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98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by poweryoga
you mean how smns can do over 1k damage, 3 times?
or maybe warrior mighty strikes+ramage for 1.5k damage?
oh, or how about sams with their 2-hr which does 3 skill chains, adding up to over 2k damage sometimes?
I don't even want to mention blms.
ranger 2-hour already sucks ass pre patch, now it just sucks more ass.
you on the other hand, don't know what the hell you're talking about, like most other people that says "LOLOL RNG NRF"
Wow so much miss information... The other side of the fence must be eden...
Smn 2hr:
on IT it does about 500-600. Can be inturrupted if your tank doesn't have iron hate(happens a lot in pinch situations). Also takes about 4 secounds to start it up. drains all mp. can be used after a min assuming you have mp.
Warrior 2hr:
Crt hit. Does NOT increase rampage damage. Rampage already crits. You can use it on other WS though, like decimation. Usually you'll get 600-700 damage out of it on an IT, if lucky... Non instant and can be inturrupted, etc.
This is compared to ees which is instant, can't be interrupted. Usually tops out at about 500 damage...
Rapper 50 Cent squirmed wildly, trying to beat back bullets with his hands when assassins pumped nine shots into him - leaving him such a bloody, crumpled heap the trio fled believing he was dead, according to bombshell court testimony yesterday.
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Got to agree with Kuu with what he said. I haven't had a chance yet to test the RNG changes been way to busy just barely got update finished last night
Reading the different accounts though it seems if you are at the right distance then you don't have to worry. The biggest reason I see for it is that RNGs were being used a LOT as trick partners to pull hate instantly off of PLD. This leads to less of an actual challenge to the entire party because hate becomes way to clearly controlled.
Which means with this setup RNG/NIN ends up superior to any other RNG combination because it's the prime trick partner. This totally decimates that potential, so in effect not only hurting RNGs but the Mages as well. Now the BLMs won't be able to go as wild with the attack spells, WHMs can't go as wild with the cure spells and so on.
There is so many dynamics that have changed with this, but from what I see it doesn't seem like they made it that bad a deal. I've seen many RNGs who were pretty bad while farming in Promethia, I've watched RNGs with Silver Arrows dealing a meager 40 in damage pre-patch while I easily did 120+ along with 800 Barrage and 700 EES (I still swear that DEX is the best for those).
Now I'm really intrested to see how my farming in Promethia is effected and also how other RNGs around me do. If there were RNGs getting by in a party pre-patch with this cheezy 40 damage with silver arrows and I'm betting them and with Bone Arrows to boot, I'm very curious to see how it is now.
Here's hopping I can still farm with a duo at least and if not then from how the fellowship thing is sounding maybe they'll come in handy for me
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Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
eagle can miss tho.
There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
My last exp party at 75 had a smn. His blood pacts did between 400-1,500k when they hit. Big range of damage. So he could 2hour and potentially do up to 4.5k in 2mins if all hit for near max dmg (which is highly unlikely). Average though was 800-1k.
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by Rones
My last exp party at 75 had a smn. His blood pacts did between 400-1,500k when they hit. Big range of damage. So he could 2hour and potentially do up to 4.5k in 2mins if all hit for near max dmg (which is highly unlikely). Average though was 800-1k.
I've never seen SNM 2hr do more then 800 on VT or higher... most likely it was lvl 70 bp which strickly speaking, is more powerful then 2hr's at that point, except being non AoE.
You'll never see a lvl 75 SMN do 2hr if he could help it...it's just not worth it.
With that said, Garuda Preditor claws is a 4x attack. Can do anywhere from 200-> 1.5k+ ...depends on how much you stack acc on your avatar vs monster level. But What you saw was that, probably NOT 2hr.
At least rangers can ees after an attack because it's instant. if you're point blank ees, it's your supidity...I mean come on, an instant timing EES, and you can't even step back a few steps?
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by Rones
My last exp party at 75 had a smn. His blood pacts did between 400-1,500k when they hit. Big range of damage. So he could 2hour and potentially do up to 4.5k in 2mins if all hit for near max dmg (which is highly unlikely). Average though was 800-1k.
Yeah's that a lv. 75 though and likely not on a IT or IT+ monster which will make sense for the 400-1,500k. Shoot my EES on stuff that isn't IT or IT+ would knock out 800 - 1000 damage pre-patch still got to see what it's like now. I know most of the stuff posted here usually I've had to take with a grain of salt, I'm well aware from my personal experiences with my classes that many people are quite poor in developing a proper controlled test.
Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by Macht
Yeah's that a lv. 75 though and likely not on a IT or IT+ monster which will make sense for the 400-1,500k. Shoot my EES on stuff that isn't IT or IT+ would knock out 800 - 1000 damage pre-patch still got to see what it's like now. I know most of the stuff posted here usually I've had to take with a grain of salt, I'm well aware from my personal experiences with my classes that many people are quite poor in developing a proper controlled test.
Yea...have to be skeptical...and that 1.5k rampage comment... it's...just not likely possible. 2hr and ramapge just don't get along together, but people still chuck them in...
It's like when ffxi hit NA, people were going "OMFG can you imagine if I stack hundred fist and Mightly strike together"...conviently forgetting the fact you're not an Crystal warrior and can't invoke both 2hrs
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by kuu
Wow so much miss information... The other side of the fence must be eden...
