..a questoin. I stopped lvling SAM at lvl 61 now i want to lvl RNG, heh.
i have 5.6 million gil to pend on ranger (maybe 6000k if i can get BCNM 20 tonight)
how far will that get me. My friend RNGs on my LS told me 75. I think i couldnt do 75 lol but , without woodworking how much will it cost and with woodworking how much will it cost?
I want lvl 63 and my friend IRL told me it would cost over 10 million in arrows / armor to get to lvl 63 ; ; btw hes a lvl 46 DRG >.> so i told him "dragoon ;x" if thats true .....:mad: then i sjust sold some stuff on my Samurai that i shouldnt.
I plan on buying the Noct +1 set and keep it to lvl 60 when I get my AF. they rest of my gear will kind of be gimped but not so gimped, depending on how much it will cost.
So basically im wondering how much it will cost to get to lvl63 from lvl 10.
BTW, i want 63 cause i think that Fransisca looks really cool with RNG AF and srry if i have bad grammer atm, im sick and i broke my finger lol..
i have 5.6 million gil to pend on ranger (maybe 6000k if i can get BCNM 20 tonight)
how far will that get me. My friend RNGs on my LS told me 75. I think i couldnt do 75 lol but , without woodworking how much will it cost and with woodworking how much will it cost?
I want lvl 63 and my friend IRL told me it would cost over 10 million in arrows / armor to get to lvl 63 ; ; btw hes a lvl 46 DRG >.> so i told him "dragoon ;x" if thats true .....:mad: then i sjust sold some stuff on my Samurai that i shouldnt.
I plan on buying the Noct +1 set and keep it to lvl 60 when I get my AF. they rest of my gear will kind of be gimped but not so gimped, depending on how much it will cost.
So basically im wondering how much it will cost to get to lvl63 from lvl 10.
BTW, i want 63 cause i think that Fransisca looks really cool with RNG AF and srry if i have bad grammer atm, im sick and i broke my finger lol..