Re: Quit your B****ing and read this!
Re: Fishing/Crafting Nerf
You only saw the rusty fishing nerf, but in fact fishing has been nerfed in *each and every major update* since the beginning of time, with the singular exception of the last one.
Quick scan of the update notes shows me:
A new synthesis recipe for black ink has been introduced. In conjunction with this addition, the item's buying price has also been adjusted.
While also a fishing nerf (indirectly) this nerf affected high level Alchemists more, mostly due to the inflationary aspects of these synths.
Re: Combat nerfs
Alone among melees, RNG have been left alone until now (and in fact have gained power with the inclusion of things like added Axe skill). Everyone else has been hit by at least one previous update.
If you honestly don't think RNG is worth playing anymore, then don't play it. I'm still seeing a fair amount of people playing the job, it's still useful as far as I'm concerned, just not broken. Overnerfed slightly? Possibly. Still, I won't go out of my way to avoid inviting a ranger, any more than I go out of my way to invite any other job. Maybe others will, I don't know, that's their loss if so. I still find rangers to be productive and useful when emplayed in situations where they aren't at a distinct disadvantage (skeletons, turtles, CoP wyrms, etc.).
As for the cost issue, while I sympathize about the expense, you also have to realize is that much of the outrageous costs associated with the RNG job were due to its enormous popularity.
The bit about BCNM/BC fights is amusing. RNG were ridiculously overpowered in quite a few BC-type fights due to their near-invulnerability and ability to shoot from extreme range for damage. There's still battles where RNG are the go-to choice for direct damage (BC40 Worms Turn for instance). The difference now is that you can't just throw a bunch of RNG at, say, Promyvion-Holla and expect to win anymore. I've lost track of how many shouts I've seen in Jeuno along the lines of {Promyvion-Whatever} {Looking for members.} {Ranger} {please}. Maybe people will actually develop some tactics now rather than turning every fight into Kirin-style run and gun. Then again, that might be expecting too much from the average player.
Re: Fishing/Crafting Nerf
You only saw the rusty fishing nerf, but in fact fishing has been nerfed in *each and every major update* since the beginning of time, with the singular exception of the last one.
Quick scan of the update notes shows me:
A new synthesis recipe for black ink has been introduced. In conjunction with this addition, the item's buying price has also been adjusted.
While also a fishing nerf (indirectly) this nerf affected high level Alchemists more, mostly due to the inflationary aspects of these synths.
Re: Combat nerfs
Update History : Battle nerfs
Dec 16, 2003:
The system for calculating the effect of the "Shield Bash" ability has been adjusted.
PLD nerfed
"Sneak Attack" will now only be successful when performed from directly behind an enemy. The positioning for "Trick Attack" remains unchanged.
THF nerfed
Apr 22, 2004:
An issue concerning the accumulation of TP with weapon skills that consist of multiple strikes (i.e. Combo, Penta Thrust, etc.) has been corrected.
All DD nerfed with multi-hit attacks (everyone except RNG. Specifically Barrage is left unaffected because it is not a WS).
Sep 24, 2004:
The effectiveness of the ninjutsu "Utsusemi" now relies on the type of attack that is being used on the caster.
NIN nerfed
Dec 16, 2003:
The system for calculating the effect of the "Shield Bash" ability has been adjusted.
PLD nerfed
"Sneak Attack" will now only be successful when performed from directly behind an enemy. The positioning for "Trick Attack" remains unchanged.
THF nerfed
Apr 22, 2004:
An issue concerning the accumulation of TP with weapon skills that consist of multiple strikes (i.e. Combo, Penta Thrust, etc.) has been corrected.
All DD nerfed with multi-hit attacks (everyone except RNG. Specifically Barrage is left unaffected because it is not a WS).
Sep 24, 2004:
The effectiveness of the ninjutsu "Utsusemi" now relies on the type of attack that is being used on the caster.
NIN nerfed
If you honestly don't think RNG is worth playing anymore, then don't play it. I'm still seeing a fair amount of people playing the job, it's still useful as far as I'm concerned, just not broken. Overnerfed slightly? Possibly. Still, I won't go out of my way to avoid inviting a ranger, any more than I go out of my way to invite any other job. Maybe others will, I don't know, that's their loss if so. I still find rangers to be productive and useful when emplayed in situations where they aren't at a distinct disadvantage (skeletons, turtles, CoP wyrms, etc.).
As for the cost issue, while I sympathize about the expense, you also have to realize is that much of the outrageous costs associated with the RNG job were due to its enormous popularity.
The bit about BCNM/BC fights is amusing. RNG were ridiculously overpowered in quite a few BC-type fights due to their near-invulnerability and ability to shoot from extreme range for damage. There's still battles where RNG are the go-to choice for direct damage (BC40 Worms Turn for instance). The difference now is that you can't just throw a bunch of RNG at, say, Promyvion-Holla and expect to win anymore. I've lost track of how many shouts I've seen in Jeuno along the lines of {Promyvion-Whatever} {Looking for members.} {Ranger} {please}. Maybe people will actually develop some tactics now rather than turning every fight into Kirin-style run and gun. Then again, that might be expecting too much from the average player.