Smn 2hr:
on IT it does about 500-600. Can be inturrupted if your tank doesn't have iron hate(happens a lot in pinch situations). Also takes about 4 secounds to start it up. drains all mp. can be used after a min assuming you have mp.
Warrior 2hr:
Crt hit. Does NOT increase rampage damage. Rampage already crits. You can use it on other WS though, like decimation. Usually you'll get 600-700 damage out of it on an IT, if lucky... Non instant and can be inturrupted, etc.
This is compared to ees which is instant, can't be interrupted. Usually tops out at about 500 damage...
I have a 73 smn, and my 2-hr have done steadily, 600-800 damage EACH, on IT mobs. You can use that 3 times over the course of 3 minutes. Regardless of start up time, its more damage.
Warrior 2-hr makes crit hits. 5 hits from rampage (6 if you use a 2-hander) all crit. Lets not count in double attacks, mmk? Oh, after the rampage goes off, go ahead and continue critting on all your subsequent hits till it wears off for 150~ a hit. You can interrupt this as well as you can interrupt normal attacks and weaponskills: impossible unless monster stuns you.
please, EES is crap before the patch, its even worse now. 500 damage is nothing compared to the effects, or damages of what most other 2-hrs do.
I do not agree with the nerfing of EES along with ranged attacks in general. There *should* be a reason why you can only use it once every two hours.
All Nations: Rank 10
Rise of the Zilart: Complete
Chains of Promathia: Complete 75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by poweryoga
I have a 73 smn, and my 2-hr have done steadily, 600-800 damage EACH, on IT mobs. You can use that 3 times over the course of 3 minutes. Regardless of start up time, its more damage.
Warrior 2-hr makes crit hits. 5 hits from rampage (6 if you use a 2-hander) all crit. Lets not count in double attacks, mmk? Oh, after the rampage goes off, go ahead and continue critting on all your subsequent hits till it wears off for 150~ a hit. You can interrupt this as well as you can interrupt normal attacks and weaponskills: impossible unless monster stuns you.
please, EES is crap before the patch, its even worse now. 500 damage is nothing compared to the effects, or damages of what most other 2-hrs do.
SMN 2hr weakness is the mp depeation and the fact that it can be interrupted. If you got loose hate, a simply IT smack will completely kill 2hr. It has its uses, but if you're lvl 70+, why do you use that? when almost any lvl 70bp can hit higher. + mp.
And have you READ the discription on Rampage??? Basically it makes your hits already CRIT. Crit from mighty strike+ crit from ramage does NOT equal better critical.
Basically if you crit for 100(and that's a conservative estimate) you get 500 rampage with or without mighty strike...
mightly strike let's you get full crit, which usually is only 100 damage or so extra(if any) and for 30 seconds...hmmm... maybe 200 more damage... so you got a big 300 damage increase assuming you don't get slowed down by utsusemi or something. My Mightly strike decimation does more damage then my Mightly strike rampage... which unless I have dual minuet will never go above 800.
In the end most wars will tell you mightly strike is crap-tacular.
EES is one thing, instant damage. if you can't even use that right...well... the other side of the fence you go.
Re: 98 dmg sidwinder and 48 dmg EES!! Check it after the update
Originally posted by kuu
SMN 2hr weakness is the mp depeation and the fact that it can be interrupted. If you got loose hate, a simply IT smack will completely kill 2hr. It has its uses, but if you're lvl 70+, why do you use that? when almost any lvl 70bp can hit higher. + mp.
And have you READ the discription on Rampage??? Basically it makes your hits already CRIT. Crit from mighty strike+ crit from ramage does NOT equal better critical.
Basically if you crit for 100(and that's a conservative estimate) you get 500 rampage with or without mighty strike...
mightly strike let's you get full crit, which usually is only 100 damage or so extra(if any) and for 30 seconds...hmmm... maybe 200 more damage... so you got a big 300 damage increase assuming you don't get slowed down by utsusemi or something. My Mightly strike decimation does more damage then my Mightly strike rampage... which unless I have dual minuet will never go above 800.
In the end most wars will tell you mightly strike is crap-tacular.
EES is one thing, instant damage. if you can't even use that right...well... the other side of the fence you go.
A few things... I have smn at 73, meaing I have used a lot of 2-hours to compare the damage to EES. We're not comparing normal attacks here, thanks. You also get 3 chances to do the 2-hour, whereas EES can miss too. Not to mention the overall damage is much greater even with it sucking up your mp. Did I mention EES can also be blinked?
As for rampage, here's the description.
Fivefold attack with chance of critical on hits.
can YOU read? Mighty strikes makes EVERY hit crit. Not a chance, but 100% ensured. it buffs your weapon skill by pretty much 200% damage than it would, plus a few more hits. It EASILY surpassed the piddily pathetic damage of an EES which is roughly 500 pre patch. probably closer to 300 outside sweet spot now.
EES, instant damage, stop peddling that because its a piece of crap. Using mighty strikes -> WS is instant damage too. Astral flow gets off = instant damage too. Rdm Chainspell -> lots of nukes is instant damage too. See the pattern here?
EES Sucks. Sidewinder does more damage. I use it as a spare barrage because its pretty much worthless in any other situation.
Get your facts straight instead of misleading people with false information.