Please post your opinions. I am a 16 RNG who started to love the job before the patch... please post with your opinions and explainations.
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Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
give up now before you get sorely dissapointed when you get out damaged by every other job all the way from lvl 40 -> 75.
want tp? bad ranged damage.
want damage? No tp.
slow tp gain like a drk but with less damage, or normal tp gain with less damage than a drg per hit.
your choice, either way is shit.
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
Dont lvl Ranger's now.
after i test it with exp pt :
1- Ranger Accuracy is terrible ( There's a TON of misses )
2- Ranger DMG is terrible ( the dmg drop to much )
3- Ranger now annoying in exp/pt
4- Bard's Hate you now
5- also to pt with THF or /THF very bad idea now and annoying
6- Ammo still very very expensive now for dmg like this.
7- not worth lvling Ranger's anymore >
8- very slow tpNIN75 RNG75
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
People will complain about something forever . However TRUE rangers will stick with ranger just as true Summoners will also.It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
RNG pisses me off so f^cking much now. Its rediculous, RNG is now the worst job in ballista. You can 1v1 for shit. Im a 70 RNG and Im gonna continue my lvl 52 PLD =/ I spent so much time leveling my other jobs to a point where I can make gil to LVL RNG. I sold all my armor on my SAM just to lvl RNG, and now I might quit it because I dont like not being able to SC. im in a static with BRD and THF and thats not gonna work anymore.Last edited by Tipsy; 07-21-2005, 01:55 PM.In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
Yeah, It’s true.
It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.
[I love you, Rebecca :D!]
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
I can't believe how much complaining about the change I'm hearing. I can't wait till I got a chance to try it out. This is probably the first Update were I've been to busy to get a chance to try the new changes
From the sound of the good and bad I hear this sounds exciting to me I'm very intrested to see what skill I have with adapting to this new change.
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
Originally posted by MachtFrom the sound of the good and bad I hear this sounds exciting to me I'm very intrested to see what skill I have with adapting to this new change.It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
I think the real kicker is that this change came *really* late for a very extreme change. Players been playing their jobs for over a year, there's so little room for adjustment. It's not like they introduce new way to play rangers, it's more of a sudden slap in the face imo.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
Well I've hardly ever been a THFs trick partner and religiously play as RNG/WAR. I've always been the top damage dealer vs. other RNGs and I've always fought at a distance. I know my damage capablities very well on the pre patch so when I see the sweet spot and see how much I do then I'll say if I think the change is reasonable or not.
The only thing about the change that conserns me is it sounds like I will no longer be able to solo the promyvion areas to any degree. That is really unfortunate too just as I was starting to use anima synths as a source of making money too, now it may be harder to do that.
However if I get into my usual battles and still see that I can pull and 800 Barrage or something close at the right distance on the BCNM40 then that will be great, if not then I'll just have to see how it is still to say.
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
I tried xp'ing last night in Quicksand Caves. In the sweet spot I was still having huge variances in dmg (helm beetles for 38-55dmg) I'd miss a lot (eating sole sushi) and was still getting outdmg'd hit for hit pretty consistently by a war/mnk and sam/war. They were both 1-2 lvls higher than me. I'm gonna go to GC and hit a few of the bats I had been xp'ing on to get an exact feel for what dmg I was doing pre-patch and what I'm doing now. (I'd never fought beetles in QC at this lvl before the patch).
I dont know, its really depressing and making me feel rather worthless in a pt. I want to be one of the ones to stick it out, on the other hand if things dont improve from last night then this game has just lost pretty much all enjoyability for me.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
Mostly what I've noticed, having Marksmanship capped, is the accuracy change. Even though you may get max damage from say max-WS range, your accuracy at that range will suffer. Also, my accuracy is HORRIBLE at point blank for some reason. R. ACC seems best now just outside of melee range(for crossbow).Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan
THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10
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Re: Post your opinions on the new RNG changes
damn right i'm giving it up.
There's only so much that skill can cover. When the fundamental game mechanics are completely revamped to screw rangers over in every possible way, there's no way any kind of "skill" can overwrite that.
Accuracy is WAY down.
Damage is WAY down, with a HUGE variance on top of that.
Rngs useless in BCNMs now: everything is moving. Don't even mention CoP, Zilart, etc because those were hard enough prepatch with perfect setups and good people that know what to do.
Sweet spot damage is still lower than before, same with accuracy. (by about 30~ points for me).
Moving away from the mob, firing 2-3 shots to see if you're in the sweet spot is not skill. Its idiocy. There's no "fun" nor skill required in trying to find a spot to move to and spam ctrl-d until the mob dies.
BCNMs, some of which require FLAWLESS execution on all members parts: rngs are now a liability because of their severe inconsistency. You don't have 2-3 shots to find out the perfect range. Often you are required to do a barrage offhand in order to kill the mob in 30 seconds flat, or you lose.
I didn't spend millions of gil on rng with crapload of merits for it to become an equivalent of a poorly equipped war. If i want to do shit damage, I'd have chosen something else. Rngs were favored for being damage specialists, now they're nothing but a money sink. Eat sushi? Shit damage. Eat curry? shit accuracy and damage anyways.
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