; ; I'm wondering if I'm just having extreme bad luck or is it normal... I'm on my Ranger AF2 quest where I need to scavenge the pond in OZ. I got the ED part done, got the cut scene from the chief telling to search the pond.
At first I came with my 67Rdm/Rng. Scavenging for 4 hours no luck. So I switched to 50Ranger/25Whm and after another 4 hours here, I finally found a silver arrow head >.>
I'm sure I'm at the right pond with parasites.... Any advice? Should I scavenge around different corners of the pond? Or keep trying at the center?
update - another hour has passed... found an arrow wood log and an ash wood log.
At first I came with my 67Rdm/Rng. Scavenging for 4 hours no luck. So I switched to 50Ranger/25Whm and after another 4 hours here, I finally found a silver arrow head >.>
I'm sure I'm at the right pond with parasites.... Any advice? Should I scavenge around different corners of the pond? Or keep trying at the center?
update - another hour has passed... found an arrow wood log and an ash wood log.