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The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

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  • The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

    It must be a bug. I refuse to believe these are for real ?.?

    [[ Welcome to the real world of FFXI ]]

    There's a difference between being one of the best, and being one of the worst..
    Before the patch we were one of the best DDs, and now we're one of the worst

    ehhh Wasn't What I expected .... this update destroyed Ranger's job completely,
    believe it or not ^%3^ i thought before the update Ranger will need skill to do max dmg, but the Fact really sad.. dmg down to 40~55% really cant believe why SE Destroyed Ranger's, I'm playing with my RNG right now and i have been NERFED! Not fixed to be more challenging~ w

    It doesn't matter how good of a player you were, you will never be as strong as you were. Not even close.

    anywaay ^''^ link Flash " The End of the World " :.:.:>:

    i'm Ranger75 and nin75 aslo test my nin i'm happy with nin update , i noticed nothing anyway , but about ranger's really sad to see my dmg down that much,
    i quit Ranger to lvl blm or smn they cant nerf blm anyway , if they nerf blm or smn who will do dmg in the Game! since my blm lvl 50 easy to lvl it to 75 after the update w,

    Byebye Ranger's Forum's really was fun ^^
    NIN75 RNG75

  • #2
    Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

    You're an idiot.
    RDM75| DRG75


    • #3
      Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

      ... you took the time to level to 75 but not to find the optimal range for your weapon?
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

        Originally posted by Xyphere
        You're an idiot.
        i concur.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

          Where is that "You Are An Idiot hahahahaha" Flash?
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #6
            Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            i concur.

            But Aye, He is an idiot. But I love the end of work flash. I've seen it like 100 times.


            • #7
              Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

              I'm sorry, but I thought that was the funniest animation I've seen in a while. I would have put funniest thing, but nothing is as funny as SE calling every subscriber simultaneously pressing Retry a DDoS "ATTACK". Fucking asshats.
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #8
                Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

                i'm sorry if this stupid , anyway i know i'm an an idiot good job Xyphere
                i'm just mad about ranger's patch ,

                thanks Jei ... ya i test my dmg with optimal range not that great .

                thnks to read my stupid post , just want to write something , ehh
                NIN75 RNG75


                • #9
                  Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

                  Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                  I'm sorry, but I thought that was the funniest animation I've seen in a while. I would have put funniest thing, but nothing is as funny as SE calling every subscriber simultaneously pressing Retry a DDoS "ATTACK". Fucking asshats.
                  What are you talking about? You seem to be the idiot with that remark.

                  While S-E can be lying,
                  DDoS "attack" is different. There are usually some pattern to them. Took S-E awhile to find out but you can see a DDoS from being hammered.

                  So I rather take S-Es word they got DDoS attacked while people are hitting servers, VS your delusions of having access to S-E network information.
                  Last edited by kuu; 07-20-2005, 01:18 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

                    Tried exp'ing tonight. Even at optimal range, damage doesn't touch what it used to be, ranged acc is terrible, and if you wanna do any damage from your WS, you gotta shoot from a distance... sometimes you pull your party, sometimes you don't. The damage isn't justified by ammo cost. I find this very irritating after all of the time and resources spent on ranger..


                    • #11
                      Re: The End Of The World!! GoodBye Ranger's!

                      expect se to tweak a bit soon

