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I have....

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  • I have....

    ..a questoin. I stopped lvling SAM at lvl 61 now i want to lvl RNG, heh.

    i have 5.6 million gil to pend on ranger (maybe 6000k if i can get BCNM 20 tonight)

    how far will that get me. My friend RNGs on my LS told me 75. I think i couldnt do 75 lol but , without woodworking how much will it cost and with woodworking how much will it cost?

    I want lvl 63 and my friend IRL told me it would cost over 10 million in arrows / armor to get to lvl 63 ; ; btw hes a lvl 46 DRG >.> so i told him "dragoon ;x" if thats true .....:mad: then i sjust sold some stuff on my Samurai that i shouldnt.

    I plan on buying the Noct +1 set and keep it to lvl 60 when I get my AF. they rest of my gear will kind of be gimped but not so gimped, depending on how much it will cost.

    So basically im wondering how much it will cost to get to lvl63 from lvl 10.

    BTW, i want 63 cause i think that Fransisca looks really cool with RNG AF and srry if i have bad grammer atm, im sick and i broke my finger lol..
    In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
    And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
    Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
    Yeah, It’s true.
    It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

    [I love you, Rebecca :D!]

  • #2
    Re: I have....

    Originally posted by Tipsy
    I want lvl 63 and my friend IRL told me it would cost over 10 million in arrows / armor to get to lvl 63 ; ;
    Depends on the armor you use. You can spend 100k on armor or 100 mil. A peacock charm alone will be 15 million. Level woodworking to 60 and make all your own ammo. It will only take you a week, and the HQ synths will pay for what you use. A RNG in my LS is 75 woodworking, and he said he has actually made money every level (with regards to ammo) because he makes a bunch in bulk, HQ's most of it, sells all but what he needs.

    I plan to level woodworking to 60 myself before I start to level Ranger. I'm not paying 5k/stack for bolts/arrows when i can make for 2k.
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server


    • #3
      like i said gimpy gear, nothing expehnsive, no peacock charm, no LB, no emp pins, maybe like 500-600k in gear till lvl 60 and lvling woodworking while i lvl, can I make it to 63 with 6 mill? I added it up on the calculator , lv10-20 10k a lvl, 20-30 20k lvl, 30-40 30k a lvl? blah blah blah, i mixed some stuff around (wihtout using ww) and it came up to like 4 million, i read another post that said 55-60 is like 150k a lvl so i did that in the calculator and got 4 million total from 10-60, is that corect?
      In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
      And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
      Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
      Yeah, It’s true.
      It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

      [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


      • #4
        I cant say for sure, I dont have Ranger leveled. What I can say, is that you make money back from time to time. you get stacks of crystals, and item drops while leveling. Not everything is pure loss. Also, 150k from 55-60 sounds like BS to me. Unlesss you are in shitty parties where you get like 1.5-2k/hour exp, theres no way youre soaking up 150k in ammo for 15k exp.
        FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
        FFXI: Shiva Server


        • #5
          everyone ask this question for some reason...

          it cant be answered by anyone but yourself.

          no1 knows your spending habits, yeah you say you are gonna use gimpy gear, but what happens when a drk outdamages you and ppl are literally making fun(it happens, not to me, but ive seen it happen)

          dude if you do not have a continuous source of large amounts of gil then rng isnt for you.

          If you do then focus on being cheap and go at it.

          noooo fooking way ammo from 1-75 and armor will cost 10 mil, (even though my bow is worth 15 ATM)
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #6
            I think, 5 mil is about the right price to go to 75 unless you're planning to get the best +1 or rare gears like E-bow :O

            1-50 cost me about 1 million but I kept my level 30-40 gears for BCNM and CoP missions too. 51-75 im estimating 3 millions for range weapons 1 million for ammos. Just a guess tho.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              hmm 4 mil from 55-75? I dont think so. Well you can if you play really gimped. Demon arrows alone cost 15k on pandy. 3 mil in weapons maybe. Even if u make your own ammo (demons, sliver bullets ect), just lvlin the crafts is gonna cost you. just my 2 gil


              • #8
                its pretty cheap if you use bow to 67 then obow to 75. Gun costs a shitload though, I used bow from 1 to 50, then gun pretty much exclusively until 72, and I probably spend... 7mil total. Not including gear. Bought myself an ebow a week or so ago and haven't actually used it, but kaburas are 20k/stack on my server so its gonna be expensive. you could probably get to 75 on 6mil, but it'd be cutting it really close, and have pretty gimpy armor.


                • #9
                  i lvled woodworking to 70 while i lvled ranger. made it much cheaper top do, at least to me when i did it


                  • #10
                    When you get to lv. 30 and higher with RNG your arrows can go pretty fast. When I'm in a good party I do my best to shoot for chain 5 or 6, which means I'll use Barrage more frequently so within 1 hr I can burn 5 stacks of Arrows very fast. I use Scorpions for the Barrages and Demon for normal shots and such. So I tend to have about 8 stacks to last me approx. 2hr. 5 Scorpion Arrows is already about 20k-25k a level and 3 Demon Arrows about 45k per level, so between 55-60 with 8 stacks of arrows per level I spent about 100k-160k so 150k seems about right to me.

                    If you don't use Barrage at all, then aside from slightly gimping your damage you should be able to do about 4-5 stacks per level which is the lower end of about 100k.


                    Hmm, ok why'd the poster before me revive this thread it's about a month old already. I doubt the thread starter would still be looking for this info...

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

