatever bow"
        /equip ammo "whatever arrow"
        /ra <t>
        /recast "Sharpshot"
        /echo <tp>

        so i can shoot without spamming the pt with useless party chat

        my ctrl-0 is just
        /p <t> ? <call14> <pos>

        for pulling. i call this before firing, just toi give the pt a heads-up.

        then i have a barrage macro, a sharpshot macro, and an utsusemi macro:
        /ma "Utsusemi: Ichi" <me>
        /recast "Utsusemi: Ichi"
        you use a "recast" on this one, so that if utsu isn't ready, you can see how much time you have left.

        i don't put party chat in my macros. there is no reason to put:
        /p hey pt!i'm casting utsusemi!!1!! lolz ~~~squigglyline~~~ <annoyingsound33> on your macros. no one needs to know if you're casting utsusemi or sharpshot or w/e...
        Last edited by aegina; 12-13-2005, 06:48 PM.

        ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
        Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
        I live to entertain!


        • #5
          Re: need help anyone should know

          Mmm i dunno if i should hijack the thread but...does anyone know how the sweetspot works for different types of weapons? It seems that i do more dmg with Xbow from a medium range in comparision to me via compass, and i seem to hit moderately...when i get just outside of melee range i THINK i hit more but hit for less(definetly)..but i am not sure...i am just you guys have any experiences with it..? :x..


          • #6
            Re: need help anyone should know

            the xbow sweetspot seems pretty close, and the bow seems a little further away.
            the gun is further than both, i think, but i don't use guns too much.

            just fire a few shots, at varying distance. figuring out the sweet spot seems pretty easy to me

            all bows *seem* to have the same sweet spot. all xbows, also, seem to share one as well.

            again i didnt find the spot too hard to figure out, it just took a couple pt's and i had it down. i found it easier than blink-tanking (which wasn't too hard either)

            ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
            Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
            I live to entertain!


            • #7
              Re: need help anyone should know

              Scroll down just over halfway and find the post by Ukiki. That seems to be the most accurate post I could find.

              From what most have stated (most of them us the distance plugin too, it makes it easier, but almost too easy in my opinion, not sure if I'll use it or not when I start on rng again), the order from closest to farthest is: gun => xbow => bow. Roughly 10 meters is sweet spot for bow. To eyeball it, go to MG in Jeuno and go to SE corner. Your distance from the moogle is roughly 10m. The post about the MH is at the very bottom by Chiem. Hope this helps. ^^

              Aegina, does using a macro with /equip range "whatever bow" not reset your tp? I know one time when I first started playing I went into equip window and re-equipped the weapon I was already using and it set my tp to 0. I dont know if this was a fluke, if macro'ing it prevents it, or if its been changed, but this was the problem I had.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: need help anyone should know

                nice info

                changing weapons will reset your TP to 0%
                i`m not sure about throwing (coming back) and shield.

                changing ammo (bolts, bullets, arrows, darts...) doesen`t set you TP back, but becareful not to switch ammos in while using gun^^ this will unequip your gun and set TP back to 0%.



                • #9
                  Re: need help anyone should know

                  Originally posted by Last_Viper
                  changing weapons will reset your TP to 0%
                  Does the same apply when you switch to weapon already equipped? Aegina acted like it doesnt affect her tp and yet she uses it in every macro. My experiences had told me setting it again to the weapon already in your hand will reset it.

                  Also, as far as JA macros, I have barrage and sharpshot in the same one since lag in battle can take an extra second or two activate it. I'll have to switch it at lvl. 60 when I can start using CP ammo, but until then Unlimited Shot is more just for fun and less for strategic measures.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #10
                    Re: need help anyone should know

                    changing your ammo does not affect your tp, and /equip range "weopon you already have equipped" doesn't either.

                    just make sure you don't press your xbow macro with a bow or gun equipped lol

                    that's why i keep bow (which i use in pt) and xbow(which i use soloing) on seperate pallets, so i don't accidentally erase my tp with a bloody bolt

                    ... now that i look at it, i guess putting /equip range in my macros does seem a little odd. maybe i'll take that part out, but it doesn't hurt anything, as long as you're always using the same bow in all the different macros
                    Last edited by aegina; 12-13-2005, 06:45 PM.

                    ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                    Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                    I live to entertain!


                    • #11
                      Re: need help anyone should know

                      Do you have a /equip ammo line in your xbow ws macros? If so, do you need the wait 1 there? I've heard before that if you dont put a /wait in then sometimes it will lag weird and the ws will go off w/o getting the /equip in time.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian

